In the rainy evening, alone and wet...

In the rainy evening, alone and wet
I follow fortune's curve.
And when somebody wants to get,
I only want to deserve.

I did it indeed, I planted my seed
In the soul unfriendly dry.
And when somebody wants to succeed,
I desperately want to try.

The madness ruined the city of Troy,
Enjoying the monstrous crash.
But when somebody wants to destroy,
I'd like to build it afresh.

What greatness do you mean to achieve?
What is your recent trend?
Somebody wants to be a chief,
I'd love to be a friend.

The ownership of love, I stress,
Is a base and pitiful shift.
And when somebody wants to possess,
I beg to accept my gift.

In the rainy evening, alone and wet
I follow fortune's curve.
And when somebody wants to get,
I only want to deserve.
