Спецы Wizards
Лариса Изергина
А Васька слушает, да ест.
«Кот и повар» И. А. Крылов
Нужно то, да нужно сё,
а потом – и то... и это...
спецы ютуба знают всё,
от «решал» – не жди ответа.
6 октября 2021 г.
Abstract: Pol. Educ.: A fine store of wits in a social scale lift stall. (An epigram. From the “Dogberry”, “Chronicles of the troubled times” cycles. The author’s note. The author’s interlinear translation from Russian.)
by Larissa Izergina
And Vaska’s [1] listening and eating.
“The Cat and the Cook” by I. A. Krylov
This should be done, and also that,
and then – that... and also this...
YouTube wizards know what and how,
but there’s no feedback from Mr Big.
Oct 6, 2021
1. And Vaska’s listening and eating: a set phrase from a fable, meaning “to turn a deaf ear” (Vaska is a common name for a tom-cat).
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