Defence note
Add to false accusation of the corrupt country: 583170619
I soued the Netanyatty Baboon, and then a giant escalation started.
Not many people experienced such an escalation in their lives.
To sou a politician..Apparently the politicians are dictators,
but the country is formally democratic, and so, it seems like criminals
are holding the state. I criticised, and with a document, that I submitted
to the courthouse, I tried to cause democracy. It happenned a bit,
eventually Netanyatty fell down, and is falling more and more, every day..
Until the Jail...Netanyatty->Jail....That is the obvious future and a fact of reality.
I succeeded to fail Netanyatty..That is because, Netanyatty is marely a Pro-Murikanizer,
and just corrupt with murika and attacks russians. Just a Russist, anti-russian,
and pro-monarchystic, pro-murikakyk, pro-murikano-european, and anty eastern,
anty-slavic, just denying the east europe, russya, chin, just extalling like a white man,
like Hitler (tried and not succeeded)...That politics is a mistake...Post Zionism, murikanizajn
Tetizm. Socialism should be practiced. The jewish socialism, the Zionism..The blue socialism...
Синизм...According to such an opinion, the jewish nation is the whole jewish nation,
including the diaspora, and the Isavelo-born are not a new nation "the new jews",
inspired by the "new eoropeans", the tetisto-extallative, too young way..When people
don't have history, and live dellustion..The delta-epsylon peopoganda, that causes the mind to forget
the reality...The Murikano-Isavelo-lie won't happen..The nationalliy of all the jews is Judaizm,
and it is not a religion, it is history...Actually the Zionizm is Russya, it was inspired by the
Russyan Socializm, the Reddish socialism, the Bluish (J=Beta) socialism....And then
the Jues togetherness...So we are Russyan Jews, who immigrated to Isavel and are
Isaveli by our citecenship, and of course Jewish by our nationallity...The is no Isaveli
nationality, and of course no special human rights outcoming of the birth in the country...
Murika, is an immigration state, and in Murika the immigrants don't have the right to be elected
as presidents...In isavel the immigrants have all the rights that the home-born have..We are
all Jewish...And the Murikanizajn will not be the reality...The Murikakyk Jews are also Jews
in their nationality,,,They are not Murikanic and won't exploit their formal (only formal) nationality
and citicenship to attack Russian Jews. We are Jews and we don't have a Russyan Nationnality,
we are Russyan-Originated Jews who live in isavel and we will not be O-pressed...
We are [] we are right wing...We are men...And sex of a person is a fact of reality and fact of the
future. Our future won't be threatened...Not an economical threath, not a intellectual property rights threath,
not a personality denial threath, not a sex treath, any threatnings will be attituded...This is a warning to
the unjust courthouse, and unjust copea..The copea are warned to back off, and behave democratically
and keep the law...And not enforce feelings. I also have feelings, and try not to make a realization
of all the feelings, and so should try the Antisemito-Russistic state of Murikanizajn "Isavell0"...
I warn you all..Isavel is not Murika, and not an Immigrant state, it is the state of all the jews...
We came to Isavel to live in our state and to be belinging to the nation...It is our nation land...
It is not Murika..It is not an Immigration land...So you were warned, to back off, and don't threaten...
The problem is the corruption with Murika...Isavel is suspected of politization of the courthouse,
monarchyzation, and antydemocracy, and of denying of human rights...Beware of criticizm,
Isavel might extinct, and only if behaved democratically, it might survive...
Now to the actual incident.
The pressure that Netanyatty caused, inflicted a influence on the parents, which are Netanyatty suporters
and are brainwashed until denying the reality and don't remember...And the parents supprted
Kaplotz Aron->Casket, the false "Botanist", which was soued by me, and I won exactly 5000 shekels,
and beforehand exactly 1000 shekels...The "botanist" (by the way not so prestigious job),
complained about emails, that apparently "annoyed", as "threatnings", and the copea
arrested me for a day, and released on condition that I won't send any more email directly,
and I kept the condition. Kaplotz said that I didn't respect the condition, and lied. Also
lied when Kaplotz said that Kaplotz did not contact the medicynyc "Dinner=Drinker", and contacted...
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And was not advised to complain and lied that "was advised"...The dinner=drinker did not mention
my name, even and as well Kaplotz said the name of another Medicinic "The most famous repeater=Yes on
Russya" and where from he got the name is a mistery, and possibly the "Commandoture" "chicken" called
"I am telling from the olds".. Kaplotz said that that medicinic will be the patient of "Dinner drinker",
because the Russyan Men[] have to be under the Russyan circle 0, so Ryssya is Left wing...
That is speculative. The Microbes state they are leftiz..We are rounded square...
Then Kaplotz was not advised, and told fectivic lie on the law inforcement and said that
I am mentally ill person that escaped from medication, and thus dangerous, and have to be
put back to treatment (enthreatenment on my life end), and if not then Jail..Either way I have
to be interrupted in my life, and not to continue, I have to be thrown away from the job,
any job and any employment, and any goodness have to be cursed and every badness have to
be enhanced and shamed...Kaplotz sais that I am defenitely bad, and does not deserve to live...
And have to die soon, before my grandfather (did not happen. I am alive and grandfather died)...
And then after all the lies, Kaplotz, insisted that I have to be arrested, and then I was arrested,
and released, then Kaplotz lied that (I already told) that I didn't respect the request not to send
any more emails directly...The neighbour cursed while went to the "Murikakyk club" the ReL=I G=I
Post Zionyztic layer...Of course Kaplotz and Thermoyal (the neighbour are connected) emotinally
and syncronized..The Thermoyal also complained of threatnings, Thermoyal joined the conflict,
the contest of literature, that I am participating...The political contest..We will wait and what is
the future is unpredictable.. Netanyatty->Jail is the future. The Post zionizm=crime=antyrussystic=antisemito
o-pression, and the representative of the cryme "Netanyatty babun" will be Je=ILLLED.....
Then the parents which supported the bad side, and not the life side (to cope with the moral situation,
and not COPEA that are YNьForcing feelings, or the maddicks, feelings are not to be inforced,
feelings have to be expressed verbally, and published. The nulls who quit and broke emotinally,
and discontinued the story of life can screw themselves and the life-publication will continue to a new day..
The latter publication is the working..And the old is not affecting..The future is to live the day)...
The parents broke emotionally gradually, and started mating..And I accidently opened the door of the
room exactly when my parents were making sex, in exact moment that my father came...
Then I closed the door, quietly..And went to my room...Most probably the parents felt shame,
and also, there was pressure (father testified of moral tention). Then mother, took a paper
from the wall, and in the paper it was stating that I remember that mother undressed herself
in front of me in the bathing house, when I was little, and to be undressed is the offence, and not
that the boy remembers...Then mother recorded my voice to complain about thretnings
(and repeat Kaplotz's complaint, the parents repeated the complain exactly)
or an anomaly...(complain to mad-dicks)...Then I went to buy beers, and the Cow, my ex-girlfriend,
suddenly stopped the car in the middle of the street, and I also stood..Suddenly I realized that the Cow
is Mad of Anger, and started driving towards my direction and went close to me with the car, and
I menaged to jump aside a little, and shouted "Fat cow", and continued walking (I did not complain because,
the fat cow is ex-copea, and I am suspected falsly many times, I have little legitimation of copea
and the copea wouldn't have believed..) And went home..The mather sat near a table with a bottle of
mineral water, that is the name of the niece, that lives in the Murykanya..The water is called the
Zeroes water, and it is the digit zero on Grээk L'ton gauge...And I threw the bottle to the window.
Because it irritates me, it causes communication with idioto-bebillo-ball won -ka..The monkey..
The communication warks always..Despite the distance. Thelepaty and not always so pleasant...
Then my mother stared talking and said.. You cannot work anymore, you cannot rent an apartment,
and father said, that the neighbour from the last apartment punched my fact (also stole my credit card,
cheques, and ID card) and it proves that I can't get along with people...And therefore I have to
(according to the parents then) (the niece is saying that I am below herachyonically, and nicknames herself
"Gibbushka"..Gibush is a exam-days in the start of the military service..The niece tries to sit on my military
word ("MEALL")...В->0 and re []0 the way.."DO"...
I felt anger. The parents supported all my enemies. The Kaplotz, the neighbour "Cir Gay", The netanyatti,
the disciplinary commytete..By the way I few days ago, then, soued the complainer, the mountain goat,
actually a money the repeater of Q R, the KarKaring of the the KarKars..And eventually defended by
some KarKar QarQar, name...And then the escalation started. Because of the start of trial..The
courthouse, appointed an Monarchyzto-Religiozo-Corrupto-Feminazizto-Unloyal and unjust judge,
called Heavy talker. Talking from the "heavy" like telling from the height, and the heavy are
the olds, oldz in the state. Obviously I am light.. Younger brother, an immigrant and young..And the olds
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are the institution "the criminal kakademy", the netanyatty, the complainer stated that I am young
in the laboratory...But a man is heavier than a 0...[] > 0 and I am a man, so the 0 = wrong...I should have won
the case...The Government 0 against the people [].. People square win!!!!!!!!
Then I was nervous, and feeling betrayed, and the parents just submitted to the post-zionistic
Murikanic opinion, that we are foreigners in the state, also the Thermoyal (later)..
We are Jews, we live in our own country. I am with the nationality and not a minority...
Community war should end, and community war in antisemitizm-like phenomenon.
The murikanic Jews tried to run over the Russyan Jews....Murikakaz stop the 0-pression, we
are not NULLS, we are []..And then, due to the anger, I took bread from the table, and then,
the mather grabbed the towel, and started hiiting my face and eyes, and shouting:
"The bread is ours!!!!!!!!!The electricity is not free!!!!!!!!!!!"
By the way in childhood, by bigger brother Borusik injured my hand...The family 0-pression
caused me damage..Also my mather put me in a mental institution, and also caused me a
circummscision, and as well an cirJury in my eye (without need and just of saddizm)...
My parents caused me a lot of physical and emotional damage, and when my mather
hit my face with a towel, she hurt my eyes, and I have sensitivity in my eye, I suddenly
felt nerves, and gave a punch back, to the nose, and the punch was instinctive, and resulting of
self-defence, and so the further hittings are prevented. I saved my health from damage,
mather was hysteric..Then Mather attacked back with a punch to my shoulder...Then I went to my
room, and the father shouted: "You are aware of WHOM you just punched?!!"(seemed like that I punched
the government..Maybe the pussy=inь", and punched my face, and caused me to fall on the sofa...
And tried to grab my hands, and I released myself somehow, and took my things, that I prepared
beforehand, because I felt threatened, and predicted the incident, and tried to exit the building...
And my father prevented, and I closed the door, and jumped from the balcony..And escaped
the neighbourhood, and went to rest near a village. By the way, my mather hit me as well
beforehand, some time ago, and I did not attitude...Mather trend to hit me...Because,
of being emotionally against because of Muryka, because of my brother, and nieces,
and as well Brother's wife also KARKAR QAR QAR S ING....The family name my heart containst hate...
There is conflict of interests, and my Brother betrayed and believed in Muryka, and we are
Rassyan born...And I soud the Netanyatty and the conflict is all the time...
Isavel is not an immigrant state, it is the Jewish state..We are not below anyone...
The punch was self defence. I was falsly - politically accused...
Accusation is fuck in the ass...I won't be fucked in the ass, especially falsly...
The courhouse will give full redeeming and monetary compensation of 1000000 shekels..
And no sanctions. And a release of all accusations, despited the third party people,
that are not related to the incident and the complaing, the "the interessants"...
The family in the states, also in CanNada (by the way also Kapltz)...We are with L'NN...The
most famous repeater. Repeater of the monarch's way. The []0 the classification of humanity..
The KLS...The alfa beta gammyzajn, actually alzo delta-efes(strong)...
I am aware of the monarch's way, and I am []..Rounded square,
and I also have human rights..And I also won't be violated. The parents are offenders...
Maybe the parents are bad parents...They regretted, and asked to cancel the complaint before the
false accusation..The copea, due to third party (Netanyatty, Kpltz, Thermoyal, The KommyTETE,
Brother's family, due to promurikakaz, post-cionyztic - corrupt bribed bad)... Some bad copea
bad people accused a good person, for him being right, and uniqe, and a writer, that published Knigs,
and a lot of publication..Not only the government doesn't appreciate the publication, democratic
achevement, it attacks out of competition...We have a conflict of interests....
A publication-political conflict..Isavel took brybary and brybary comes with education,
of how to build Muryka in Isavel..Then we are immigrants and have no political rights,
we have to be modest, and not pose, and live from mercy..We are not immigrants,
we are Jews in our Jewish country (Zionizm)..The post-Zionistic Murykakyk Bribo-corrupto crime
will end!!!!!!!!!!!!I mean you, me JEADJE...
1. Self defence
2. The punch was justified
3. I am unique and I am a publicatr
and of course all rights are reserved
4. I am myself always
5. I won't be denied or objectificated
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6. The Isavello-Antesemito-Corrupto-Criminallo Badness will just retreat with tail in between the legs!!!!
7. I will be monetraily compensated
8. The amount of shekels will be 1000000
If not. Supreme court....
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