Oh, how I am drawn to look into your eyes...

Авторский перевод на английский стихотворения
“Как я хочу в глаза твои глядеть …”

Oh, how I am drawn to look into your eyes,
To conquer you with love and to monopolize,
Not to be frightened, not to run away,
Possessing you and choosing to obey!

But then I speak amiss, in spite of all,
And loosing every chance, I’m either an arroyo
Or an untimely drying waterfall.
I am the dying lightning-struck sequoia.

In vain, I try to borrow the stars
Of wisdom that accrued through the ages:
A mystery of heart with seven bars
And locks that had perplexed the better sages.

My destiny’s burlesque, a cruel mock:
The poisoned bait, disguised as love and luck.
It was a secret blaze beneath your brow.
It vanished, I don’t know why or how.

Who froze your lips, preached Temperance on and on
And brought her as the Queen of your wine vault?
A noble simplicity of love, was it your fault?
Perhaps, my frankness was the guilty one?

My hesitation played a role for sure:
Excessive thought had cooled the passion down.
But let me look again into your pure,
Magnetic eyes to see what made me drown.
