Love makes from me someone better...

I love you and your love makes from me someone
better than I am and was.
How lucky I am, and I know now exactly 
if all the world,
especially its Muslim countries
with more than two billion populations,
just fell in love with USA and West
and their free spirit and culture of democracy,
without resisting to that great feel, revelation
so blindly, unnatural and crazy
getting down us deeper in that cursed mutual hatred,
distrust, disbelief and dishonesty
which our innate unity
so wrecks, tears apart and polarizes
deadly and catastrophically. 
If only once for all
we can stop this madness and tendency idiosyncratic,
which pulling us on this slippery route
right to the hell,
our World were changed to better side dramatically
and we soon reached the nearby stars
and our life were being much more safe,
happy, powerful, great and prosperous, dear comrades,
from Africa, Europe, Asia - elsewhere
so long and dangerously
stuck on this planet in mutual fight
so frailly hanging amid terrific dark void of space
this blue,green and silver sphere. 
