No time, no place
There is a place for everything. Hooray.
The vacuum has energy of mind.
There is no love that I have left behind.
There is no time, for time is an illusion.
We're hot to trot to instrument cold fusion.
We are but waves of a forever ocean
And every drop reflects it, in proportion.
And every drop of tears, blood, and sweat
Reminds you of a dream you never had,
Reminds you to remember to forget
All that you've learned, without a regret
Before you are reborn, as if from scratch
When someone with a scepter lifts a latch.
And then one day you think to leave the wheel,
These airy meadows, with grass that's made of steel...
A star is born among a myriad stars.
So much of alchemy in those lucky charms.
No time for anything. "No country for old men".
You lose the game of asking, "Try again?"
You win the game and get a chocolate coin.
You pour the wine and cut the tenderloin.
The movie is "The Matrix". You're Cypher.
And you retain the coin, to pay the piper.
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Алексей Новоторов 30.11.2021 12:34 Заявить о нарушении
Мдя, ну читая их, видишь некую сухость. У Набокова даже, в его англо стихах.
Но буду пробовать цветастее :)
Black Spirit 01.12.2021 02:00 Заявить о нарушении
The Foreshadowing
The foreshadowing of the harrowing narrowing of being...
The apple of discord that’s both self-nurturing and self-peeling.
On the one hand side, that’s kind of appalling, on the other it’s kind of appealing.
Life is a self-destructive creative process that’s both ailing and healing.
The heretofore unfamiliar processes manifest themselves and waltz around.
Gnomes joyfully recite undecipherable allegories and stomp their pointy clogs against the ground.
Billowing smoke is clouding up the inside of the sphere encrusted with diamonds and sapphires.
Entities from the manifold dimensions are all here for the party showing off their attitudes, their regalia, their attires.
Fires, fires have broken out in some corners of the castle floating through the air.
This castle is just as much everywhere as it is neither here nor there.
The harpsichord is teaming up with a hurdy-gurdy for a serious razzle-dazzle.
Doctor Cornelius is falling upwards into the sky with his favorite phrase "I’m so frazzled".
The foreshadowing of the sinewy figurehead riding the proverbial pale horse...
After Cornelius abolished duality, no one could make heads or tails of it, let alone say if things have gotten better or worse.
In fact, even the shadowing we’ve been talking about could no longer be fore or aft.
Even the canary in the mine gave up on the business of telling you whether you get the shaft.
The foreboding that something is about to go haywire, go awry, go wrong
Is in the same venue as the feeling that something’s been marinating in its own juices for way too long.
Something’s been bugging us, begging to be pronounced,
Just like the head of a gang of intergalactic marauders who turns his horns westward and says: "We’re done here, let’s bounce!"
So this is the end, my friend, the beginning, the above and beyond, and the sweet beyonder.
This is the hide-and-seek without being able to tell if it’s getting warmer or getting colder,
Not dissimilar to throwing a dart.
This is us, succeeding at chasing our own tails:
"If you take us now in all this magnificent glory we promise to spare you some of the juicy details,
Cross our heart!.."
Black Spirit 01.12.2021 02:25 Заявить о нарушении
Алексей Новоторов 02.12.2021 11:44 Заявить о нарушении
Но конечно дело не в словаре, это ясно. А в общей выразительности. В английском у меня этого нет. Не знаю, функция ли это моей англо-ограниченности или русский просто много более многогранен.
Интуитивно, я склоняюсь ко второму.
Black Spirit 02.12.2021 18:13 Заявить о нарушении