To their apartment deep by Emily Dickinson
Их крова низкий свод
галдёж не содрогнёт;
сей дом неколебим
никем, Творцом одним...
Под тех покоев свод
шумиха не вползёт;
покой их нерушим
никем, Творцом одним.
(Два вероятных варианта при трудночитаемом почерке Сью.
Комментарий из Архива ЭД:
1. To] over In
1. their] this
3. Untumbled] Untroubled
One suspects that the copy Mrs. Bianchi prepared for publication
she derived from her mothers transcript, not from the holograph.
Sue's handwriting is unusually difficult to read, and the two
altered words bear a most deceptive likeness in her mother's
transcript to the ones she chose.)
To their apartment deep by Emily Dickinson
To[In] their apartment deep
No ribaldry may creep
Untumbled this abode
By any man but God --
To[In] this apartment deep
No ribaldry may creep;
Untroubled this abode
By any man but God.
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