
 В жизни все можно пережить, кроме бесконечного процветания.

Less inhibited, more abundant-
We all crave for comfort in life,
But sometimes wise people tell us
To give up on wealth.

Have they ever tried
To practice what they preach?
Do they know the difference
Between bedsheets made of silk
And a terrifyingly cold and utterly rot-reeking
Railway station waiting-room?

Where would they prefer to pass some time?

Have they ever noticed
A distinct contrast between a fresh exotic fruit
And the one that was grown
In a dry place, with not enough fertilizers on a small field?

Have these wealth-haters
Ever tried to raise a significant sum
To help someone?

If they knew
The depth of their ignorance,
The hardness of their prejudice,
They wouldn't have tried to overthrow the idea of capital.

Wealth stems from diversity and precision,
So acceptance is vital,
But so is attention
As we step up
On a pile of papers,
Or as we manufacture
New colours and sounds.

I do not know all the laws of attraction,
But I always wish people to be prosperous
And live in abundance
Which is based, ideally,
On a consequence of wise, strong, timely
And highly focused decisions.

©  Maryna Tchianova
