Freedom from the past

Unless we see the heart with all its rotten
set up, conditioned by the common lures,
the way to love and freedom is forgotten,
which our self-confidence ensures.

In ignorance, in arrogance, in lying,
and minimizing sins as just mistakes,
how helplessly we are so often trying
to shield us from the conscience that awakes.

How often, in the cage of our fears
tormenting us, we are becoming prey
of negativity for many empty years,
that takes us from the happiness away.

We keep the trash of bitterness and rancour,
and by self-pity feelings being trapped,
we can explode suddenly in anger,
emotionally being handicapped.
By making us unloving and unkind,
or making us sometimes downcast,
resentment can devour our mind,
filled with the stuff that’s stored from our past.

It takes our hearts away from God and fester,
producing sinful actions more and more,
by giving room to evil, which could pester
us by the spirits waging on us war.

But when we come to Christ, to Him submitted,
repentant, and not hiding tears’ flood,
then crimes, that before we have committed
are washed away by His divine blood.

Removing fears, Jesus is correcting
our old ways, and when to Him we pray,
He is our souls step by step perfecting
and teaching us by prompting to obey.

And in His love we blossom, being able
to find freedom from the haunting past,
and in His love so pure, so stable
we are released from our sins at last!

