
Why would I use ambagious words to say
You've honoured me by fact of your existence?
Why would I choose to rule my heart in distance?
Why can't I let my heart just pound and sway?

Too honest are the skies for us today,
Our failures are a blink of new horizon,
We talk, we dance, we touch, but barely rising
There is a shadow in our mighty way.

Of simpletons and plain courageous souls
Our world is full, inflicting pain and sorrow,
I cannot say where I will be tomorrow
But I accept my part of worldly toll.

Oh temples made of metal, stone and dust!
Oh melodies so high and everlasting,
You are a feast for eyes - I do the fasting,
But knowledge binds us closer than our lust.

I pray for us to hit all open roads,
To keep an eye on books and our behaviour,
This code of yours has a specific flavour,
I value you for dignity, not words.

© Maryna Tchianova

Devoted to Full Professors and Honourable Professors of the La Sapienza Roma University, as well as the whole Italian Medieval Studies Tradition.
This is a gesture in advance, since only in partnership with the original libraries will our common good grow, and only in-depth research in medieval studies combined with source quoting accuracy and scientific diversity will put the whole European Liberal Arts tradition forward.
