The Forest Fairy and the city Elf. Operetta

 A play for two persons.

 1. He (The City Elf):

 You know, I'm not surprised.
I'm not surprised at all.
Such a girl-
Forest Fairy,
only such a Girl
could attract
my attention!
Only unreality
 in the real
 bustle of the city.
a forest fairy
 in a city stream
of hurrying people.
A forest fairy
with long hair.
A forest fairy with long hair.
Forest fairy in
 a skirt painted with
forest flowers
made of transparent chiffon.
 Only such an unreal Fairy
 has sunk into my soul.
Only such a Forest fairy
 now lives in my heart.

2. She (the Forest Fairy):
You know, I'm not surprised
I'm not surprised at all
Such a person-
A city elf,
such a person could attract
my attention!
Only unreality
in the real bustle
 of the city.
A city elf in
a city stream
of hurrying people.
An urban elf with eyes
 the color of gray concrete.
A city elf in
a plastic jacket.
Only such an unreal Elf
 has sunk into my soul.
only such a City Elf
now lives in my heart.

3.The duo sing the third verse together: 
 You know, it's not surprising.
 that we met in reality.
 Unreal Love
awaits everyone
who is waiting
for Magic.
 And be sure to meet
 a Forest Fairy
 and a City Elf
on your life path.
 You are a Forest Fairy.
 You're A City Elf.
