Fairies and Elves are only in fairy tales. ballad

1. When you opened
 the door to my call,
 you saw me
 on a dark background,
it turned out that you saw
 me in sunlight.
 You saw me as if shining
 on a dark background.
 And you thought
 you saw a Fairy.
 A true representative
 of unearthly beings.

Chorus of the song:
 But Fairies and Elves
are only in fairy tales.
  A fairy tale
 in real life
is never long.
 There are
just those
 who lived
in a fairy tale
 for a while.
 Like an elf
 and a Fairy.
Like an elf
 and a Fairy.
Like an elf
 and a Fairy.

 2. AND I? You open
the door to my call,
 I saw a silhouette,
a silhouette
 illuminated by sunlight.
The silhouette,
as if from
 a window consecrated
 by light,is illuminated
 by sunlight.
 And it seemed
 to me that I saw
a god with a halo,
 like an elf,
 amazingly shining.

Chorus of the song:
 But Fairies and Elves
are only in fairy tales.
  A fairy tale
 in real life
is never long.
 There are
just those
 who lived
in a fairy tale
 for a while.
 Like an elf
 and a Fairy.
Like an elf
 and a Fairy.
Like an elf
 and a Fairy.

 3. And then there
 were wonderful days.
 Both sunny and rainy.
 and there were
 funny pillowcases
 with elves
 and fairies
on the pillows.
 wonderful times.
That's probably
 why falling
 in love lasts for
 a very short period
of time.
Wonderful tender
 memories of our sweet
days spent together.

Chorus of the song:
 But Fairies and Elves
are only in fairy tales.
  A fairy tale
 in real life
is never long.
 There are
just those
 who lived
in a fairy tale
 for a while.
 Like an elf
 and a Fairy.
Like an elf
 and a Fairy.
Like an elf
 and a Fairy.

 Like an elf
 and a Fairy.
