You have told me that on -weekday- Ты казала в пон
--Ты казала в понэдилок Пийдом разом по барвинок Я пришов тэбэ нэма Пидманула, пидвэла
--Ты казала у вивторок Поцилуешь разив сорок ....
--у сэрэду Пийдэм разом по чэрэду ...
--чэтвэрг Пийдэм разом на концерт ....
--у пятницу Пийдем разом по житницу ...
--субботу Пийдэм разом на роботу ...
--Ты казала шо помру Я прыныс тоби труну Я пришов тэбэ нэма Пидманула, пидвэла
You have told me bring on Monday
Starbucks Frappuccino Grande
Ran to bring two dozen drinks
Didn't find you - such a minx
You seem to be a trickster
You aren't very nice
Such young guy as I am
Can not handle all these lies
Tuesday once you told me "Listen
All night long we will be kissing"
I came by - you can't be found
Had me weeping on the ground
You have told me that on Wednesday
We'll go out to lunch together
When I came to pick you up
You have left with some old Shmuck
"Concert tickets get for Thursday"
Promised wearing fancy corset
Limo brought me wearing tux
Got stood up - you know that sucks!
Friday told me - help I need
On my farm to harvest wheat
I have worked from dawn to dusk
Got stood up again - that sucks!
Saturday you told me, Dork
Come and help me with housework
I have cleaned and cooked all day
Then you told me Go Away!
Sunday - get your horse and cart-ie
To the barn for Village Party
Galloped ready for some fun
Met by farmer with a gun
You have told me you are dying
Dug a grave for you to lie in
You still live and look so nice
And continuing your lies
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