Стихотворение на пуштунском

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What can you do, Life,
You stretch your lungs so much, Fate.
If you go far, you will die,
Why else can you ?!

Take your false world,
To the overflowing liars.
You are a murderer, stay a murderer,
You fed the robbers.

Who didn't leave you,
If you were good, you wouldn't leave.
You didn't even appreciate me,
You can't ride a stallion.

Live with the help of ashes,
You are cunning, cunning.
A deceiver like you,
Your provocative cooks.

Don't be so faceless, careless,
The world is full of riots.
Hypocritical, cunning,
Turn off your face, World!

Translated from English by Parvez Hashimi.
