Enamored angel

Angel rejected heaven for love,
Descended to earth to the source of passion
He tore off his wings and became light as fluff,
He didn't need someone else's compassion.

He never thought he could fall in love
Because angels don't know how to love people
But all these thoughts were not enough,
To understand that he will be crippled.

He found happiness in a young man,
Who didn't know about this angel
And he came up with one cunning plan,
Which was full of all kinds of dangers.

Then he left paradise and came down,
To the person with whom
he wanted to be,
He found himself in an unknown town
But finally felt that he was too free.

The angel never reached a loved one,
Bleeding he died on the long way to him,
His blood has dried in the scorching bright sun,
And the man only heard a loud wild  scream.
