my dreams when i asleep

At nights i dont sleep well
And in my dreams I see  past hell
One time
I saw that i am chinese princess
That i join games of King
But can not run
I can not be the number one
I saw that i broke my legs
And one person step  from behind
And  wipe my blood
And gave me carriage
But stayed behind
So i won the chase
The other time
Somebody pushed me to the river
 i was drowning down in water
So deep so hopeless
Water went  to my lungs
Last what i saw is weak light flickering away
The other time
I saw that My pride pushed me married
And loved one shoot me dead with bullet
I saw i run from Soviet to Nazi
I loved one  prince from  Czech
But country of origin called me
And killed for that
Its going on and on and often in the night 
I suffer from death
Sometimes i see a gods
Or river Stix i pass in second so faster then the others
Or hell where i am the master with blue flame
Which torches sinners
I see them all so many now in this years
Or i am a dragon who visit other gods
One time
I was a dragon who sleeps on top of mountain
Bud main god called me out
I fly to Chrystal castle
When I touch floor i became a monster
Worrier Ox  with electric hummer
Then i enter invisible door
And became a princess
I kneeled to god
I listen
He asked me where i am
I looked up
He set on throne
Surrounded by mystic creatures
I feared and sight
He asked me what the time
I said time hard
Then he ask do i want a present
And i say yes
 And to my face jumped white monkey
Nat H
