Dog of goddess

(A la memoire de Liloup)

Like a souls of white north land,
Dog and goddess of snow ahead,
They were livinging between the ice,
And this fairytale never lies...

Times ago, blue stars made their choice,
She got marvelous tender voice,
It has treated so many souls,
Cured those hearts, which were almost stones.

Nowadays voice continues treat,
Souls and hearts which the goddess meets,
Being the princess, it's hard, who knows,
She is pure and through years glows,

And Lilu was with goddess near,
Chased away all her sadness tears,
But the life sometimes very straight,
And it sends you the friend 's last freight,

Its not asking your feels or fears,
Taken out your closest dears,
And you trying to do your best,
Glue the pieces of native nest.

Use the miracle of your voice,
It renew souls, which are destroyed,
And Lilu will be giuding star,
Always close, even yet too far...
