
Once upon a time there was a very strong square.
And also there was a very gully square, a very rounded square...
And the gully square said: "You can't touch me, because if
you touch me, you will have your corner damaged.."
And the strong square said: "I have a few corners, if one of
them will be wasted on you, it is OK by me"...
And attacked the gully square...
And the side of the gully square broke, and the corner of the strong square.
And another squares, who were not as gully, touched the
strong square, a bit on the side, until a sound "L" was heard,
the sound of the broken corner that flew. The squares wanted
the strong square to remember his fallen corner, and to value,
himself and not be offensive...The gully square heard the sound
of the broken side: K!!!!!!!!and then said: AAA!
The string square said during the hit: AAAAAAAFFFFFFF!!!!!!
Actually was trying to say his name: "Alfa"...
