My carpet of flowers love


Imagine, dear friend,
Creation of the carpet flowers.
From words of our souls
And life of phrases.
Your dream of weaving it
With Pulling out
From all your gentle heart & love.

Let Aristotle Stagirite
Be the beginning of your dream.
The structure,logic,composition
Ever should be seen.
The sizes with a patterns wonder color,
Let be inspired from above.

But for your consciousness Is
Much better to imagine,
What are the threads of row's dominoes.
With magic shirt of
Fragrance music, color.
These are the threads of life itself.
That intertwining all your way.

Pretend it? Let us start right now.
Just go ahead and hit the road!
Your dream already sped ahead.
Behold,the very first your row is finished.
With him, the voyage of desired wanderings begins.

Look, there's a bone in row
That's not good.
And smooth of rhyme is sudden stops...
So, all the thoughts will never run.
You have to move it,
Simply put it closer or in a farther away.
And, maybe, just replace it better?
Or better to remove it altogether.
For magic future songs of our souls.

Now,do review that row thrice again.
For beauty ones, the place for them is higher.
Conjunctions,prepositions are your friends.
And on the way, again,my little heart,
For sure, now it's all Okay.

Let all the thought will be complete.
Perhaps you took it out
From a life for better.
And try to put and beat
The answer to your question.
And on the road again, my dear,
Following the thought.

Congratulations dear,
You've passed of a halfway yet .
But Symmetry in Living Nature is not good!
The rhymes that knock like boots
on cobblestones,
For tender hearts and hearing ever hurt.

Along the way, new images and thoughts will be appearing.
Accept them with a beauty paint of feeling style.
And,leave the most of beautiful of them.
Unnecessary & shameful ones let all wil go away.

Yes, decent spelling
With syntax all together,
Let us be saved from the ignorance forever!
Illiteracy is like the filthy underwear.
No one can see it yet,
But if they see?
It will be on the people's Hall of taste & shame!

So,do your carefully look
At what you already have created.
And if your eye is calmly walking,
And soul together with your heart
Will sudden tremble in rejoice.
Then you,my friend, 
Created real masterpiece for people.
And you can safely show
Precious treasure to the world.

And if you get a door mat as result.
Then put it in the worthy place.
Or better throw out it forever.
Forget about it,
It's lesson for the future.
And there's nothing to regret.
Believe me,sure thing!

You have excess of patches left?
So wonderful & beautiful of fragments.
Well, keep them in your heart
Just for a while.
They may be useful for the days of happy.

It's over!Take your final look.
For everything that inspiration has created.
And if you'll suddenly be happy thrilled,
Leave all it as it is,
For mercy of the coming morning.

And let them wait,
Until the wilted flowers will settle.
The dew of consciousness
Wash away all those excesses off.
Your hand of Sculptor
Cut unnessesary off.

You see how soul is singing
And the flowers are blooming?
The pattern of your carpet
Has developed it's perfection.
Your puzzle of flowers is completely done.

But for your short kids-poems.
Let's imagine magic fairy tale.
As beautiful firebird spreads of its tail.
And pure miracle appear,
When whole it's fan
Will opened and shown.

Now feel yourself
As skilled jeweler Master.
Shagreen and loving polish
All the edges with a velvet glove .
And now you can see
How your gem has brightly shone!
Create the treasure frame as name.
Be happy and rejoice...

Haris Soter©2021-2022
