The evening light

This amber light is shedding in the sky,
and sadness, seeping, penetrate my soul.
I’m breathing in the air of July,-
this light and this warmth my heart console.

The life is passing, and one day I’ll leave
all things on Earth that are to me so dear,
and quietly about it I grieve,
although I have about death no fear.

The sight of wild flowers and grass,
illuminated softly by these rays,
can lift one up from any thoughts’ impasse
and leave a deep impact to last for days.
When I’m becoming for this evening hour
no more than an observer, a spectator,
the moments like these, their healing power,
are to connect myself to the Creator.

I see His grace in giving me such sight
of gentle colours, rich of blue nuances,
where this surreal dreamlike lovely light
in tune with rhythms of nature now dances.

I know that the world where I will go,
abandoning my schedules and my duties,
then even more to me one day, one day will show
a consolation in divine beauties.

