Зигмунд Фройд и Пустота 22. 08. 21

In my existence never seen some luck of favour,
I'd time to be a priest and e'en demonopath
I feel so sick like I'm a half-decayed cadaver
Today believe in nothing but the fear of death

Around me everything is plagued by the pandemic
The Putin's virus has subdued the cattle stall
To clean the earth there is no medic or alchemic
Cure and the fools are more than people overall

My land is burnt then swamped, disfigured and afflicted
The shitty leaders keep on pour the poison tea
Sure I won't see them to the gallows pole convicted
Nay forced to dwell in their MOB-made reality:

Intimidation, bribability and squalor
Is what we're still not in but driven to spectate
Here jailed the wise, expelled the honest, caged the scholar
We're living now at the entombment of this state

In fact these funerals go on two decades. Golly!
Some joined the sextons and some went down to the worms
Throughout the process most have fucked up and gone folly,
For years said goodbye to their brains in different forms

Such long-drawn farewell and such plump cretinization
Fit to the psycho-optic scheme of Sigmund Freud
Soon I'll remain the last one of the ruined nation
With my hard rocking chair and gaze into the void...
