Internet dragonfly

Vulnerable,funny,naive soul was looking for happiness, breathing slowly.
Poems about adorations,messages were sent with delicate intentions.
Where is the thread of the web, do not wait for  love,
Spending minutes ,years in search of a beautiful thought  .

You are looking for a sip of a familiar taste  ,forgetting about the tension for many days.
In the questionnaire sheet there are the necessary  lines,
Where you can edit the age neither once, nor  twice,
Where the name  one for different tastes returns you  to the maze of any questions .

You  timidly started  with gentle notes and searched  for what were written between the notes,
 You were looking for a familiar spark of smiles,flipping through those wonderful slides,
Looking  down to that  the time was supposed  to be pleasant,
Thrice  restraining  sadness .

You knew for sure that was not the story that you wrote in "Love Story".
You got burned because of your own stupid game,
Bringing the stranger closer to  shame,
Not thinking  and  not seeing  in the distance,

Trusting the soul,  that  was waiting at a distance that hope inspired and trembled in  your days.
Without seeing stranger's  eyes you  wrote to him, "Hey",
Without knowing the heart that smelled of separation ,
Burning like pain in your own attraction.
