
Author: Vagif GADZHYIEV

Dedicated to Father Seraphim of Sarov

My Angel walked the earth,
Descended once from Heaven.
Enshrined his glory in the flesh
And there hid his soul.

My Angel walked on earth,
Without judging biting weather.
His barefoot imprints
In summer 'n winter's trails.

The souls seem so orphaned,
If prayers lack the dwell.
The sight of his caused laughter,
Two wings were hidden well.

The earthly life’s quite cruel.
Misfortune asp him stung.
As always bruised  by rumors.
The Messenger Divine.

Behold! What amazing day.
Awakened crowd cry.
Epiphany benumbs them all
By seeing wings in sky.

The Angel flies to Heaven.
His voice’s meek and cool.
The earthy flesh still healing
From humans' ripping tool.

My Angel walked the earth…

The drawing is taken from the Internet. I extend my gratitude to the author.
