My ALDI Experience on 3rd July 2021 in UK

30-07-2021. UK, Great Britain, England, Nottinghamshire, Sutton-in-Ashfield

My ALDI Experience on 3rd July 2021 in UK

1. I asked the refund all my shopping straight i bought to re-check the total ;19.21 on 19:13 time after about 4-5 min (my own calculation total was another, so i decided to recheck)
2. Manager Kerry refused to refund , started loudly to shout on me in a shopping floor near tills, she tried to order me to leave all my paid shopping in ALDI and to leave (to make ALDI as a theif of a customer property paid good just on 19:13 by by bank card. I asked to stop to shout on me, i am 60 yo, she was much younger me, Kerry continue to shout on me, Kerry avoided to do her work to scan to refund, Kerry looked having fears of good of ALDI, a strange, shocked, stressed. I stayed here, just asking to refund and so i leave. Kerry avoided this.
3. Manager Kerry avoided, and shouted me she closed ALDI store for me to come to do a shopping.  I asked for what a reason for this? *I have a clean DBS, I am a local, I always did my shopping here for myself and for the help to eldery neighburs too, my daughter with my grandkids spended their family money here a lot too. Kerry said me "for you making refund!"  I pointed British Trade Laws rules for refund as customers rights in UK for each customer. and i asked straight. And I am private pensioner, a low income, so i used a local ALDI on a walking distance from my home, living here for 7++ years since 2013. The closure of ability to buy essensial food items for a ow income person is the death, a hungry death, a method of killing and  ahumilation, a discrimination. German Hitlet time shops closed for Jews. So, I am British Citizen Russian Ethnic, ex-Soviet Ethnic, we are not so aggresive and more friendly polite calm people as a vulnarable to protect themselves.  I mean, i was verbally attacked as 60 yo female, a private pensioner of tesco, a low income person, Russian Ethnic, - may be for my accent as i never lean English as never walked on English school, hard to talk still these shouts on me loudly.
I returned back to home, here was no food. I came to buy a food, i borrowed 20 pounds , so, i worried a wrong total was. I asked re-scan to check.
When Manager Kerry after 18 minutes started to refund, her total was ;19.64 for 43 pence more, as 1st Cashier had missed to scan a cucumber, - i took all items as scanned. here not a table to check a Cashier scan - so, i was right. Total of 1st scan was not correct with a mistake and my ask to refund all shopping helped to find a missing item in scan to recognise a mistake of scanning technique of ALDI Cashier which might costed a loss of money for each scan daily weekly monthly yearly , - so, a financial loss, a missed items , too, worries about possible thieves while just a missed items on a scan by own ALDI staff Cashier. This i am thinking a good help from my side to help to find a weak routine work mistake losses of money.

I mean this is a so cruel to shout loudly for customer in 60 yo for a long for the asking the refund as  a customer rights in UK.  and Kerry refused  to refund for a long, just my calm to stay not leaving and continue to refund moved Kerry to start to scan to make a refund. just this helped to find a missing items.

I think this is so dirty tricks as in case as this when Cashier missed to scan some items, - she put me on a trouble situation if some had checked the shopping and not in a till receipt.  I was in a strong shock stress. I had a clean DBS for years, as just all i have my honest name reputation.

I asked to install self-tills as in Morrison, ASDA, Tesco, to make more accurate scans in more right comfortable scanning speed without worries to see Cashiers not always wearing masks while scanning shouppings of customers. I worked as Cashier of Tesco in New Ollerton store for 3 years (was Mrs Inna Scotford, 2002-2005, worked in TESCO).   My husband Mr R F Scotford was a civilian, Project Manager, whom build British Camp in Kandaghar in Afhanistan (and other countries for British Army needs), our family had lost checks, not each staff of trade industry had a clean DBS, as this not asked while i had.  I mean i was emotional damaged by shouts of Kerry on me, by orders never come to ALDI to buy food items. Managers could closed stores for theives. I am not a theif, i have a clean DBS-some paper as each policeman, School teachers, hospital staff.  I helped voluntary as Analise, for example,my statistic work as Mathematic Analist indetificated Hull town as a cross point for 4 air catastrophes 2014++ years connected to missed-died passangers of air crashes.  My work of Numerology put Salisbury on a map for DOB of one Russian Citizen involved to 2016 Novichock case, i always shared my study to British Police as a volunter work. My work as presented date to Mandala Thinnest Bodies (Numerology) and numbers of this de-coded as letters-sounds of different languages /alphabets as digital soundtracks is the unique as show date time letters sounds dimantions united as dates are sounds, as in Bible-First was a word (sounds/letters), and this Word was from The God. I did my own unique study. Nothing some in books for public. I am a local poet, my book in Her Majesty property on Her Majesty ask to share my poems on Russian, so i presented my book to the Queen, some my drawings by me too. I am a vulnarable soft tender calm person. I am a vulnarable as a low income, too, on benefits, Housing Benefit below 42 pounds of rent and JCP Officials extracted my private pension ;12.68/months (162-164 pounds per year in full making me below 53 pounds of  low income strandards). I surviving trying to save money and used ALDI cheap prices as a walking distance too, just to walk, saving on a travel. Yes, i sensitive to prices. But not just me one? We all sensitive on prices, spending? and - i was a right asking to check total re-scan refund - if Kerry would not strated to shout on me loudly straight for a longer, and if total would some as re-check, i would picked all , i asked re-scan to check total and as easy way via a refund to check. This is a good for ALDI as may open a not propriate wrong mistakes of scanning technoque of Cashiers and to put Cashiers to scan more accurate way.
I had not took items. I am not a theif. Good, i returned shoping back as here was items Cashier of ALDI gave me as a scanning item while she not making troubles of security to think about me as a thief of ALDI cucumber? to ruin my reputation of a honest customer and person?
My great grandmother was a German woman, really honest woman, proud woman, liking cleanest.  My mother worked as a Financial Economist of Riga Radiofactory in Riga, Latvia 1974-1993 her pension, a really honest decend Lady with highest top qualification.  My greatgrandmother's brother worked in banks, in Shanhai Bank and in Omsk Bank. My father was a military Officer, a military pensioner. well trusted honest man. I mean our family reputation was our family marks, professions, skills,  and   Kerry as Manager Aldi had deeply offended me as treated me as a theif --  probably, a miss of scan of goods by Cashier of ALDI put plenty items as missed and looked as stolen by customers to think wrong for customers where was a mistake of Cashiers to miss to scan items. And if Security had stopped to check some customers in ALDI?  the items in a shopping with a miss on a receipt would be looked as to blame a honest customers as thieves? ruining their reputation? or a life? as some might commitment a suincide as humilated blamed? damaged emotionally?
I was so upset. stressed shocked by kerry words, shouts on me, orders not to go to make a shopping in ALDI as she closed store access for me (for refunds? where my ask openned a mistake of Cashier to miss to scan the item for 43 pences?)  If i would scanned in a self till, i would not missed, i worked for 3 years as Cashier of Tesco.
I returned mack, had a as a weakness , loss of sences. I could not ate, i had not ate 3-4-5-6-7 days, nothing was in a home, i had 20 pounds and i could as strassed shocked left home to a shopping, and to where?
just ev 7th July i came to TESCO spend money to buy my goods from them, thanks, and Moorrison today. So, the closure of ALDI for me moved me to spend money from your store to your competitors while this more expensive and more long to walk. But what i can do?
I closed down 10th July and 8th July Jubelly 60 yo party , i was upset to see faces or someone, as humiltaed just.
I was a stong Lady not commit a suincide as orders of closed store ALDY so no way to buy essensial food.  JCP Officials arranged delivary free food Food Bank some , three delivery times help, thanks.
My daugter youngest commitment a suincide in 2017 and before as young girl. She could not looked ways as true-born British Ethnic English-speakers humilated distriminated damaged me her mother here in UK. I was a victim of domestic violance attacks on me. I stopped, divorced, survived. I was on tablets, not able to walk, to see, survived, recovered back, as a long time journey. Locals damahed my head, wounded, - operated, 6 stiches.  Locals used to threw stones and dirty papers in my wounded head, sometimes bleeding, but they were a cruel, no pitiness as not orn in UK as them. They threw in glass windows, doors, on me. They shouted on me The WITCH! I asked - why this?  Your eyes are much too big! Your cheeks as strange colored pink not pale white as ours!  I sold my house 36 Bentinck Closed, Boughton, NG22 9HR  in Jan 2013 for a low price to leave whom disliked me to be local. So, i rented this flat locally private. Here a private area, more calm. I am shocked to find things dropped down the attitude standards to customers in store.  The local stores ordered customers to wear masks to deep social distance but when you do this you see staff of some stores during 2019-2021 never weared masks, or might moved closely not worried 2 m distance.  I keep 2 m social distance, weared masks. Additionally, i bought a PPE personnel gloves packs from B&Q to put to wear and desinfect to use inside stores to protect others, goods, myself.  Yes, this damaged me to wear all and if i saw staff or Cashier avoided to wear a mask, - to give to scan a shopping , food ietms.  Local Tesco had one big tall woman, she liked to put all food itemas on a floor, which was a wet dirty winter time Christmas. she rescanned, or put a reduced prices and returned back to shelves. ALDI worked another way, more clean, so i picked came to make a shopping. But when Manager Kerry shouted not stopping on me for a while and she was a strange as a possible mental ill damaged person making a loss of safety of ALDI store as this never was before here for years i was a customer.
I damaged a lot.
Still i damaged here was so dirty black dusty shopping baskets. I used to clean and all paper was dirty dursty black.
I mean Manager Kerry spend a lot of a working time refusing to provide a refund for me while she might organise or to do on own the cleaning of shopping buskets - i cleaned spending my shopping time to clean a shopping  busket.  they provided to put a food items.
I shocked as in case of a fire no way to save lives here in ALDI as all ways out blocked. No manual push away safety fire doors out.
The electricity will be switched off in case of a fire, making all automatic electrical electronic doors in no move to open to leave store to save lives.  No a push door as a manual safe fire exits here too, - a designed mass loss of lives in case of a fire.   I do not know how British Specialists of Health and Safety of a working place could sign the permit to open ALDI without the installation of safety manual push fire exits doors.

The automatic doors worked to 1 side , and closed so, in case of a fire if someone moved out in panic remembering left his child inside, - they could not returned back to save a life of own child to take out:  automatic electrical door worked to 1 side out store not openning to come from this side.  So,,if a child walked near a trolley, closely and suddenly a child decided to return back and came inside, -the parent could not go inside to pick own child.

But more worse in case of a fire, a really dangerouse place
- no fire exits doors to leave a store in case of a fire
this unbelieble for UK as a huge store so a possibility of a huge customers numbers, some with children, staff.

Kerry ' s eyes face look as she had saw something inside ALDI or in warehouse making her to be in fears horror or a mental instable fears of something.

I could not helped to your Manager Kerry, as whom is i am? just the ordinary person.

So, i helped just as i had not left ALDI while Kerry shouted me to leave, i stayed asked to refund for me to leave till Kerry could started to work to scam to make a refund. I left ALDI. I do not know what was here making your Manager Kerry looking by such style way as abnormal.

I hope she all right.

I tried to apply for a work in this ALDI, looking noone wanted to stay to work here for a long for some reason, but i was not granted to work.

I am a caprious customer as i worked in a private trade industry for years, -sale books, stationaty, the art items, parfume, clothes, shoues, sugars, .., trade shops, makrkets, stores, supermarkets.

This is not easy work on a big stores as a huge loads of some routine things and speed of a work.  When i worked for 3 years, i felt the enough, i could not more, as a heavy load.

So, i value a work of ALDI staff as i worked myself similar roles for over 3 years in TESCO in Mansfield, in New Ollerton store. including weekends.

I ama caprious as i was a professional, following by all British Standards of a work, training. This is sore for me to find a low for standards of trading industry and customer service in new time.

Manager whom is not possible to serve a client, a customer to make a refund as Manager prefer to humilate to shout on customer as a new British standards of work in UK, as similar to German Shops 1933-1945 in Germany:  "Our German Shops are just serving Germans only!" with closure for Jews customers ===  now this here in UK

as Manager Kerry of ALDI  said me, Soviet, ex, Russian Ethnic woman, British Citizen - she ordered to close ALDI store for me to come to do my shopping here.

I am just one, a single, just a woman. I am not this rich Lady with their expensive Solicitors to run to help to sort things.

But what to sort here?  UK as a new regime of Fascists rules in British stores shouts on customers  "I will order to close down ALDI store for you to come to make your shopping here!"  ???

Or as a some mental illness signs of Manager Kerry were?

Or someone called and ordered or asked to do this?

Iam just ordinary person, 60 yo woman, Russian Ethnic, low income. 3rd July 2021 was about 19:14 - 19:31 time Aldi in Sutton-in-AShfield  which closed to B&Q and King's Mill Hospital side.

Now 29th July 2021.
I had a fear to go to ALDI after this shouts orders not to come from Manager kerry on me here.

29-3 = 26 days out, not come to buy essensial goods too while needed. but as ordered shouting on me ...

But i spend money in other store as my shopping, in Tesco, in Morrison,

In local Tesco Express i spent more. in a local Morrison less, just 9.17.
in Tesco Express much more this. 3.73 +15.41 + 6.02 + 17.96 + 14.11 + 8.11 + 8.45

+ small help of Food Bank was 3 food parcel.

I had not bought no one item for by Jubelly 60 yo party in ALDI
as ordered me not to come.

and i cancelled this, as was upset. Nothing celebrate now as Fashists regime in UK with orders of closure exits to buy essensial food items and etc for some low income clients 60 yo another Ethnic group in UK.

Plenty people said me before, ALDI is GERMAN Company.  is this right?  is this way as re-covery German Faschists regime in UK-EU? British Faschists regime?

Do you remember May 1945 as a final end of what was a start as a Faschists Regime as a ruined buildings, towns, ... loss of billions lives?

I mean better to stop own behalve humilate customers straight now rigther to move after to similar or much worse experience as Japan in May 1945 experience as the attempt to stop Faschists regime in Japan by USA.

I mean just mental ill people in power in UK could ruined own country by   Faschists Nazi regime as UK is a country of multi - Ethnic groups, races, religion groups, as a community.

as a person in age, after 55+++ (60) I had cases of humilation me by more youngests. Local MacDonald young teams refused to serve me, as i had not a car and not a driver but by eyes they looked at me, - becouse i was more older all them on their 20thiest.

I started already to feel a fears of youngest.

Another young man here, Mark Earley as spied on me, walked to see where i lived. I asked, so, about a job, if he knew.  I shocked he stayed putting his two palms inside his sport trouses. I could not report to police this as would be a scandal while here was CCTV and so i could ask to check.   This manners never was appropriate in UK.

we all have a huge loss of a normal life, styles, manners, attitude to others, loss  of customer services.

I mean not just Manager Kerry shouting on customers in age not to do a shopping in ALDI store was.  This is a time.

Plenty locals sit down just inside houses no one walked, as a deserts looking streets, all.

Plenty people had some mental damages, as 2019-2021.

I mean i am not able to blame Manager Kerry as i do not know what she had as her personnel life experience.

I do not think Manager Kerry was a bad person , not, not at all, i think she could be a damaged person, - not by me on 3rd but by something already, and so she shouted on me.

I do not know what was as another life is another life.
Kerry had fears.

Other customers in age, - i doubt there were pleasant for all to listen a loud shouting Kerry in a shopping floor on a customer.

One man put his head down not to see no one and waked such way.

I mean Kerry damaged not just me, But me too.

I say more.  ALDI,  if to take out L for Love, and I for Inna, India (my name is Inna),   --  ALDI  shorten to  AD [АД] = The HELL, THE HIENA on Russian for sounds [AD]

This means Kerry making out me, Inna (Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin), made ALDI store look as  AD  store = THE HELL store, THE HIENA Store AD.

But when Faschists regime came in some country to rule this is always AD, The Hell, The Hiena, orders, rules, humilation, discriminations, tears, blames .

So, are your German Store from Germany? From Germans?  from a normal people Germans or from German Fascists of Hitler Germans? here in UK?

Soviet Russian people of USSR my country had a loss of 50 billions lives including a life of my mother's father here in summer 1941 in  Kalinin District of Russia.  My grandfather as mother's father of Soviet Union Russian Border Officer, Kurushin Victor Sergeevich, born 1909 or 1919 in Saratov, Russia - died summer 1941.

My mother lived as the orpahn, missing her Dad.

Our teachers worked  a lot to soft what was to grow us .

But as we had a loss of our country USSR as our kidnees not react and we saw results of own cal polite friendly kindness, another generations had a loss of this and i doubt someone will pity now - as Britons or Germany, or UK and Germany in case of start a new Faschist regime.

We had a loss of 50 billions lives of children, females, males during 1941-1945 yy

We had a loss of people living in the East Ukraine seeing this hahaha we so happy to see them died reactions of English-speakeking top politics in USA-UK.

Putin was a German GDR Shtazi spy, a foreign German spy as a Russian President V V Putin, pro-English, pro-British too, making his back down to HM.

I mean when Putin will leave and new people will come they will be not as I am and Soviet calm polite friendly Ethnic to each all others. They all looked a price of this as following loss of country and lives in billions.

I mean new people may say this:  our grandfathers sacrifised lives trying to stop Faschists regime in UK and WWII, we had 50 billions dued, 23+ billions died soldiers as Soviet Ethnic. as just enough,
we do not want these loss any more of ours.
and so here would be another decision as Japan Precendent May 1945 the stop.

And what a main point here: if the button will be pressed down to start a war - the moving rockets will not be able to stop already.
And, so, Politics whom play game in recovery back a new Faschism regime are mental ill persons as this is not a game. with the death of all.

Manager Kerry better to clean buskets to work as a Cleaner
as she could not talk nicely polite with customers.

Manager Kerry could be a nice good person,
but Kerry damaged British Trade Laws refusing to make a refund for a customer, shouting on customer, ordered not to come to make a shopping to a customer.
 --  British stores ALDI just  for true-born in UK British Ethnic Group only now?  as Faschim?  British Faschism in UK?

I am 60. i lived in plenty countries, with plenty Ethnic groups, religion groups.

But what the durty mess society you leave here in UK?
The ordinary British Faschism rules?

Or????    My  British husband Mr Robert Frederick Scotford (born 10-05-1952 in Stourbridge) was a handsome attractive active male. His 1st wife had his adultery case. I had shocked by his adultery cases as his wife too, so divorced.   But he had his sexual sessions and with males and with females.  some of his ex-lovers were jealose on me a lot

May be Manager Kerry was one of my ex-husband Mr R.F.Scotford lover or ex-lover too? making her to attack me as his ex-wife?

I stayed in Bingo when some female looking as Kerry shapes , (but probably not Kerry)  moved to leave her contact phone number to my husband not worrying i as his wife stayed here closely on a side looking.

Plenty British Ethnic females fancy a sex with my 2nd British husband mr R.F.Scotford. He was a weak on this sometimes having his children outside his official marriages from his lovers.

if so, what i may do here to sort this all? as no my choice or choices? I had divorced ? in 2010, finally.

I worked in Tesco New Ollerton, i received a card from Travel Lodge Hotel Manager to Mrs Inna Scoford and Mr R F Scotford, - thank for visiting us here date,...     It was not me here. Someone woman used my ID name to pretend to be me and a wife of my husband.

I worked on tills as a Cashier, CCTV here. I never was on this Travel Lodge Hotel closed to a work of my husband as a Project Manager.

It was sore, so, so, i divorced.

here 2021. 2021-2010 = 11 years after a divorce
2021 - 2006 = 15 years i am living alone one single

I could not to be after back to trust to be able to have a pair, a husband, a partner.

He had another family, a good woman , a teacher.

Plenty women especially ex-loves run on me as tanks as a protection my husband with his domestic violance habits.

I just tried to left all, - to divorce, to sold property, to move away on a distance.

Some now, with a conflict with Manager ALDI  Kerry, - i moved to make my shopping away from ALDI,   i plan to leave to move away on a distance.

I was damaged as no one from staff of ALDI tried to protect me as a customer, a woman, a person 60 yo, a person of another Ethnic, to stop Kerry shouts on me, to make excuses for this to me.

I saw plenty just laughed see listen, some had not laugh, trying to leave.

I spend my money in ALDI, making my shopping and for others on my street,   to find a shouting loudly staff ALDI on me i order to close access to make a shopping in ALDI for you! from Manager Kerry,  to see laughing staff of ALDI so each had a fun of humilate own customers here.

I mean i spend my money in a wrong place wrong people.

I liked ALDI before, plenty ALDI goods had been bought by me in my home.

I wrote in Facebook ALDI page in messanger and they wrote me to go to Store Manager to talk here. My daugter said me to write to head office all this. some others to Solicitor to sort all via a Solicitor rigther to be humilated again with shouts on me.

some just to leave to go to do a shopping in other places
as easy

I do not reccommend ALDI 2021 July to no one as a wrong customer experience was here. I was not able to eat 3-7  for 5 days after as was upset by treatment me as a cleint cleint client customer.

I upset to see the drop down values and ruins of British Trade Laws in UK .

May you say me how an adult may order the closure of buying essencial goods items, food, for 60 yo woman as  a normal for ALDI in UK in Nottinghamshire in Sutton-in-Ashfield  area?

No food = the hungry death?
no access to buy the essencial goods for female = m?  the humilation, discrimination, a ruin of British Trade Laws, Trade Licencein UK,
the creation of a Faschists rules regime similar Hitler's "Our German Shops are just for truen-born-in Germany German Ethnic only! not for Jews!" ====  "jews"=replaced for "Russian Ethnic Group", "Ex-Soviet Russian females" "60 yo people , British Citizen UK"???

Or just someone pointed on me as a personnel hateness of me?

What was with Kerry before? Kerry had not acted on a style of British Manager on British Trade Standards?
Had someone or something damaged Kerry? here in ALDI? before Kerry started to serve me?

I do not know how i will manage now to survive as my surviving was on picked places with right low prices in a walking distance,
the out of ALDI  is a huge beat my financial situation.

I doubt now i will stay for a longer alive here in UK
on my low income below 53 pounds
and i feel this not right as wrong.

I never treated my customers or clients as ALDI staff treated me.

... I do not reccoment ALDI as just for a military people not to civilians.

I doubt each some as what i had.
I have noting to Kerry not knowing what she had this day or optional what might damaged Kerry to act as she acted shouting on customer in a shopping floor ALDI.

I just tried not to leave for how long  to be a witness of something too.

I never saw no one ALDI  or Non-Aldi  staff of trade industry in UK acting such way as a loud shouting on customers publicly, this as a new way , i worry.

I find not just one Manager Kerry as looked damaged person as much more people in UK had some damages as a way 2019-2021 which ruins the normal comfort of life and attitude to each standards
to a low standards never known before for a time 1998-2021 by me here in UK.

I do not know what how Manager Kerry had on her shoulders before. I am not able to blame or to help.
I just named this way as not what you accept from a Manager in Trade Private Industry for Customers and Buyers. The shocking.

I was thinking someone more powerful top of Manager Kerry could order all this or "reccommend"
on any base or a personnel dislike or just. I mean some people do other people commands not on own.
I do not know if Manager Kerry acted on own or on commands of others/another.

I wish Manager Kerry to up from all this wrong mess of manners as a shouting loudly on customers and customers in age or another Ethnic Group as these are not what people named British Standards or by British Trade Laws standards.

Some amount of Britons are not just had a loss or respect of each all others but some to clients and customers as a new way of British Trade Private life.

На русском, коротко.

Мне 60 лет юбилей был отмечать.
Пошла в британский английский магазин супермаркет АЛДИ.

Я там покупала товары с открытия: в моём доме покупки с АЛДИ были и есть.

А в тот раз у меня всего 20 фунтов было,  маловато.

Я в уме считала. Получилось 17 фунтов.
А касса чек 19.21  на 2.21 больше.

Смотрю смотрю.  Взяло меня сомнение: я по чеку пересчитала и 17 фунтов (плохо вижу и потому ошиблась).

Я тут же товары назад:  возврат.

Британские Торговые Законы гарантируют покупателю право возврата 1 неделя, электрические товары 1 год (или больше ели оговорено), часть товаров на сайте АЛДИ они пишут гарантируют возврат 5 лет аж.

А я тут же. купила-и-возврат.

Мне надо было пересчитатить сумму снова. Я, так честно, подумала: у кассы программа счёта с ошиюкой? сумма не та?

Дома у меня еды не было совсем.
Пересчитали бы: сошлось. И я бы назад всё. Домой.

А тут на меня менеджер Керри стала сходу сразу первая орать вопить.

Я ей:
- Не кричите на меня, пожалуйста! Мне 60 лет!

(Люди с высоким давление и в возрасте на них накричат: упадут и сердце остановится: инсульт и смерть. Нельзя на пожилых людей кричать.)

Менеджер АЛДИ Керри запнулась так, замолкла на пару секунд, и опять, продолжала кричать.

А с ней что-то не то. Лет 32-38, 32-35. Худенькая, и запуганная какая то. В стрессе. Кто-то что-то её там запугало. Боится что-то.

Смотрю:  боится трогать этот шопинг и товары.

Отбежала даже.

А я не ухожу: а она мне приказала: оставить все товары (купленные и оплаченные) в Алди,
а самой уйти.


Я отказалась:  это моя собственость? купила и заплатила?
Делайте возврат товаров?  Тогда и уйду потом.

19:13  я купила товары.
19:31  Керри наконец сделала возрат

Попытку возврата товаров я где-то с
19:17  начала
и это время промежуток отказа делать возрат, и крики на меня громкие.

Включая и это как крики громкие:

- Чтобы ты сюда в АЛДИ больше не приходила товар покупать! Я тебе АЛДИ на вход сюда закрываю!

- Простите, а почему?  в чём причина такая?

-  За возврат товаров!

- Но право возврата товаров оговорено Британскими Законам о Торговле как права потребителя?

Так вот.

Я не ушла пока Керри не сделала возврат пересканировав опять весь шопинг
и тут шокирующее! сумма в самом деле другая.

То, что я и говорила:   другая сумма долдна быть.

1ая кассирша
сумма шопинга
19.21  в фунтах

Менеджер Керри ,
скан того же шопинга:
19.64 в фунтах  как возрат товара

43 пенса в мою пользу

если бы 19.64 первая кассирша отсканировала
и Керрри 19.64

то всё в порядке.

а так

с меня взяли 19.21
вернули 19.64  на 43 пенса больше

Ошибка 1ой кассирши была: она пропустила не отсканировала огурец. 43 пенса.

А теперь сюда.

1. Как идёт скан товаров?
Все товары кладутся на ленту транспортёра
до кассы движутся
Тту кассирша сканирует
пик пик пик пик
и даёт в окошко прорези

2. а огурец она дала. но не отсканировала.
43 пенса АЛДИ потеряла.

На одной мне только как покупателю.

Из-а ошибки кассирши.

Ошибки бывают у всех.


Если так сканировать не сканируя весь день? неделю? месяц? год?

Из торгового зала тогда исчезают товары.

И владелец и охрана думают на кого? Покупатели взяли? воры?

На честных людей кто не причём совсем?

А ещё хуже другая ситуация.

Человек, покупатель доверчив.

Он честно положил всё , кассиршке отсканировать и ему заплатить купить.

А она не отсканировала-как мне.

А он не знает.  Покупатели не видят табло.

И покупатель купив идёт с коляской тролли и там товары с супермаркета выйти.

А тут охрана.  Просят проверить.  И находят:  ой: огурец есть-а в чеке нет!

Тогда такого покупателя обвинят как?

Вор.  Воровка.

Прощай, репутация честного человека,
то и работа,
то и брачные узы.

А бывает так,  специально подставляют.

Есть просто ошибка кассира. Ну, ошиблась.

А есть специально.

"Специально", это из разряда, когда
полиция вдруг специально наркотики , деньги, улики "подладывает" м найти и обвинить.

А если человек в возрасте и пожилой?
Высокое давление?
Он знает: человек честный.

Остановили и обвинили:

-  Вы -вор. Вот: огурец за 43 пенса лежит в шопинге-а-в чекенет. Вор и вороьё вы.

Человек теряется.
Как доказать?

Его слово это слово  "Я не вор. я все товары и этот клал для скана Кассиром".

Если CCTV есть:   можно проверить.

А нет?

С клеймом вора ходить? как Кассиршка дала товар не сканируя?

Пожилые люди , высокое давление, это инстульст, сердце, смерть может быть.

Ага.  И всё потому, что кассирша не отсканировала,  дала так.

А у бедного человека порой ничего нет, кроме честного имени.

Подставить вот так могут. Нарочно и специально. А то и убить. Честному человеку скажут: вор! воровка!  А это же кк убить.  И всё потому, что кассирша не отсканировала что-то? Или и специально?

Потому лучше всегда самой сканировать. "Тише едешь-дальше будешь", без спешки и обстоятельно, аккуратно  и точно.


Я бы про это не говорила.

Но когда человек иного другого этноса и родного языка?

Там порой иногда именно специально как элемент травли  и издевательства.

Тебе итак тяжело: ты другого этноса и один.

И когда на тебя ещё и это? Труднее?

А порой просто специальный гнобёж.


Что получилось?

Ошиблась кассирша. огурец на 43 пенса не отсканировала и так дала.

А покупателя тогда система отнесёт к ворам? воры?

Ошибка скана открылась только через возраст.

Так бы никто не узнал. Не заметил.

А менеджер покупателю доступ покупать товары первой необходимости даже закрыла?
Менеджер Керри?

Вот-ревизия и инвентаризация и в тороговом зеле нет товаров?

Виноват кто?  воры? покупатели которые?

А, пардон: кассирша, неотскарировавшая товар: так отдала.

Кассирша огурец на 43 пенса не отсканировала. Так отдала.

А покупателю доступ в магазин АЛДИ закрыли.

Покупателю, которая помогла слабое место потериденег АЛДИ найти.

Менеджер закрыла, у кого кассирша та под началом.

Т.е. кто там работает в АЛДИ?  кассиршка? менеджер? как работают в АЛДИ?


Вопрос. а как выжить в Англии когда магазин  менеджер человеку в 60 лет
закрыла доступ покупать товары и еду?

Нет еды? голодная смерть? Смерть?

Т.е. это такое английские британские правила торговли?

Я с 3 по 7 июля не могла есть и не ела после шока в АЛДИ, криков на меня.

Не заходила больше туда раз сказали закрыт доступ.

В Германии 1933 - 1945   писали и правило:

"Немецкие магазины только для рождённых в Германии немцев!"

Тут аналогия: а британские? британские магазины? АЛДИ?

Бывших советских и русских в британские магазины не пущать??

Купила в другом месте. там подороже. Много потому не купить.

Британские магазины зкрываютдоступ покапателям покупать еду товары.


Ново-бритаснкая английская торговля у них такая.

Это уже фашизм .

Магазины есть и товары есть. Доступа курить нету.

АЛДИ, убрать букву Л-Любовь,    И - Индия, Инна, останется:

The Hell


Л-любовь + АД = ЛАД

"Дикая Собака Динго"
До СвиДания
До Свидания

В плане, даже когда АД, человек всё равно надеятся
на Чудо и что будет всё хорошо.

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

"My ALDI Experience on 3rd July 2021 in UK"

#ALDI  #UK #Nottinghamshire #Kerry #Manager #Sutton-in-Ashfield #Fashism
#АЛДИ #Англия #Фашизм #ЗакрытияМагазина
