What about us a. akmatova, ru-en

А мы?
Не так же ль мы
Сошлись на краткий миг для переклички?

What about us?
Didn't we get together
For a short moment for a roll call?

© Anna Akhmatova

© translated into English by Maryna Tchianova

And aren't we convened like that
Just for a while to call the muster?

Максим Кушанов   22.07.2021 12:43     Заявить о нарушении
Dear Maxim, I hope to be productive enough at editing these drafts.

I do not consider myself the 'Annapurna' of artistic translation. Variations could be accepted, and it's natural to have some stylistic gaps which could be re-edited and 'patched'.


Марина Чиянова   31.07.2021 13:09   Заявить о нарушении