pineapple on pizza
Historically, it’s a significant matter
Where people are tireless fighting for causes
That make no excuses for slackness or pauses.
But let us remember that causes can vary
In focus, like cOntrary versus contrAry,
And protests are driven by justice or fashion,
Or even the tiniest personal passion.
Pineapple on pizza is nothing outrageous
But some of us riot against it for ages.
Apostrophes put in unsuitable places
Can lead to displeasure and frowns on faces.
And silence is deadly and quite dignifying
When used to defy what is worth of defying,
Like gravity laws or the rules of your parents
(But kids, when protesting, are noisy like parrots,
And that’s as effective as silence, so let them).
Some people object to their age that has left them
With energy levels unfit for protesting,
Like lemons too wrinkly for adequate zesting.
And speaking of lemons (not taking the mickey),
For those who are adamant tea must be milky
A slice in their cup could result in insurgence
With damage unfixable even by surgeons.
This list can go on but it’s vital – you guessed it –
To end it, allowing a protest against it,
A rolling of eyes in dissent of the timing
For being subjected to purposeless rhyming.
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