Федор Чистяков Человек и Кошка English

Man and cat are standing by the window, crying,
As the glass is sprinkled by the dripping rain.
Man and cat are waiting, ambulance is coming,
Man is really suffering from a cramping brain.

Through the snowy plain fields the doctor hurries, hurries,
There's a healing powder in the doctor's bag.
Man and cat will take it, and the pains and worries
Will be gone forever, never coming back.   

Man and cat are struggling to keep track of daylight,
Seeing a gray ceiling where the sky was blue.
Man and cat are flying in their dreams each midnight,
But the dreams are wingless, hardly coming true.

Through the snowy plain fields the doctor hurries, hurries,
There's a healing powder in the doctor's bag.
Man and cat will take it, and the pains and worries
Will be gone forever, never coming back.

"Help me, help me, help me - where is my white rescue?"
Man is screaming restless to the bathroom wall.
But the wall won't hear him, veins of pipes run near him,
And the heart is beating madly in the toilet bowl.

Through the snowy plain fields the doctor hurries, hurries,
There's a healing powder in the doctor's bag.
Man and cat will take it, and the pains and worries
Will be gone forever, never coming back.


Человек и кошка плачут у окошка,
Серый дождик каплет прямо на стекло.
К человеку с кошкой едет неотложка:
Человеку бедному мозг больной свело

Доктор едет-едет сквозь снежную равнину,
Порошок целебный людям он везет,
Человек и кошка порошок тот примут
И печаль отступит и тоска пройдет.

Человек и кошка дни с трудом считают
Вместо неба синего – серый потолок.
Человек и кошка по ночам летают
Только сон не вещий – крыльев не дает.

«Где ты, где ты, где ты – белая карета?» –
В стенах туалета человек кричит.
Но не слышат стены – трубы словно вены
И бачок сливной как сердце бешено стучит.

