АЛДИ супермаркет в Англии, 3 сентября 2021 опыт
3rd September 2021. UK, Nottinghamshire
АЛДИ супермаркет в Англии, 3 сентября 2021 опыт
ALDI experience on 3rd July 2021
299 Mansfield Road,
Great Britain, England
Phone (+44) (0) 800 042 0800
Manager Kerry
Till 7 Aldi 3-7-2021 Scan price ;19.21. The full return price some shopping ;19.64 making 43 pence a different of scan work of two Cashier and her Manager Aldi Kerry on 3rd Sept 2021. Kerry shouted on me for my ask to refund as i felt something wrong in a till total price so i asked to refund to check, to find yes, 43 pence a difference. Manager Kerry shouted on me loudly, refusing to refund, she came closed 2 m distance to me and i asked to step from me to keep a distance. I spend a lot of my time while Kerry finished to shout started to work. Kerry ordered me never to return back to make a shoping (for essensial food ietam including) in this my nearest local ALDI I was a customer for 7 years. So, trade industry of sale with unwanted customers. I am a British Citizen of Russian Ethnic, closed to 60s. I asked Kerry to stop to shout on me on a shop floor. Kerry asked me to leave paid by me 19.21 shopping in Aldi (? i paid and this was my property and Manager Kerry asked to leave my property to ALDI on 299 Mansfield Road Sutton-in-Ashfield. How this to treat to understand, please? Kerry wanted to stole my paid shopping to leave to ALDI? *to cover something, probably, here, what was? Kerry said me she closed down for me my right to make shopping in this local Aldi "as you asked refund" (which is customers rights by British Trade Laws). Plus, here automatic doors and no manual fire exits making a dangerous place in case of a fire as electricity always switch of in such cases making customers and staff inside not able to leave the building. I ask to install extra fire door manual exits for customers and staff. Plus, i ask to clean baskets as i spend my time to clean basket as covered by a black dust as from a coal or dust, so, nobody cleaned baskets offered to customers to put a food inside. Some staff had avoided to wear masks or to keep a distance or easy mask on a face, so, not really a good standards of a cleanest and a personnel hygiene. Staff had not used PPE gloves and the sanitised PPE. I advice to clean all items in ozonizer or to wash and to move packages to dry to keep on shelves and fridge after. See, 43 pence difference as my experience in Aldi as staff Aldi (the Cashier and Kerry Manager) both tried to scan some items twice. Kerry ordered to close me access to buy food in Her Kerry's Aldi for this refund experience with 43 pence gap of scanning some items. So, i was a right asking to re-scan to refund all as i felt something was wrong here in a scanning receipt as plenty .29 pences and 20 pounds really looked much to many or a mistake. I do not advice you this store as Manager Kerry liked to shout on customers in age 60s woman and their staff may be not always able to scan each all items too while blame of this Kerry and theirs may put to you as a customer. Good, i asked re-scan to refund all as if not it would be not nice. Particular, this was a nice store just Covi19 stress shock pressure put changes of a loss of standards of cleanest as dirty dusty baskets and as Kerry ordered not to buy items here probably some much more hidden reasons . so pity this was a nice store before and now i would say dusty dirty including baskets. I do not know how to name trade British people ordered not to come to buy a food-drinks any more in their store ALDI. I feel this was as Fascists and as still German store making not comfortable feeling Britons created this way in UK for other Britons.
Пришла, сделала покупки.
В доме было ничего.
Купила молоко, хлеб, продукты.
В кассе отбили чек на 19 фунтов 21 пенс.
Иду смотрю: неверю, что получилось так много.
за 29 пенсов большинство (печенье дешёвое),
и вдруг почти 20 фунтов.
Многовато как то.
Ощущение, что касса Алди при сканировании в программе суммиррвания
где-то ошиблась.
А у меня с собой калькулятора и очков не было.
И я назад. Решила проверить.
Отдала весь шопинг, только купила , назад.
Прошу деньги назад.
Шопинг сложила на ленту: только просканируй и всё.
А тут начинается странное. Что я 23 года живу тут не имела. Новое у нас такое в Англии завелось.
1. Законы о потребителях в Англии защищают права покупателей. Можно отдать назад товар и требовать деньги назад. И тебе обязаны твои деньги вернуть. Закон такой.
2. Те же законы о торговле имеют понятие отношения к покупателю и посетителю магазина, где есть вежливость, стиль.
Так вот.
На меня менеджер Керри стала кричать криком громко на всю площадку АЛДИ.
Глухая она? что ли?
Попросила я её на меня не кричать: как никак аж 60 лет.
Она опять.
Заело её, в раж вошла. Но вот так, в магазине и перед покупателем? Не дома ведь?
Видно, дама на протестных движениях ходила и митинговала всё? привыкла и никак назад в стиль торговли?
Начались выкрутасы.
Керри постаралась меня выгнать с АЛДИ.
Т.е. я заплатила мои деньги за товары.
Они лежат.
А менеджер Керри пытается уговорить меня оставить всё и просто уйти.
Я отказалась. Я заплатила. АЛДИ не вор? не воры? красть у меня уплаченный товар и мой?
А там и мешочки мои два ещё.
Я с мешочков сложила на ленту к кассе.
Керри оставалось только просканировать.
Но менеджер Керри не могла и всё. Тянула время и ругалась на меня.
Просила меня пройти куда то там к ней вне торгового зала:
я отказалась.
Мне туда не надо. Мне мои деньги назад надо. А это касса.
Потом пришёл мужчина помочь Керри и стоял рядом, она пыталась отбить товар назад.
Отбила. Деньги вернула.
Попросила взглянуть сколько там было, сравнить (тил тот же самый).
было 19 фунтов 21 пенс
стало 19 фунт 64 пенса
разница 43 пенса
касса та же самая 7ая
шоппинг тот же самый
Т.е. хорошо, что вернула шоппинг: их кассир 1ый раз отбила неправильно или касса суммировала неправильно.
Молодец я, что вернула. Что-то не так было подсчитано кассой или кассиром. 43 пенса разница,
а товары те же самые.
Но дело в другом.
Керри, Менеджер Алди, орала и орала на меня много.
Дистанция 2 метра социальная: она пыталась её нарушить: я попросила Керри соблюдать социальную дистанцию.
Ладно, отбила, деньги мои назад даже и с прибылью мне вышли на 43 пенса больше.
Керри запретила мне приходить в АЛДИ и делать там у них шоппинг.
Вопила на весь зал громко.
Что поразило. Менежденр вопит: я сказала мне 60 лет, никто не заступился.
Мужчина в возрасте за 60, голову низко так к полу опустил, типа не видит не слышит.
Молодёжь, работающие там, на вид то они все красивые симпатчные улыбающиеся,
а никто не заступился за клиентку кто там таки 7 лет шоппинг делала и профит АЛДИ.
Они просто все кругом смеялись.
Что вот человек без молока и хлеба ушёл. Ну и что? по фиг.
Я объясняла Керри, думала шопинг весь назад, правильно или нет касса работает проверить,
а потом зайти небольшой шопинг сделать. Только хлеб и молоко.
Ну, по частям, так. Чтобы я подсчитать могла сама в уме.
Но она стала кричать и что закрыла мне вход в их супермаркет заходить и продукты покупать.
Выглядела невменяемо. Это же нарушение лицензи о торговле? о защите прав потребителя? покупателя?
Будь у меня адвокат: такие случаи британцы оттяпывают много.
Но я русского этноса: унас не принято так.
Просто не прийду и всё. Что ж тут поделать?
АЛДИ немецкий магазин и продукты многие немецкие.
А продавцы и менеджеры британцы рождённые в Великобритании.
Так то покупателей было мало. На весь магазин-мало. Суббота в почти никого и нет.
А кто пришёл как я: менеджер в крик вопит. Не приходите больше сюда.
На входе корзинки. Там их не отмыть: платик покрыт чёрной как угольной пылью.
АЛДИ в лице менеджера Керри предлагает антисанитарию покупателям, продукты у них покупать.
Угольная пыли от печного отопления углём. Кстати.
Я не понимаю, почему нет дизефекции корзинок и троллей?
Вот, пришла, как смогла хоть одну почистила им. За бесплатно.
Это хороший магазин был когда то-то. Жаль, что так.
Я думала работать там когда-то и место просила. Но не взяли по возрасту, молодых туда берут.
А теперь вот так.
Она шла на таран на меня как специально с самого начало.
Отчего выглядело как заказ.
Кричала и позорила меня там перед всеми: типа воровку поймала? кого? Бабушку 60 лет русскую , кто своими деньгам заплатила и ещё и корзиночку им помыла как грязно всё?
На тех, кто не русского этноса и мужчины: при мне Керри Менеджер не посмела кричать.
А ей мой возраст сказала. Прося не кричать на меня. Керри так запнулась. Но не смогла остановится. Видно, приказал кто так. Заказ.
Но выглядит теперь зато ведь прямо как в фашисткой Германии Гитлера только в "Соединённом Королевстве" в Англии?
В Германии Гитлера: "Мы не обслуживаем евреев в нашем магазине!" (Германия, Италия,,,,..)
В Великобритании (Терезы Мей, Джонсона) "Мы не обслюживаем людей русского этноса в наших британских магазинах, даже есл они британские граждане по возрасту!"
Фашизм. Обыкновенный фашизм в Великобритани.
Или Ад и черти в аду орут на людей.
В итоге в Великобритании я вот британка русского этноса и даже и молоко и хлеб не купить.
Злые какие у них 20 летние и 35-36 .
Меня поразило.
Никто Керри не остановил.
Никто меня покупателя кто покупала там товары и им профит давала не защитил:
ни посетители в летах,
ни мужчины в летах,
ни работающий персонал:
для них нормально что на посетителей кричат вопят в торговом зале?
Керри хотела меня куда то там вне торогового зала , я отказалась.
О чём с Керр можно было говорить, коли та вопила ругалась в торговом зале?
на посетителя?
не смущаясь кругом ещё и посетители и визитёры и покупатели?
И ещё странное.
По закону, торговые залы обязательно должны иметь мануальные двери на выход в случае пожара с торгового зала.
АЛДИ, ТЕСКО ЭКСПРЕСС, ... спроектированы в нарушение техники безопасности при пожаре:
установлены автоматические электрические электронные двери на вход и выход,
причём, электронника пропускает только в одну сторону.
Т.е. при пожаре выбраться с помещений будет нельзя.
Электричество при пожаре отключают автоматически сразу.
А, потому, электрические электронные двери будут наглухо заперты.
Это означает смерть всех в торговом зале.
И это очень страшно приходить туда за покупками. Опасно просто.
Включая если купил у кассы и вышел и забыл на пол выпали ключи, кошелёк, бумажник, очки, что-то, то войти назад взять проверить пол нельзя: автоматика пропускает в 1 сторону.
Надо идти вкруговую. А если выпал кошелёк или банковская карточка?
Пока идёшь кругом, твоё уже исчезнет?
Т.е. АЛДИ опасное место работы. Там надо устанавливать ещё выход , 1-2 выхода.
Как у них приняли только этот проект здания вот такой и так? автоматические двери в 1 сторону и всё, а торговый зал то огромный длинный?
При пожаре: кула бежать при пожаре посетителям?
Назад к выходу? он не откроется: он на пропуск внутрь. только.
А если выскочил: а внутри кто? помочь? тоже никак.
Я думаю и и считаю возможным как кризис и всё, то позывы у собственников получить страховку могут быть за счёт устройства собственниками пожара.
А случай как Керри вопила на меня 3-7-2021: провоцирование и подготовка к вероятному пожару в зале и заодно на кого спихнуть это.
Я потому и нахожу опасным посещения британских магазинов.
На улице почти никого и магазинах так же.
Это снижене доходов.
Криик на меня отпугивание посетителей в той череде.
Собственники могут пойти на разное в надежде на страховку.
Когда менеджер Керри вопит и кричит в торговом зале АЛДИ,
это необычно, и показывает наличие проблем у АЛДИ, в здании АЛДИ, с персоналом АЛДИ,
с преспективами АЛДИ и ситуацией в АЛДИ,
Жаль, что так. Хороший мгазин был.
Но назвать "хороший магазин" когда кричат вопят на покупательницу не приходи сюда?
Вряд ли это "хороший магазин"?
А. Британский. Где на английском и в Англии торгуют. Это у них английская британская торговля такая в Англии.
Я не советую никому с России ехать в Англию туристами.
Мой британский паспорт меня никак не защитил в Англии
от нападок Менеджера Алди Керри сказавшей она закроет мне вход в Алди: чтобы не приходила я туда больше никогда.
Закрывают ворам. Я вор? нет. Т.е. Керри меня по приказу наводке кого-то позорит при всех специально?
Вам это надо с Росиси платить деньги и презжать иметь опыт унижения Вас? Я и 60 лет, и женщина, и то Керри 34-35-36 лет британская меня не пожалела. Русский этнос видно напряг.
Вы там в России даёте работу по сути нашим палачам тут в Англии кто русский этнос Великобритании унижают и гнобят как мгут: ненавидят они нас.
Только Путин кланяется кланяется ручкую лижет британским дамам в подобострастии.
Человек - это звичит гордо.
Но в Великобритании такое уродство что это не звучит: кто у власти делают всё чтобы держать нас сгобленных и рабами.
Вы учител английский язык.
И Вы делаете своё государство и себе хуже,
как потихоньку зомбируетесь что английское цивилизация.
Шерлох Холм, Доктор Ватсон, Стивенсон. Шекспир. Диккенсон. Дикнсон.
А в реале. А в реале 3 июля 2021 британская менеджер стала кричать на женщину русского этноса в Англии, чтобы та больше в немецкий магазин АЛДИ в Великобритании не приходила
покупать хлеб, молоко, еду, продукты.
Притом, я могу посчитать сколько я заплатила в АЛДИ платя банковской карточкой.
А ещё мои дети покупали там и с внуками.
Это им приказал кто-то с тех кто у власти и кто людей, женщин, не жалееет, людей в возрасте не жалеет.
Вот 23 года живу тут и так постоянно выдавливают и показывают прямо как змеи ядовитые шипят типа мне:
Да. ошибка. британский болотистый гадюшник с ядовитыми змеюками кто кусают друг друга всех тут.
Выжить трудно.
Сосед на улице молодой парень был 20 лет+ повесился. Дали работу агентство наобещав часы много, а обманули и пшик. И парень повессился. Ждать без еды 2 месяца получения помощи пособия не смог. Или не смог дождаться очередной положенной 1 раз в 6 месяцев продуктовой посылки.
Мой вывод за 23 года в Англии: совесткие войска сделали ошибку не взяв Лонжон и банки на проверку счетов кладов Гитлера. Нашли бы: поделились бы с англичанами и американсцами и домой назад. Это сняло бы страх захвата фактом захват был и ушёл. Да и дал бы золота в казну.
Но май 1945 не вернуть. СССР не вернуть. Британцы едят что посеяли сами. Шанс есть справятся .
Но это если им ещё кто даст.
Рабочие места всем британцам не создали: нет ума как в СССР создавать работу. Пособий всем автоматом (нет работы: а на что жить?) не дали.
Шанс есть, пройдёт много много лет и столетий, ... кто выживут ... в системе где каждый сам за чебя только и не помагают друг другу что ад ...
Шанс есть.
Но такой маленький.
А если война? то опыт мая 1945 для Германии и Японии далеко не такой, советовать кому то повторять. Включая и для России и Украины.
Отчего так и зараза фашизма нацизма расползается???
Или мы живём всё таки в Аду? Черти и дьяволы кругом нас?
Нормальный то человек с физиологией не стал бы так.
Отказ в покупке еды - это голодная смерть.
Я за 23 года такое так часто имела от британцев и британок,
что я их уже просто ну не могу считать людьми, нормальными людьми, вменяемыми людьми.
Вот есть люди, человеки и есть эти те кто англоговорящие..
И англоговорящие для меня уже просто нелюди.
А люди это теплокровные от обезьянок. Тёплые люди. Хомо Сапиенсы.
Это моё восприятие.
Для меня английский язык примерно то же самое,
что для узников концлагеря немецкий язык.
Россия Путина даёт гражданство иностранцам типа француза Дюпардье, кто выпив, засунет затем это паспортишко для него экзотическое туристическое в сортир. Россия Путина не поддерживала меня , пока я жила в Латвии негражданка Латвии, русский этнос. И в Великобритании аналогично. Пенсии от России и Латвии аналогично мне нет. Квартир банковскх счетов и имущества в Латвии и в России не имею. Я не ставлю Россию Путина потому правопреемлицей СССР, как это не так и юридически: граждане СССР не стали автоматически граждане России и с пенисями так же: Россия не платит и в Великобритании не платит. Платит в Израиль. Что хорошо. Хоть кому то. Но ставить эту страну в понятие правопреемлица СССР я бы не стала. Чего нет , того нет. Россия как классовое общество слепок Великобритании, только говорят по русски, т.е. филиал Великобритании. Это я так воспринимаю мир.
В Великобритании имею банковский счёт и не имею квартиры, но снимаю её.
В случае кризиса вряд ли выживу.
Но я готова к этому. Всё же почти 60 лет прожила.
На английском
03-07-2021. UK , Nottinghamshire
ALDI in Sutton in Ashfield bad customer experience
I bought products food as any was at home,
as milk, break, eggs, ...,
in a local German company store
in UK in Nottinghamshire, Sutton-in-Ashfield.
ALDI as i am living locally here for over 7 years closed to 8 years.
ALDI (near B@Q, Tesco, King's Mill Hospital)
My customer experience of day Saturday, 3rd July 2021 here.
There are were being not a lot clients here,
the empty store was, really, not some as was far far years back ago.
I took a trolley, and i took a basket ,
i cleaned ALDI basket, - this was dirty, the cleaning paper with ALDI disinfect was all black dust.
So, I cleaned the basket and a trolley.
I disinfected my own PPE gloves.
I wearied a mask.
I tried to go to till number 1 nearest to me was.
But their Cashier asked me to go to their till number 7.
So, i came to their till number 7.
The nice polite young Cashier was here,
i liked to be served so nice Lady.
I had 20 pounds to spend just this time not more.
03-07-2021, Aldi in Sutton-in-Ashfield, near B@Q
I bought a shopping (wearied a disinfected gloves) and a mask.
I had just 20.
I was sure this would be about 7-10 pounds
as plenty items were about 29 pences.
So, when ALDI Cashier said me this 20 pounds about,
i had a shock but i paid not to stop a que after me to be served.
But when i looked a receipt of ALDI
i had a feelings , may be something was a wrong with their ALDI till,
so, i asked to have a full refund back for all my shopping,
thinking to buy bit by bit as just bread and a milk, each time,
to be sure their till ALDI would be not mistaken.
Here i had something really strange.
1st. Aldi Manager Kerry started to shout loudly on me.
British Trade Law protect rights of each British customer to change mind to return items back.
I just bought and i asked to take back straight.
Manager Kerry had not dealer to refund me my shopping back.
Kerry shouted on me, the customer of ALDI for 7 years.
Here my daughter with my grandchildren did their shopping sometimes too.
I never saw here this Manager Kerry for this 7 years I am a buyer of good here.
I saw this Kerry Manager Aldi HERE 1st time.
Kerry rudely aggressive attacked me, shouting on me, refusing me to make a refund.
I had put all shopping back to till already, so, i asked just to scan all to refund me my money back as British Trade Laws protection of each buyer in UK.
Kerry had not started this enjoyed to attack me to shout on me in a rude not polite manner for a style of Manager.
This was not appropriate and this was not British customer styles.
Kerry said me to leave ALDI (so to leave what i bought already and paid here on a till).
I refused to leave ALDI as i asked to make a refund .
I pointed these items i paid for just money so her ask to leave items (paid items) in ALDI was an action of theft my property from me.
This took a while while Kerry as Manager of ALDI started to do her job to scan items back to make me a refund back.
I look a till receipt i paid ;19.21
I had a refund receipt back to me ;19.64
This making a difference
19.64 pounds - 19.21 pounds
= 0.43 pounds
= 43 pence
43 pences in my side for some reasons.
This look ALDI Cashier had missed to scan some item properly
if so, Manager ALDI Kerry had a problem, using not properly training staff and she knew this her fault as Kerry started to shout on me trying to push me to leave ALDI and to leave all paid shopping by me in ALDI (to make ALDI as a THEIF , so).
To shout on customers is not British Customer Treatment Attitude and not a style of any Manager too.
I mean i doubt so unprofessional staff would be employed by any store where Managers or Customer Services or Cashiers or Sale Assistants would shouting on clients, on buyers, on customers, as this is not any British style or German style or European style.
I do not know why so hard to install self-scanning tills was for Manager of ALDI as this means just the client may control how much to spend and what scanning, not worrying Cashiers not wearied masks.
Kerry as Manager of ALDI on 3rd July 2021 looked as a rude , shouted on clients in a presence of plenty other clients some in age too, making a stress and a shock for each clients not righter to me one.
I leaned things as a person in age: if someone started to shout at you as Kerry or any:
this means they had something to hide:
or they or their mistakes in somethings
or their cover some thief or thieves.
As Kerry started to shout on me straight: this is so strange to use so style manners tone of shouting on buyers, - may be it was not safe here in ALDI still? So, worries?
Kerry wanted me to walk with her on some another hidden room out shopping building,
- i would named this as not safe to go to see a shouting Kerry.
Kerry had not worried plenty clients in age in a shopping floor as buyers.
I said already my age group, trying to stop these rude shouting attacks me here on a shopping floor in ALDI from Kerry, Manager ALDI.
I doubt Kerry was a Manager as this was unprofessional for any manager not to have manners style politeness to listen a customer.
I advice you avoid Kerry's Aldi as may be she was infected so shouted as this is not British style.
Kerry said me she closed down for me to come to buy a shopping in ALDI
while i said I am a local 60s
Kerry said me this is for "me always changing my mind and returned my shopping back to ALDI".
Well, "Mystery Shopper" profession or checkers do this as the check control of the customer buyer experience in British shops and any good company had this control check of a buyer customer experience, which is always including and a full refund back experience as a control of using British Trade Standards rights.
Kerry, Manager ALDI, was sure she punished me as a customer of ALDI
look here her own fault, - she tried to cover her own fault as a Manager of using not training properly staff,
which missed to scan item for ;0.43 pences, making ALDI to loss these ;0.43 pences,
making a good check of a problem in ALDI near B&Q of loss money of ALDI OWNERS SHARES
as KERRY Manager used to shout on clients of ALDI, shouted she out clients out to come in ALDI as she is Manager whom disliked customers used their rights of buyers.
I do not think this is safe place so for customers to come.
I am a British Specialist of Health and Safety on the working place, Licenced.
See yourself: in case of a fire inside ALDI, the electricity will be switched off immediately,
making not working electricity doors to open.
This means some problem for local ASDA, TESCO EXPRESS, MORRISON, ALDI:
in case of the fire the electricity will switch off
making all automatic doors frozen not moving to open.
This means each customer or staff or a visitor of these stores with automatic doors
will be inside , and if a fire or any explosions, - no way to leave out.
British Health and Safety rules asked to install a special fire exit doors in case of a fire
or a roof collapse for humans to run to leave area.
Let's see yourself a safe way out immediately in case of a fire from ALDI, ASDA, MORRISON, TESCO Express.
The private sale business took their own additional options to control to check to order to take a power in UK under clients UK.
Do you remember we all wearied masks , keeping 2 metres social distance?
Do you remember the strange things that plenty staff of superstores UK had not wearied masks and not worried to keep 2 meters social distance from clients or each another?
I noticed as staff of sale good twisted to check-control-dominate, taking a control and a power in UK.
So, while i was a client of ALDI (German Company in UK, European Company in UK) for 7 years
soon i started closed to 60s yo age,
Manager Aldi Kerry shouted shouted shouted shouted on me here
ordered never to come back to ALDI any more to make my shopping here in ALDI.
Why? Why Kerry shouted on me loudly? what i did so wrong here?
I paid ;19.21 as for my shopping as her Kerrie's Cashier scanned work.
I used my rights as a customer to change a mind as much to expensive (i cleaned a dusty black basket prior to use as they left this to clients and was not felt their product may be clean enough as i saw some Cashiers or staff had not wearied masks here).
I used my rights.
Instead of a refund me as the full refund as i worried this ;19.21 may be not right amount for all,
so i asked the refund to check all to be sure everything all right,
Kerry had not refunded me straight started to shout loudly, tried to order to leave these paid by me shopping and leave ALDI (to make ALDI to be a thief of customer's goods!!!).
And, finally, when Kerry scanned all items, here a difference 43 pences as Aldi Cashier had a mistake on 43 pences , making ALDI profit less on 43 pences, - this means not just dusty dirty black shopping baskets here but still some thieves activities too.
Just this to buy-to return back all check may check the quality of scanning and work or trainings.
And still: i tried to return all items straight as still fresh all.
Kerry shouted delayed to scan all back.
Well, i see such customer experience of me as a bad wrong customer experience which nobody in UK should to have. Germany company ALDI in UK is a good company was for years with a good valuation of this by customers, so, what is here for now is out normal life as Manager attampt to solve a problem as a customer experience.
I had not broke Laws as I wearied a mask, I wearied a gloves which disinfected, i used their disinfect to disinfect their dirty black basket.
I had rights to refuse to ask a refund as this is a common rights of any customer in UK.
The shouting loudly on a clients is not a normal things in UK and not style UK to treat customers.
This means someone might pointed on me to order this, as a special humilation me.
So, now while i live here locally and was a client of ALDI for 7 years, paying my money for my shopping,
I look our local streets are empty mostly times, no walkers, a rare someone on bikes, just cars, just cars, cars, cars.
I had the empty fridge i walked to buy some food. I would be my 60 s on my 8th July 2021, Jubilee, so.
See yourself my experience in local ALDI
Kerry Manager shouted on me on a shopping hall as Kerry is a British woman born in UK educated in a local British school with hate of migrants , or hate .
I felt this as Fascism.
The local person not able to buy goods in a local shop as the TRADE LICENCE SHOP OWENERS OF MANAGERS ALADI TESCO REFUSED TO SOLD FOOD ITEMS TO A CLIENT.
I said Kerry i asked the full refund to check it was not a mistake , - THE MISTAKE WAS IN THEIR SIDE , so, my ask Kerry was a right ask, here was a mistake of a scanning of my shopping.
Any normal Manager would thanks as this mean Kerry's fault as a manager to employ not well-training staff or not to provide a training (still dirty dusty baskets for clients'es food shopping experience here).
So, as all items returned back, ALDI had not lost no one their items.
And, if their staff Cashier would scanned properly right, here would be some amount in refund.
And for this, the rude shout on me as the closure to make a shopping in a local ALDI where were not a lot of customers.
See, Germany for German Ethnic only
UK just for true-born-in-UK English-speakers Ethnic only?
Look, Britons born in UK works in Germany Company in UK by true-born-in-UK English colonial method as shouting on people of other Ethnic Group and age in UK?? "YOU ARE UNWANTED IN OUR ALDI STORES BY MANAGER KERRY < MANAGER ALDI SHOUTS ON ME here 3-7-2021"
if you another Ethnic or age or woman or mix all-you always UNWANTED IN UK by shouts on you from a side true-born in UK these English-speakers British Ethnic 20-36 yo age women,
they still shouted on other women as for me here
So, well, local ALDI closed down for me to make a shopping
Kerry (Manager ALDI)
said me
i will not go to HER STORE ALDI near B&Q
My money so not good for ALDI.
Kerry not worried to break British Trade Laws
See, a new way or trade in UK: order to customer to keep out of stores as not safe to visit or somethings else too here.
Germany had some rules 1933-1945???
No Jews permit to go inside to German shops?
Now Aldi German store in UK
not permit to British Citizen Russian Ethnic Group
to come in UK.
I advice you not to go inside British supermarkets ASDA, MORRISON, TESCO EXPRESS, ALDI
as the automatic doors would be blocked to open on a case of a fire as they had not installed manual exit doors so here may be a huge loss of lives in case of a fire, a dangerous to work here or to make a shopping while they installed manual fire exit doors.
See, here is not enough fire extensions too inside.
British Health and Safety Standards ordered to install fire extensions and exits fire door, stores used them blocked or not installed.
See, a new way or trade in UK: order to customer to keep out of stores as not safe to visit or somethings else too here.
There are was not a lot as just empty store ALDI 1st i came to buy the essential shopping here.
Kerry ordered me to keep out of local ALDI (German store in UK served by British Ethnic Group British Citizen born in UK)
so, i am not able to buy essential food as a milk, a break, etc here in UK.
Fascists in power in UK
making owners of stores to feel free to ruin all British Trade Laws while they trade by a licence to provide the trade of goods in UK
She will sold to this just whom in her own list of customers???
as I am 60s Russian Ethnic British Citizen , female, - Kerry felt me to be out ALDI?
I saw people in age here served, - a man. He listened this all shout on me, - he had not came to protect me while in age. I said my age group loudly.
Younger staff ALDI , maes females smiled laughed
Look, if you live in Russia, you must to know this.
I fed up to have this for over 23 years in UK.
Look, what Russian Ethnic people did a wrong to British Ethnic as
allies during WWII?
Why these all English-speakers Britons hated us all so strong?
Why had they hated so strong our women? children? people in age?
50 millions killed lives during WWII which no one these English-speakers British Historics had a coveradge to name a genocide of Belorusians, Russians .
Some these genocide of locals in East Ukraine with help of traners teachers British military or Scandinavian males, - see British Politics avoided to name this as a genocide while helped to make this providing military traniners.
Why had Britons born in UK so hate us, Russian Ethnic females, children, males,
while we helped them to survive in WWII ?
See, i am not able to make a essensial goods shopping in UK during 2020-2021 time,
and each time of something was from a side of 20s-35s-36s age group making thoughts they had not respect of age, Ethnic, nobody, but they had a job.
Managers in a shop in a store whom shouted on a local customer buyers?
Manager could not stop her to shout.
I had not a camera to make a video of this.
She started to shout on me.
She refused to make a refund.
She ordered to leave a shopping which paid and my property in ALDI to make ALDI to be a theif
but when she make a full refund, - this compare amounts in a print on 43 pences of a difference
making my feeling something wrong with ALDI till, right.
Or with their staff, scanning items. - may be she was ill?
So, shouting Manager Kerry will stay in ALDI
and me will be out Aldi to make a shopping as essential shopping
while her activity is a ruined British Trade Laws and Licence ALDI to trade in UK.
Fascists in Germany ordered to Hebrews not to come to German Shops.
Fascists in UK power as owners of ALDI, TESCO, ... may order to customers of other Ethnic not to come to store to make shopping?
Look, you, in UK, why do you so stupid to forgot the end of WWII for Germany and Japan in May 1945?
So, Dear Kerry as Manager of ALDI, ordered to Soviet Union ex-citizen, Russian Ethnic, British Citizen 50s yo woman NOT TO COME TO DO SHOPPING IN ALDI as BRITISH ETHNIC ENGLISH_SPEAKERS 20-36 yo staff ALDI as MANAGER ALDI KERRY disliked to see some customers in ALDI UK.
Look, you, in Russia, you do a huge mistake giving lots of working well paid work for British Citizen UK born in UK, whom worked in Russia as Professors, Teachers, Managers, - see this attitude British English-speakers to Russian Ethnic and to Russia as a humiliation Russian Ethnic with their hate us for nothing as we stopped WWII saved their asses and lives and properties not coming in UK while here was a gold of Hitler in some Scottish bank which should been to share with USSR, UK, USA. and so, as Soviet Army had not came to UK to check Scottish-British bank accounts for a possible Hitler Gold in banks, this Faschisms had not stopped and for Britons and for us. We had a loss of a country for a mistake to be a kind whom never was a kind to us, our females, our males, our children, whom had not accepted a loss of 50 billions of Soviet people as a genocide, whom provided a British military specialists to train how better effective to kills locals in other countries and in East Ukraine.
I doubt Russian Ethnic and Russia would be able to win some as USSR could not as more evil minded pushed their own spies to a power or in USSR or in Russia making a normal people to feel this as a power in a country in a wrong hands.
I saw USA tried to create WWIII in Russia and i asked what was a reason for American troops to rounds Europe and Russia as this looked a preparation of WWII for some goals of people in power while what a simple ordinary people would do here?
I am just a woman. I have not any political party. I have not any organised groups.
I have not any weapons.
Or do i need to have this all as my own state is not protected me and my rights as a human being, alive, living, individual?
nobody stopped to protect me to stop Kerry to shout on me on a shopping floor.
Kerry wanted me would worked still to somewhere out a shopping floor
which sounded not save as Kerry could not stop herself to shout on me.
Still more.
here 2 metres social distance and Kerry Manager ALDI moved her body to my side tried to ruin 2 metres social distance, i pointed to this to keep out me on a social distance.
People laughed around, some put their head down looking just to a floor.
I mean when Kerry shouted on me loudly in a shopping floor in a presence of others clients, staff of ALDI, trying to embarrass me
for doing what?
for asking the full refund back which is my customer rights by British Trade Laws.
I felt this was as FACSHISTS concentraction camp ghetto
laugh on people
as not ability to but a food in UK in ALDI (German store in UK, served by British Citizens Britons).
so, see, Russian Ethnic woman is not able to buy a food supply in UK.
ALDI ordered out not to come to here. to a local woman 60s by Kerry , Manager Aldi.
But see, my refund back ask prints are on 43 pence difference from some till 7
making my feeling something wrong with a till closed right
or a till or a Cashier.
So, Kerry had a problem in ALDI as her till number 7 making a difference in 43 pence
in a scanning and in a scanning refund some goods.
and the "owner" Kerry Manager Aldi looking this fact shouted on a customer never come back to Aldi to do a shopping here while a scanning work was by Cashier and by Kerry herself done.
So, see these youngest 20s-35-36s in UK
as they easy to offend people in age, woman, any Ethnic Group
to keep out their ALDI STORE,
so, this means no food, no any essential food,
no drinks, no food, no bread, no milk, nothing
as British way to trade in UK
by people taking a power in UK.
Kerry started to shout on me 1st as looking she had this way in a plan and wish to ask on me.
I kept a silence but Kerry continue to shout on me.
I was in a shock and a stress.
See, i am not able now to walk to Aldi to make a shopping while i paid here my money in ALDI for over 7 years, some my children, with grandchildren.
I advice you not to leave your money here as this way to protect others as a buyer is never work here in UK as you see this.
I tried to receive a working place here having 3 years of working in Tesco 2002-2005 and a Tesco private pensioner.
I had a turn out as they prefer to employ someone living far far away righter our local women and men living locally near stores Tesco Express or ALDI.
I mean i was in age after 55 yo and after and not so rapid speed worker as youngest whom employed here mostly.
But ALDI Manager had not trained them well, as ALDI had rules of a fast scanning, so, i was not able to pronounce "I have just 20 pounds for today to spend to their Cashiers" as they started the scan already.
and ALDI had plenty never working tills and not having automatic self-tills to use by own speed of scanning.
So, when you short in money, you do not see how many in till to stop a scan or to continue a scan, while a self-scanner till had not this problem.
Some, as tills are high for people whom are not tall and nobody helped to put all to a lenta to a scan.
I saw as people whom were are not tall not today hardly could put their shopping from baskets to a tall till and staff of ALDI, laughed on them, looking.
This looking so strange as staff not for a work to make a profit but for own enjoyment to laugh on customers stupid to come to here to buy something.
And you as a customer see this not knowing or these people are mental ill laughed on customers or they aliens from other planes so not humans and so laughed on humans Homo Sapience or this all covered something another.
I am not able sometimes to come inside, looking how others customers had their shopping experience.
I remember here were a lot customers
Now this the empty plenty times i was sore
and a dirty baskets covered in a black dust as a supply to buy a food or goods.
Just some prices were cheap compare to Tesco or Morrison and still nearest.
Well, so i will walk now for much longer to try to make my shopping as a local ALDI refused me as to a local customer.
I doubt Manager Kerry was well shouting on me loudly.
I doubt someone would been brave to say this to her from her own staff or worker or customers
but i will say this as i do not feel this as a safe or a comfortable for customers to have a Manager of ALDI shouting loudly in a shopping floor for customers or just.
Kerry looked as not able to stop herself.
I doubt this would be named as the ability to work as a Manager.
This looked someone played to down profit of Tesco Express and ALDI
to make out plenty customers
to bank rote
to closed down.
This is my personnel feelings, i may a wrong or a right.
Just when people try to make the profit they deal by another way to customers.
I see someone tried to create a banking etc crises in UK
ordering customers not go to a store to buy essential food supply.
Ps i have yet some food at home and a shopping trolley just much too far to walk
they shouted especially on me ordered closed ALDI for a shopping
i have a fear of ALDI now to come to here as Kerry Manager shouted on me here and as this unusual some much more hidden reasons may be here in ALDI
How many customers of ALDI had been treated by a way as i was treated on 3rd September 2021?
Probably, not just me one under a really bad mood of shouting of Manager Kerry as ALDI Manager in Sutton-in-Ashfield closed to B&Q store?
This look likes someone ordered this to Kerry as so uncommon (was uncommon).
ALDI experience on 3rd July 2021
299 Mansfield Road,
Great Britain, England
Phone (+44) (0) 800 042 0800
Manager Kerry
Till 7 Aldi 3-7-2021 Scan price ;19.21. The full return price some shopping ;19.64 making 43 pence a different of scan work of two Cashier and her Manager Aldi Kerry on 3rd Sept 2021. Kerry shouted on me for my ask to refund as i felt something wrong in a till total price so i asked to refund to check, to find yes, 43 pence a difference. Manager Kerry shouted on me loudly, refusing to refund, she came closed 2 m distance to me and i asked to step from me to keep a distance. I spend a lot of my time while Kerry finished to shout started to work. Kerry ordered me never to return back to make a shoping (for essensial food ietam including) in this my nearest local ALDI I was a customer for 7 years. So, trade industry of sale with unwanted customers. I am a British Citizen of Russian Ethnic, closed to 60s. I asked Kerry to stop to shout on me on a shop floor. Kerry asked me to leave paid by me 19.21 shopping in Aldi (? i paid and this was my property and Manager Kerry asked to leave my property to ALDI on 299 Mansfield Road Sutton-in-Ashfield. How this to treat to understand, please? Kerry wanted to stole my paid shopping to leave to ALDI? *to cover something, probably, here, what was? Kerry said me she closed down for me my right to make shopping in this local Aldi "as you asked refund" (which is customers rights by British Trade Laws). Plus, here automatic doors and no manual fire exits making a dangerous place in case of a fire as electricity always switch of in such cases making customers and staff inside not able to leave the building. I ask to install extra fire door manual exits for customers and staff. Plus, i ask to clean baskets as i spend my time to clean basket as covered by a black dust as from a coal or dust, so, nobody cleaned baskets offered to customers to put a food inside. Some staff had avoided to wear masks or to keep a distance or easy mask on a face, so, not really a good standards of a cleanest and a personnel hygiene. Staff had not used PPE gloves and the sanitised PPE. I advice to clean all items in ozonizer or to wash and to move packages to dry to keep on shelves and fridge after. See, 43 pence difference as my experience in Aldi as staff Aldi (the Cashier and Kerry Manager) both tried to scan some items twice. Kerry ordered to close me access to buy food in Her Kerry's Aldi for this refund experience with 43 pence gap of scanning some items. So, i was a right asking to re-scan to refund all as i felt something was wrong here in a scanning receipt as plenty .29 pences and 20 pounds really looked much to many or a mistake. I do not advice you this store as Manager Kerry liked to shout on customers in age 60s woman and their staff may be not always able to scan each all items too while blame of this Kerry and theirs may put to you as a customer. Good, i asked re-scan to refund all as if not it would be not nice. Particular, this was a nice store just Covi19 stress shock pressure put changes of a loss of standards of cleanest as dirty dusty baskets and as Kerry ordered not to buy items here probably some much more hidden reasons . so pity this was a nice store before and now i would say dusty dirty including baskets. I do not know how to name trade British people ordered not to come to buy a food-drinks any more in their store ALDI. I feel this was as Fascists and as still German store making not comfortable feeling Britons created this way in UK for other Britons.
I have a clean DBS. Not each staff of AKDI in Sutton-in-Ashfield may had a clean DBS.
I am living localy, a walking distance from ALDI andi had my shopping here from ALDI opened as I have not a car and not a driver, so, a walking distance as still a bad back, which i damaged in Juky 2014, working as a Care Assistant, saved my client and not saved my back.
I am a local living here near to 8 years.
I am a person from another Ethnic Group, making me to be discriminated by some of British Naci whom hated people of another race, another Ethnic Group or just whom hate others.
I worked as a Cashier for 3 tears 2002-2005 in TESCO in New Ollerton, so i have my private pension ;162.84 /year since my 55 yo age. This is not so huge to me to do shopping in a highly top class stores with expensive prices, making me a customer of ALDI, NETTO with more low prices by my income.
ALDI picked some persons from a top elite snobs to work here, probably, with their social snobs and attitude of career mind people to follow each call of their social circle class.
ALDI is not a shop or a store for people whom are rich or middle class, as they do their shopping in Sanisbury, Watrose, avoided ALDI and NETTO.
If you walk from ALDI and cross a road here a monument whom were our locals whom left to wars (WWI, Afgan , Maldives, ...) and never return back and here the small brick border with names surnames of locals whom in a power to make this with 3 (three) names of "Kerry" , filled all working position, as a family group.
If you visit a local St Mary Church in Mansfield, to go inside to find a memorial plate with surnames whom were being locals and never returned back from WWI, - here surnames Anderson, Bennett, Clarke, Clark, Johnson, and others and each surname is my genetic cousins 4th-5th genetic cousins.
If you go to Sutton Memorial Cemetery to find surnames of locals (some memorial graves as bodies in memorial graves abroad in Europe cemeteries), you find surnames of locals whom lived here and marked as Heroes, - here names of my genetic cousins 4th-5th cousins, distants by DNA genetic tests.
If you open Mansfield Woodhouse Memory, here was a photo of a man as the old photo with my father's face and shapes as a happy smiled attractive man on the local competitions of miners or locals as the old photo of locals lived here.
I am living Mason Street, - Mason is my genetic cousin Mason, Sutton, Ashley, Ashfield, Sutton, Mansfield, Abbott, Mason, Unwin, - really, names of local streets and names of local towns are my genetic cousins names. local nearest street name Unwin, - i have my genetic cousins Unwin.
The Her Majesty The Queen wrote her birthday card to a local 100 yo woman, surname French.
I have genetic cousins French, English, Gordon, Brown, Blair, Bladwin (named of British PM), Hoare, Hoar, (names of Boss of British Intelligent Service in Russian Impair in 1916 on a time of Grigory Rasputin murder case by British Intelligent Officers by orders from England, these officers were visitors of Usupov rich family (Prince Felix Usupov) visitors, lovers or servants'es chicldren, Usupov was Russian Noble of old Tatar family with tired closed links with English British French roots), I have genetic links with Usupov.
One of officer was Campbell, - i have genetic cousins Campbell, Bell, Usupov, Hoar, Hoare, Baldwin as all names of 1916 ++ events.
You like to see films about James Bond, - i do have my genetic cousins with his traced ancestry to Bond lived in 17 centry in England.
Another surnames of spy as English-Russian living in Russia was Abel, - i do have and this all and a surname of American Boss of American Spies in USA as my genetic cousins.
Some, i have and "Isaev" surname (a surname of a book fiction spy 17th spread of a spring.
More worse, and some german spies as Shellenberg, and Norways Berg and English Shelly and Borh Bahl Bahlsen.
I try to some old Nobles had marriages in theirs circles and mixed countries if their Prince or Princess or King or The Quen picked someone from another country as a spouse.
The sister of Russian Noble Official Gouvernant of Crimia was a wife of English man and they owed bought the old historical Palace as a place of childhood of Maria and Anna Bolain or Balian or ... "Bal" and "Bol", Ball, Balls Bools Bals Balz Balzin Balzina (I am Balzina and my father Balzin).
The father of old English King of England as King Lear by Shakspear was whom? on letter B ? as a legendar King of England? whom tried to flight making wings? whom was a hillier, used a moody soil to treat skins deseases? making this as a piggy love after as he was a shepards of pigs in England?
I have genetic cousins Leare Liare O'Lear
he had three daughters one was married to European man leaving England, two stayed here.
I leaned a history of Bolsover Castle as my British husband took me to here
The owners of Bolsover were Chevel family, in oldest days.
My genetic cousins some Chevel, Cheval, Lachevel, Shaw, Kirk (Chevel - Shavel - Kirk, Chevel Chavelli -Shavel Shavalir Chavalir French name of "Noble" "Officer" on French Shavilier Chavaliar -Chavel Chevel similar to "Sir" ) (but Chavelli - Gipsi people named themselves "Shavelli" or "Chavelli", and picked themself as Indian old trive with their casta old rights not to work, loss of oldest Indian Kingdom, one of , living on Decan Plato in India, cotta catte old tribes places, too) (making English words a cat Cat Catterins Caterine Caterina) (I have a genetic connections to some of Indian casta as Brahman, Brahmin, and old Military closed Indian casta by Genebase compare DNA searches). The old Indian Kingdoms collapsed with locals people started to migrate from here filling areas of modern Russia, Europe, England island and making The Old Indian Language Tree with connection to Sanscrite language of India.
Indian old written resourses named a flying object on sky making explosions on a land, as Godds fighted between themselves, ruining lands. The modern reaserachers of our days easily finded these specific round circles on the ground as lake or a coast line which look like as a specific marks of Nuclear Bomb signs just in oldest days making the proof of Indian resources.
But what about the official history as people started to dig their towns in Russia and Europe making their discovery as buildings of 18-19 century buildings by official history had some hidden secret real history signs of a deep undeground floors covered by moody soil as akix river water soil of a possible Great Flood signs of a some Gygant Wave or Waves.
I looked Omsk toan 19 centry buildings with a deepest 32-34 metres digging work opened all underground floors of buildings.
My old ancestry lived in Omsk, so this was so sensitive.
My great grandmother's brother worked in Omsk Bank in Omsk, - Lavr Ferorovich Novikov, a son of Fedor Novikov (Pheodor Novikov).
My great grandfather after a war with Japan was a teacher in a local Omsk cadets college, leaved to make a business with horses to earn more money, as a salary of Russian teacher was not so nice big enough for his huge family.
Novikov surname is a famous historical surname
Novikov mean "a new" "new" "nova" "nov"
Neva , a river Neva in Russia
So, some "Novikov" connected to words "new" and "Neva" and "Nova".
* my DNA by GPS DNA in HOMEDNA genetic tests connected me to places near Ladoga with is river connected to a Neva riva region and to 11-12 century place near a Catkoozero (Cat lake Catko lake) Katko Ozero places near Ladoga
and Pescova old taxes book connected me to surnames similar to my father's surname Balzin as Buldin
making from "a building of Bill Dean, a builder" sounding on English,
making Russian buldin bildin bulda and Balda (Bulder) was a name of old King Balda *Bulder)
Pushkin wrote a tales using Tsar archives
about Balda (Bulder Builder Buld Bold Bald Bould Bouldin)
his fight with devil on a competitions
By old legends Bouldin Bolding Balda was a name of some man whom was married on a daugther of old Russian Tsar , taking old Kindom to himself as her heritage to him as his wife.
I mean 11-12 century linked England-Russia, English and Russian languages.
Moss Cow
Peter (Peterbourgh)
Peat town
Saratov in Volga District in Russia
Sara town
Old Sarun near Stounhendge
Sara town
and French Seston in France
Genetically, each Briton and mostly white race Europeans
are decendents of whom lived in Volga District in Russia and in Siberia whom moved to live in Scandinavia.
The Cross was as a mark of a migration from some The Centre to a different directions,
as a mark "Remmeber about our roorts, our home, our mother! we all from some roots!"
this sounds on Kipling "We are from some red blood making, my bro!" (my brother!"
I have one my genetic couisn and he had his green blood, he fighted in Afgganistan.
This a a rary green blood colour of a human blood but some had this,
another man with some green blood lived in Canada.
He is my 4th genetic cousin with his green colour of his blood.
This colour may be from more ancient time as having another smell look, the red colour blood is a easy noticed seen visual and attracted to attack all wild hunters.
So, some people in ancient time may be survivers with another green blood.
The oldest legends teached people humans as some humans were being from trees and forests
(see English druids old belives ).
The old legends said people were being soils of old trees and trees started to walk, having legs instead roots in a deeply undegrounds.
This legends may be from believes of having plenty people and tribes with their green colour of blood similar to a green leaves colour.
The green leaves of trees "eat" sun rays energy, so, they survive on the "eating sun rrays lights" "my skins of green leaves".
Here is not changes at all, i saw photos of my genetic cousin with his green coloured blood (my blood is a red, him as my genetic cousin is a green blood), no difference , he a good runner, in a good health, had his wife and his children.
The green colour of blood connected with something connected to a liver, and any person with a red blood may had start to have a green blood. And this colour may not passed to children.
I think this may be some genetic changes in oldest times when people started to eat another type of a food too.
Really, human skin is a "mouth" and "nose".
If you put a cooper coin to your skin for a longer, you may see your skin started to be a green
as your skin started to eat a copper from a copper coin.
People whom swim on a salty sea with water with minerals, had minerals from the sea water by their "skin mouth".
The cooper used in any electrical equipment making links to provide the electricity.
So, the human body is a type of radiotransmitter devices as not able to be a functional without a cooper.
the human skin has brease via skin the air or as extracted out something from a body.
This means signs of traces of our deepest old ancestors living probbaly in a deepest water of oceans and lakes.
We go to the ocean or see coast to find a similarity and we see these soft white small creatures.
We look as a ocean creatures some make to swim and some not, - humans may to swim if to lean how to swim, so a human body may to swim, connecting us to those water creatures whom able to swim in a water and live in a water, make a connections to our deepest old ancestors living in a water and swim in a water.
Which coulour of human blood may exist?
- a red
- a green
- a orange (similar to insects orange colours) (but some small bugs had a red colour liquid blood)
- a violet
- a blue
- a white "unseen"
- a black
- a purpul
The white unseen is a gele-fish as this way helped to hide themselves to be unseen.
so, some times ago some came from a way to be unseen to be seen.
some came from a way to have a skin which would look as unedable
some had more ancients roots when was a life of stone looking slowly moving creatures
with red and reddish colours inside as having a Ferro iron.
The Copper Kingdom era started and finished.
People used a cooper a lot, as humans bodies needed a copper.
Look, our Universe and the life on our planet had been created by our God?
So, each creatures on our planets, righter in a water or on a surface ,
had been created by our The God too,
for us to accept this,
as his creatures too, ourselves.
What do some people?
They had their fears to all uncommon unknown.
The first reaction of a dog, and a cat, or some child on unknown may be a fear or tears.
Dogs started to bark on all unknown, - on humans, walkers, animals, on TV movi with animals, on a fireworks, on a sounds, on a trump sounds , on a hoover noise sound before they leaned to accept this as a common known for them as having no dangerous to them.
Dogs always varked on cats if this is not their cat from their homeowners edicated growing together since a childbirth in some home.
Plenty had fears of inscents and to whom never harm too.
So, plenty uncommon things may put to a fears or to a xenofobia.
The nature used xenofobia as a barrier "not to do a sex with creatures of another biological races, types".
The Xenofobia keeps all birds to find just their own biological groups females to make "babies - birds".
Plenty humans had some types of xenofobia in England making them to be Naci style people accepting just their own family closed group circle of locals and nobody elses.
Why is this?
I tough a sensitive theme as
1. when plenty were being killed or murdered, which left alive treat to keep a group, acepting just people of own group.
2. Middle Age Inquisition was a huge genocide against all local females whom had been murdered.
3. British scientists mostly are not able to touch this theme as a sensitive making scientists and searchers and leaners of other country to study things not really permitted to study in UK openly.
4. But, we, so, to make a compare to something easy understandable to each as a farmer work of selective work of selection of a new produced types of cows, bulls, chiken, hens, or types of dogs, cats, their external look or for a special needs of priducer.
5. Some dogs are a little small and some tall big, some for a hunters on a foxes, some are hunters on a water smimming birds, some are sheppards of lambs, some are guards, some are family dogs, some are pet companion dogs, some are for a prestige porshe look to show the owner as a rich owner or a sexy looking owner, some are butchers dogs to move cows and bulls to walk to a butcher's knife.
6. So, if we just ask the question of a possible goal of selective work for 300 years of The Inquestion and or whom they had been as a Selecters Providing Their Selective Work on humans in England, in Europe, in America,
7. we need to have somethings as a resourse to compare as "not selective work of 300 years of Inquiesition Selective work process" to compare with (*** please notice i do not put as the equal people of Middle Age and a modern age as we have a difference in a knowledge and a science what they might not to know and had fears, please notice each church are humans filled chuches, so any modern church would be always another as a social base of locals unions together). So, we look for locals out a selective work for 300 years as locals of other countries, their look, their health, theirs and to compare to British look.
8. The modern look of now is not the look of people lived here in the past as a genocide against locals traces.
9. I mean you look what left not how this would be looked if each local would not murdered by a genocide via 300 years of Inquesion.
10. British people mostly while they shout loudly sometmes but "easy" to rule similar to mayb e barked loudly dogs of owners as dogs barked alwats not to their owners but to some one new - a new face in a community, a person of another Ethnic group, plenty "barked" just on a social low rigther they are.
British people paid a high taxes and do all JCP British Gov ordered them to do, - so, all similar to dogs of owners where The Owner may ordered what to do to dogs "or you have not your food suppply!"
11. I will defend the chuch now to say a thing as whom took a power never will give this power back, making answers to find a real activity if power as selectors committed a genocide to keep their power.
12. so to answer whom they had been in the past, lets see whom are in the absulote doiminant power now in UK to provide a selective work of a killing locals or inhabitants UK.
13. had The Church this power in UK? Not, they are not. British JCP and British Govertment had a power by their instructions which may cut a food supply making people in UK to die from a hungry death or a suncide after a depressions as no food supply as JCP instructions or activity. So, JCP Officials as The Selecters of a selective genecide as a hidden genecide of locals where any may be killed if having a low income as "UNWANTED IN UK!"
14. Please compare rules for pets and humans in UK. British Lords and Parliament UK had their free time to vote to protect pets in UK< dogs in UK to survive, to have a fresh water supply, a food each day "as they are pets and animals!", -- but they had not their time to do some work as Laws of protection lives of humans in UK, children UK, British Citizen UK, women UK, pensioners UK, people in age in UK, making the value of a life of a home pet ( a dog, a cat, a hourse) much highly level rigther a value of a human life in UK.
15. You may never lean to know this living in UK if your destiny would be a comfortable safe for you , or you may lean to know this if your family loss the luck sooner straight as "Unwanted in UK! Your family had a loss of luck started to be a low income or no work!" So, some knows this and some do not knows this, depeding of a curremstances.
16. So, we have the selecters of a possible modern day hidden genocide of Britons in UK as JCP Officials,Council Officers, etc.
18. You are not able to survive without a food sipply as you need a food and a drink and this is essencial.
19, I am emotional harm as the manners of taking with humans for people trying to take a power or whom took a power in UK similar as OWNERS TOOK WITH THEIR PUPPIS DOGS AND DOGS AS HUMILATION HUMANS IN UK.
20. The closure of a shop was for theif and theives sometimes. But my DBS is a clean, my ancestors were being Military Officers and Soldiers and Bank Workers and some Pediator Medical Doctores, Nurses, Care Assistant, Economics, Primary Teachers, Teachers, some Noble too, making The Honestly as a proud family mark of casta of Miliatery people casta to be a proud to be a honest.
21. I find as I had been a victim where some criminals took my bank cards and money alwats in a shop from me (as i think each honest as i am a honest so i am a naive to value each so highly as i value myself highly), - Kerry did something wrong so, if she shouted on me so she shouted on herself, making something wrong herself.
22. I never saw Kerry. I do not remember seen Kerry in my life to make any personnel offences or disgrovations. So, what was a point to Kerry to start this attack of me?
23. Kerry started 1st and she started to shout on me loudly straight to she publucly open for each in a shopping floor of ALDi SHE IS NOT LIKE ME straight. and she could not stop this.
24. This is not looking a professional for any work in a customer service or a Manager of ALDI style as to shout to customers of ALDi, this is not professional at all for any work in a trade sale industry of a private sector in UK too.
25. See, a memorial monument here where plenty Kerry surnames here, filled each possible post as a family group and in ALDI, so, too? The Memorial Nonument with NO NAMES of locals TO REMEMBER THEM ALWAYS and with SURNAMES OF LOCALS IN POWER just to remember THEM just. I mean this is a strange memorial as NO NAMES, NO ONE LOCAL NAME in the MEMORIAL to REMEMVER LOCALS WHOM DIED with no names of them? as no needs to remember them as just names of local Council workers and etc as just their names here openly seen?
26. My husband worked in Afhanistan as a cibilian building staff, a Project Manager, whom was a man, buidling this British Camp in Kandaghar in Afhanistan, all places to leave here, to eat, warehouse, hospitals, a morgue, an an aeroport, a shower rooms. He was my 2nd husband. I had plenty photos from here with faces including a face of British Minister of Defence walking together with my husband on stafe of taking the new building oject to a balance of UK.
27. I was worked in Tesco New Ollerton, my British husband started to work abroad , I worked making a working patterns shifts and overtime from 6 am till 24:00 midnight as a Cashier and Sale Assistant in Tesco.
28. My husband left me as a victim of domestic violance (but i refused to sign a paper on him from a Police Officer for my husband to go to The Court he damaged me as i was a naive to think better he would worked paying taxes in UK budget and better he would worked and i had a hope this way may help to treat his mental illness attacks on me suddenly. He was some not just to me one as to whom was his lover prior me too). But i had some my grandfather's brother whom was a bandit in a Caucausian Mountaunts area , they grabbed rich people houses, some they killed or .., he was a child coming to commit this, but later during WWII he was a best military spy and he survived and all criminal bad past had been gully cleaned out making him a Hero, while he lived with some changes of his birthday dates making him to be seen as another. And after WWII military fight experiece he never returned back to any criminal activity and each remember him as a highly respectable man. So, i was glad my husband while he committed somethings wrong to 15 years of a prison in UK as a constant attacks on women as a domestic violance habits, he changed his behaulves in attempts to be a real honest man in a male society of a miliaty people (while i said all was i had knew for military people to know this to make the eye for him too, as a point of a life savings of British military people). My British husband had stopped what he had as a wrong, this activity helped him, so, to growth though was a wrong. I had not any bad things to him as his huge salary was on a British bank for our both names and i was granted to have 3 holidays of 1st class , 4-4 stars hotels range always as his ask and his order to me his wife. So, this way worked. I had not anything to complain.
29. He left be as a coward, as i was on tablets, not able to walk, having problems with a visions, but when i saw him, started to be worse straight making us to keep a seperate. He had not took any servat to me to a help while i was not able to do something. But i managed myself on my own as i could while this was not easy, i was not able to stay in any long que to buy a food and not able to take any heavy as just 1/2 of milk weight on tha time. So, be honest, he rub from the ill wife as a victim of domestic violance by him and from a possible 15 years prison sences to area where each was a proected by British Govertment to do a work for American Govertment. This similar to Soviet Union rules to prisoners and murders during WWII time to be a fully clean for to be a brave in a fighting with Faschists and Germany, - plenty prisoners cleaned their names and prison sences for this deal.
30. I was a proud for my British husband as i am the daugther of a military Officer, served on a Soviet rockets underground sttaion during The Cold War (see no one Soviet Nuclear rocket had flight to bomb UK/USA/EU as a professionalismof a keeping a peace of Soviet Russian man as my father and them.
31. My father was tried to be a Soviet Cosmonauvt in Russia, but he had a accident as a rocket feld down and on his feet making his finger damaged here. So, other men and women of USSR with strange foriegn faces as not Russian some started to be a Cosmonauvt.
32. Surnames of Russian Cosmounavts as Gagarin, Titov, ... , Komarov, ,,, Nikolaev (?) are my genetic couisns's surnames.
33. My father look was similar to Yuri Gagarin but my father was much more attractive and too with a really nice friendly attractive smile and a figure. So, turn another way and may be my father was here in their group too, but this accident with a rocket put him out this.
34. My mother met him in 1960 and married him. She always loved my father till her death in 2011.
35. We had a case as my father started to work in a Soviet military underground Station during The Cold War. My father said me their Commander said them in a case of any Nuclear War there will be no a ny life left on a planet. My father said as his Commander said as the order to bomb USA just came and nobody will left alive so better for each Soviet Russian Officer to run straight to their own families and wives to stay with own families with their wives while he will do what asked for. My father and all their group of young attractive sport looking males as Soviet Russian Officers put themselves on motobike and cars to run to their wives and family. My father too, making a break of his military promise. But they were being young males and each needs a sex and a wife and afamily and missed all.
36. So, each survived. The Commander closed The Underground Nuclear Station exit and he had not pressed a button to start the move of a roket, rokets. Later was a sign this was some mistake to think USA started a Nuclear Bombing of USSR as a radar fault was. Some radar fault was making to think this way.
37. I mean i always knew so my mother was more important for my father and he worked to make a money to feed his family and us all.
38. Later we had another case. My father worked in another underground Nuclear Station in USSR already in another place far far away from this. He waked up at 5am to go to his work.
39. My brother was born and my father bought a box of Russian vodka and Shampain bottle box to selebrate this birth of his son.
40. We lived in a closed military small town, guarded by fence and military quards, no sale of any alghogol as just for a special cases of birthday, so, my father invited all his military Soviet Union Russian Officers, males to make a good drinks to celebrate a bith of his son. He was a really drunk after himself, started to sleep.
41. But he waked up 5 am to go to his work to the underground Soviet Union rokets base anyway and he had a problem with me his 7 yo small girl, i looked as 5 yo girl as was not so tall as others.
42. We had my antie living here but it was no time already for him to bring me to her. not to be a late on his military work, so, he took me with him on his work and he left me to sit down on the ground soil grass flowers near this Soviet underground station and he left me here and disspaired from a vision.
43. I wated him for a while, here was a sunny hot summer day, a nice warm hot no clouds. Plenty flies, ants on the grounds, plenty small flowers , small butterflies, bees.
44. My father had not left me any drink or a food, as fogot or not a time,
45. I was waiting for a long. it was a midday already, probaly or near and i tired to wait. Or not a long but a long as a waiting.
46. I was a tired amd missed my father a lot, wanted to see to find him but there was just a round place nobody no uilding no trees nothing, just me one and nobody around me.
47. to spend my time, so, i started to play with bees : they sat down on a flower and i tried to catch their back legs gently, making them to fly from a flower up.
47. But as i bothered them a lot by this all, probably, as my game, one bee started to attack me and i started to run away from this bee to shouthing loudly "Bees! Bees!" ("Пчёлы! Пчёлы!")
48. My father said me on my 55 yo ge ++ only that i run (not knowing this) to a direction he was and to a direction of a hiden high electrical voltage fence to kill each (animal or a person, crossing a border) as buring straight.
49. But here was a miracle. Some Military Officer switched off this electrical high voltage unssen fence making me to come in safety untouched to them.
50. Soviet Russian military people, Officers and Soldiers, welcomed me on their Soviet militay underground Station, they gave me to look around in their special ocular binicle periscope and they gave me a drink, a nice compote from a boilig dried fruits, and a military food, a prorridge with a meat, really tasty all as a drink and a food was, i liked this really much, so tasty all.
51. Some one gave me a present as pistol gan shaped item but it would be not posible to make any shoot as from some nice light brown plastic or oxide harden liquid , really nice to touch. Later this dissapered , i do not know why or whom took or stolen or i losed. I never saw after nothings as the equal some material. This was as old from a type of pine trees making hard as a plastic of a top range quality.
52. This 2nd time was ruined father career as a Officer of Militay Underground Station in USSR complitly. He had a next career awards but they moved him to work as a military builder and he read lectia to soldiers or did a newspapers posters with soldeirs. But my mother was much happy.
53. The Soviet Union castas rules was if someone did something wrong or a really wronf to take put a working place to put to another as a similar or on 1 step high.
54. I mean if a Minister of Farming jobs had a mistakes on his work, -he had chances to me a Military Minister of Defence, some casta level or much high as a President of USSR level.
55. So, USSR collapsed.
56. and, what people on the west as ordinaty people may be not know: really, just foreign spies might had a good career in USSR as much better protected guarded adviced supported and a really career focuced people with goals. so, USSR destiny was predictable as a collapse when ordered from abroad.
57. My father presented me his Soviet military Officer 's binokle ocular as a vision eqipment for Military Officers of USSR. There was not possible to see here nothing at all as not a funcial for a vision for just for a filming toy and good on a photo.
58. I mean all what was seen as a real was as just toys games.
59. This visial military equipment was done from a top quality materials, so, a really expensive thing, just not functional item at all. and with the individual number still graved here.
60. I mean i was thinking to show this first to British people to realise this was just a toy to make a good photo of a military officer staying as a figure.
61. this means what looked as a real was not a real just game plays roles toys.
62. nobody would be able to fight in a real fight to have unfuctional visual items toys.
63. But this was produced as a military equipment for Soviet Officers USSR. So, my father owed this for himself to look as a military officer too.
64. on some his another photo my father looked as his face as a female face, so you lok and not know if here a girl or a boy by a face look. When i saw this i was in doubt if my father os my mother, really?
65. But my father's DNA tests find he was a male, so my father.
Now my father still works, 1937 yo, he is after 80s, still works.
He had a problem with his memory.
He drove his car, always fogot his own home exit, -he tried to walk to another, and was a clever to realise this as his keys code was not open his exit.
He slept on his working place if tired, making his young college to shout on him he was an old to work here, as thy knocked at a door, he slept not listened to open a door.
But the owner came to my father to a home with a bottle to drink as friends and asked my father to forgive this young college to continue to work.
I mean any company is a good company if have a kindness to people and to own staff or whom worked here too as making a loaylity and safety of each.
American CIA asked my father to start to work for him, some people kindnapped him in Latvia, beated him a old man after 80 yo, Russian Ethnic. My father refused them, saying he served to USSR, Siviet Union,Russia, and Russian military pensioner and Russian Citizen.
But Russia and Putin and Ministry of Affairs of Russia refused me to be their Russian Citizen or to live in Russia, this rights just for my parents were as Russian Citizens and Soviet Union Citizens, not passed to me as Alien of Latvia officially by Latvian Alien passport, Alien = not citizen of Latvia , a person without any citizenship. I received British Citizenship and 1st British passport since April 2002 as a wife of British man, born in UK after 3 years of our marriage.
I was able to work on some British secret service or etc as knowing Russian langiage well, but i decided to avoid this way as i born in Russia as my childhood place country place, as my Russian Ethnic group, and I just not able to do something wrong to harm a country of by birthplace where was so happy and had my family, my parents, my mother and my faher, memory about all us here.
And still one why: I feel this as a dishonest to steal other people goods, items, the information, the property, as a dishonest not nice to do as this way ruined something as the trust between people and a in a society.
So, i try to read a lot to needs each Briton must have a some comfortable level of life warranty or a low income plus level warranty as the amount need to paid to each Britons and taxed code system to calculated this level on all comming as more rigther the standard top.
I mean as a paid summer to each living alive Briton since a birth till a death as a warranty life supporting amount.
I wrote stayed for this as i saw as some young people or any committed a suincide in UK as they had a suddenly shock stress of a everything loss of theirs.
Boris Berezovski came in UK as a richest man of Russia and a world spending all his money here in UK till left nothing and he committed a suincide. So,, soon as money left = the death. so, the talking money as a taking a blood and a life in UK and a death.
One young male man on Mason Street in Sutton in AShfield had coomitted a siuncide as he worked for Agency promised FT paid work, but Agency started provide much much less, making days off as unpaid.
The JCP rules ofr JSA or UC took a gap 2 months before 1st payment.
But to live in UK, to have a food and a drink supply each day, so money to buy a food and a drink.
and to have a home, - to have money to pay a rent, heating, electricity, Itrente, phone
still masks supply too.
So, our British Govertment or people in power looked a little bit strange as not knowing a human physiology or having not a human physiology so they had not human nees or they do not know humans needs of human body to be fed as writing laws with payments making such delay.
Or, they loooked as MURDERS and KILLERS in power in UK whom created a way HOW TO KILLS OTHERS especially whom was not lucky or had an age, a los of a work, a loss of a family financial provider.
When someone came over 2 months of waiting time till 1st payment and managed to save a life having no foiod for 2 months here in UK, seeing OTHERS as staff of shops, buyers, others having their food as rich to buy this, - this is a huge gap them-you, you-them, and no feelings of any "British Nation" as children in British school listen "We all are one British Nation, sisters and brothers" with the lessons nobody helped to you in UK some way as The Hell place tourtures of humans to cry.
Some me.
Kerry is a British Citizen UK, having a place in ALDi as Manager
I had my University Degree as Mathematician still some on a top, i worked with people of each age and background and range of relifion and Ethnic groups.
But owers will provide a working place for people looking as worked with trainning dogs or in a prison in Guatanmo on Cuba with their hate of other Ethnic Groups or whom is not follow THEIR ORDERS.
The sociaty from a civilian normal kind society low down to a military police state and low down to a society of The Ghetto Concentration Camp place where all British Citizns had loss of a human rights having just ORDERS just ORDERS from each Official UK, each owenr of shop, staff uK.
Our British stores and shops started to look as a police stations served some by thieves whom blamed customers to be thieves ,
you go inside with this not nice atmosphere of body looking as a miliatry trained staff of prisons or police station employed on a "private" sectors .
Let s go to try to have a food parcel from British Charity or British Christian Charity and they had refused to provide any help to you without a special signed letter from JCP Official from ANOTHER TOWN, not worrying to travel to here and back a cost of money and not each had money so ASKED A FOOD.
So, here a normal cruelty in UK to refuse in a help, to refuse in a food supply.
So, you live locally ? ALDI store is near you?
You had not money to order their food delivery
You need to see to pick all yourself as this your food
They provide a home delivery (ASDA, ALDI, MORRISON)
but the delivery costs a money.
But what to do if you need just a milk? a bread?
to pay 5 pounds for delivery a milk and a bread?
But people on a low income as I am we all survived saving own money
trying to find a reduced items or deals,
always used a trolley not taxi or a delivery.
If i have just 4 pounds left as a food supply money per a week
the price of taxi 4-5 pounds from store
the bus tickets are too cost.
This mean no way to survive
I am less 53 pounds below on a low income.
This means me a sensitive to spend any pence.
All my food supply sometimes just an apply and a water as on what left and this all.
Some local people killed local animimals and birds or fishes as no way to have any other help in UK on the ask the help here.
But I am not a male not a hunter not a fishmen, so i am not follow this illegel way in UK to survive.
I just a woman 60s in Juky 2021 age.
I saw while Kerry shouted on me here was a man of a white race in his age over 60 yo defenetly.
I looked around as i tried to find some consalidaty or buyers as Kerry shouted as Manager Aldi loudly on a buyer as them themselves here.
Nobody helped
Some or plenty laughed
they so me as a different of them so laghed
they stayed as groups and this way now to make a shopping in stores in UK to come as a group to defence themselves from a shouting and a humilation
This man looked as not in a group, probably, or in a small group.
He took his head deeply down to a floor to see just a floor in ALDI not faces around.
I mean Kerry damaged not just me one, - but Kerry shouted loudly in a shop floor with customers and staff of ALDI.
But Kerry would had here a work as manager aldi with right to shout on customer or to order to stop to do a shoping in ALDI as employer staff of ALDI.
How this possible in UK for local shop ordered to locals not to go to buy a food drink supply from their store any more?
I mean any adult knew needs of human body on a food and a drink and Kerry as Manager of Aldi looked as a murder and a killer as employed by ALDi store. as her activity to close a food drink supply to locals
while some people of other areas on their cars came in this ALDI free to make a shoping.
so, a food in a local stores not for locals living locally now? already?
If you go to ALDI store
they asked customers to buy their food on line from them with a delivery to a home.
Look, Kerry had not said me this option as to me too as she CLOSED DOWN ACCES to a local food supply delivery.
British newspapers liked to make reportages of some killers and their wives.
British newspspapers out to show to support ordinary people in UK and a surviving theme how to surviuve in UK on what we had in UK?
I had the inventations to go to vote always as a local.
But soon they took a power they forgot all us and our local needs.
Our roads surfaces damaged, a walking path way damaged.
The Pleasure landscape with a moody pathway nobody put a wooded bits to make a nice look.
As a local, I asked each political party leaders as a local (Conservative, Labour, Indepandant, Samanta Deakin) (police too) to install the safety pathway cross , one to Carsid road as a popular walking and bike cross from a pub side way, i wrote this may help to owners of pub to have more local visitors as just to cross a raod back to home way, and would be safety as each walked here, some mother with prams and newborn children, people on bikes and children, and a dangerous place as no light and hard to see in a foggy rain dark time, someone may be killed here.
Nobody installed a safe walking path cross while this just to instal white parrell lines across a road, not so hard work, really as 1st start job to be done.
Nobody as people in a political or local power were interetsing to make this for locals.
So, they prefer deaths of locals instead as people in power on locals?
The local pub closed down.
No place to go to a pub for local as this was, - he pub is closed down.
Another nearest pub had been closed down and demolision sold for a car park for sale stend.
But if i am a drunk i would prefer not to cross a road walking back to a home and here nothing left as each closed down.
So, a way as the option: to buy a bottle of a beer to sit in own garden or in a home to drink a beer looking TV. This way is saving money way as more cheap, my way as alow money.
I may buy a bottle of something to sit to drink at home )easy back to a bed) or in a garden.
I mean this way to me as this according my income as i am not able to affor to go to a pub having 53 pounds low rigther a low concome in UK monstly. I mean i do not put my way as a reccommended for each as just as a comfortable particular to me and my income.
And i like to see pubs filled by people here, so nice, someone had enough money to have this.
Really, for 23 years I amliving in UK, i was in a pub
just when i was Mrs Inna Scotford, a wife of Robert Frederick Scotford, born in Stourbridge, UK,
when he drive his car with me, we stayed to have a meal in lots of places.
When we divorced in April 2010, i stayed on own and not a driver and my income dropped to 0 zero pounds as i had not applied for a Financial Settlement or a pension share on my side.
From 2010 till 2021 i was in a british pub:
Fox Pole of somethings as this in Ollerton, Old Ollerton,
walking and had a stop for a shandy (a beer and a lemonade), 1/2 pinta or 1 pinta.
still with mr Almer Syson, his birth 1932, i was his Swimming Lesson Teacher in a nearest Swimming Pool Cetre, he said me he never swam. I managed, he started to swam a little bit on his back from my 1st lesson, not a long distance as 1st time just, but he swam. and he enjoyed a jakkuzy mostly as a warm.
And as to make the award he managed to swim on one on his back a little small distance, we came to Old Ollerton pub, here the italian restourant already, we drunk beers, making photos of each here.
Almer Syson died in 2020, i was on his funeral on 15th June 2020 in a local Sutton Memorial Cemetry.
here is his grave to walk in the front forward forward and to right side where a small now tree . a nice grave of a local woman here, she died on her 50th. Her surname belong to names of my genetic cousins.
His grave on a right of this grave. The stone work with him as ex-miner. Locals may remember him on a bike, he had a bad back.
I helped him when he asked me the help, - i walked to make a shopping from him,
some items from ASDA, some from Morrison, some from TESCO EXPRESS,
some from ALDI.
So, i had bought as a buyer things from ALDI and for me myself and for Mr Almer Syson, "Sy" shortly.
We discassed plans to be marry one time. But he expllained me the way his relatives would never accepted me as his official wife as he was divorced from his 1st wife had his next partner beloved wife for years and as his children accepted his wife just if she would be a rich woman, any race or any Ethnic or any age but a rich woman as a social class of financial income and any country. He was thinking i was a rich woman as i weared a sparking glass hige earning looking as a huge diamonts. So, he was a mistaked to think about me as a rich class woman 1st. While i bought these ering for 1 pound from the charity shop supporting people in a cancer as my mother died from a cancer in 2011. I had not applied for my mother heritage as this needed to travel to Riga Latvia to her Solicitor and i had not money for this trip as unemployed UK.
When i came to her funeral, i was missed to take anything on a memory as my father cried, and all my mother's sensitive family archives had dissapered after, probably by some his new woman helping to pass his loss of his wife.
So, i had nothing, left my mother jewerry too to my father.
So, i picked some earings from a charity shop in a memory as to support people having a cancer.
My Almer Syson looked these sparking as diamond earing so we knew each another met each another.
He thought i was the owner of place I lived.
But when when we started to discuss a marriage, he said me. He might thought i may talk with my father to arrange me something decend to be a marry in UK as a good choice too, so pushed me to act to ask my father to do something for me.
I had my males relatives uncles they had not children and in age, one came to UK, asking my permit to take a heritage from him on the exchange me to be a mother of his child here in UK (our old day relatives were Old Ortodox Chuches Belives and plenty married just on own nephews whom was a rich to keep all money inside own family group). But i refused as avoided to damage my British husband career by any link to Russia. While he was a rich man. Instead, I adviced him to leave all to his own wife for years whom supported him all while they had not children.
So, Mr Almer Syson had not chances to see me a rich woman in UK to marry on me as i offered a chucrch marriage still as i never was married by the church marriage and Russian Orthodox Church not loooking on my 2 marriages as marriages as our the Church marriage.
I fed uo from my long surname Balzina-Balzin (from Balshem village in Cambridge, probably), so, i offered a marriage thinking to short this to Syson for me to put this in my CV to apply for a work with more short surname so to be more better as I am out of a work since 2014 as not each would afree to write so long surname as people are lazy.
Later he said me, he would be agree to marry to me just his children would be not as worries about their heritage from him to them and their loss if he marry me.
As we leaned this main problem, i offered a contract marriage to him where all what belong to me prior our marriage would be mine and what belong him as his property with rulse these would be belong to side whom we put in a wills as our children (mine for me and his for him), if someone would died of us as the return to status que on day of marriage, making his children not to worry as any loss.
He had his pension and British laws as not are cruel as not permitted to put this to owe to own childrem grandchildren, so his would be not able to have this as his heritage any way. While would be enough for me to stay financially, renting something.
His 1st reaction was to say me "yes, i pick this, i would like this", he was started to be agree.
But after a thinking, he replied me this:
- No. As while this a contract marriage would suit things and problems but British Laws would not accepted this contract and my children will worry any way you may take all to youself if i died.
So, i break all personnel links as female and male to known and neibours just.
But i helped with a shopping occasionally if Sy asked me, called to me, and a lot his money via my help to buy to him were being via ALDI as nearest to me to walk.
I picked my shopping willed bag to make a shopping.
I tried to do shopping for myself and for Mr Almer Syson always seperetly. 1st for him, after for me.
I had not took a money from him. He gaves me sometimes some fruits, grapes, apples from what was bought. I may refuse or take not to offend him.
I liked to fit his clothes, he liked too this. But later i started not able to put a cotton to a needle, taking 20 minutes of attempts to start a sew work.
I bought his fabourite melt pie from Morrison and from ALDI to him. He tried i ate too but i always said not as i dislike these pies as not nice taste for me as i disliked pies with meat, i prefer a cheese or fruits.
My daugther bought her shopping here in ALDI for her family of 4. Her partner and afther of my grandchildren are Manager, she shopping busket was always full not as mine just for one me, a single.
So, a lot of shopping experiences o=in some ALDI for years
with this rude shouts of Kerry on me.
I am not able to understand how this possible to be so vulgar rude aggressive woman as Kerry Manager of ALDI whom humilated others publicly shouting them on a shop floor.
This just British English-speaking locals bprn in UK British military force style woman may do.
Kerry had not worries she humilated a customer, a woman, another Ethnic woman
and -- more worse, local ALDI is my nearest to my home food-drinks supply shop
- she closed to me the access
ALDI asked to change a shoping in stores to a home delivery (shopping + delivery paid)
a shopping with a ful trace of customer names, address, personnel details, so.
Do you want as a customer these shouting crazy woman Kerry as manager of ALDI whom acted as a type of robot on orders to blame someone had access to your personnel details more closely as your home address? so your income too as all linked to income?
So, type of people, as KERRY SHOUTED LOUDLY RUDE TO OTHERS and ORDERD NO FOOD NO DRINKS TO LOCAL WOMAN 60s as KERRY DISLIKE HER to be her customer (personnelly? some calls?)
if you start to do orders on line you never see some details
as i saw as Kerry Manager store ALDI had dirty black dust baskets offered to customers to put a fresh food to here to their dirty dustry , some black dust basket. i spend a time to clean a basket to see how they dirty balck dusty.
but when you offered all online you will never know such details as a cleanest of place as a store as a wearing masks or not, wearing gloves working with a food or not.
More worse, whom so rude to shout on customers may do any order
as as to order to close a food supply of essensial good = to kill a person by a hungry death.
I am Russian Ethnic people and we liked kind people and a kindness.
Would i be a male and a man i doubt i marry on any these picked by British male as their wife, partners, lovers with no kidness and attempts to kill others if they are different or a different ethnic group.
Russian people survived in a cold frost winters minus 50 dergee, some time no food and just a help of others. Russian males were fighters , plenty Russian females helped to each another and to children and to cars and to dogs and to old age and to walker and to strangers.
or TESCO EXPRESS - you may never survive as just to die.
When i had no food in Feb 2017
British Charity refused me as i talked with Russian accent
British JCP Official wrote a letter to provide a food parcel help "forhetting yo sinf validate" making "no food" and British Chriatian St Mary Church in Sutton in Ashfield refused me as British Christians way with Jesus "Not be Judges of Others" , - they started to JUDGE me as "British Christians" , they LAUGHED , they eyes laighed on me, while they refused me in a food help, they damaged me forever to think all Britons as non human devils as human helps to human.
Some people sit down in a British Christain Charity as "we are British Christians" "a power as a local power here to provide a food or not". They may to gie whom them knew personnally or to order not to give as "disliked another Ethnic someone here".
This as a Hell, a British Ennglish-speakers Hell, making ma from a loayl person leaned English as 2nd from my childhood as my mother ask person to feel Britons as English-speakers murders whom like to be sadists, murders, killers, to humilate other races, Ethnic Hroup, ahe, any to sjow their power.
Look what people in power did in Canada? Plenty killed local children in school? 751 graves just started in one place one school as a work of local people in power here on orders to kill someone.
If you would be a bilingual as i am, making ability to talk to know thoughts of plenty others
as people moved to way to think English-speakers Britons and Americans are not a human Homo Sapineces as all others normal people
as each wars of 20-21 centrury started by English speakers coming to other people land to kill locals talking on another language rigther English.
Africa, India, ...
So they go far away to find whom to humilate
But when you live inside UK? You are "theirs" "local" "British Citizen" UK?
You have what people of colonies or other countries had from English-British-American Englishs-peakers on youL
they tried to humilate you for the accent, for to be a different.
To save yourself, you changed yourself TO COPY THEM.
They shouted on you? - You shout on them.
They humilated you verbally? - you humilated them verbally.
Do you think this would be what British School Teachers and Priests must to say as "One Nation" "One British Nation" ???
I live in UK, having British Citizenship and British passport.
I do not feel this as me live in my own country as this is not looking this way
People, not passed English langauge skills exams in British schools,
shouted on people talking with accent TALK ON ENGLISH! GO AWAY !
They used to shout this on well-educated people of other Ethnic whom passed University Degree.
They used to shout this on people from more rich social class too.
UK make money as a collector of a richest people from another state and country.
Plenty murders of other state with a good money settle down in UK finnacly to be Britons
as UK is a collector of murders in power, ex-murders in power , criminals with money from other states.
But they welcomed just they had a money to take of to a budget or on hands.
Soon money finished -the edn finished.
I doubt Bersovski killed himself as a suincide as an active Jewish male billioner whom always had plans how to make money as the ex owner or owner with plenty ideas, plenty sparking ideas, a worng or not but ideas. Berozovski came in UK as a billioner ending no money making a loss of billions living in UK@@@ where were his money spending? in UK. He lived in UK. So, UK state took billions of Boris Beresovski ?
and after all? He had been find died "committed a suincide as no money left".
Before UK started to walk in a war with Iraq, Iran, Afghan together with USA,
British Militarry Specialist Professor Kelly passed to all Brithsh Society that UK Govertment lied to UK
and USA Govertment lied to UK, there are not this weapons with 2 minutes to reach UK/EU/USA in Iraq here as from a British military specialist professional full knowledge whom is working here in Iraq".
Professor is a middle class group, so a rich man for me as a low income British woman.
Professor is a professional on his are of a knowledge.
What was after in UK?
People started not to discuss this his information but "he was a wrong to say this piblicly open for us here to kknow this truth as we need a lie ! as British! Britons!"
Some women whom never worked in Iraq and not British Professors UK and not Military Specialists worked in Iraque started the open public blame of British Citizen UK, British Professor Kelly,
pushed him to commit a suincide
(or killed him under a false suincide as a killed man instead).
The loss of a life in UK of a British Top=Elite Military Professional Kelly was!!!
But what was a pubic response of this?
Had each been sakted from duties to answer as pushed a man to die? so acted as murders in power?
or they had not as "this so easy for them in their power to kill any inside UK or outside UK" and as THEY WANTED THIS WAR. NOBODY WANTED IN UK. Demonstrations had been in a place against a war in Iraq. How this helped to stop a war?
After we saw American military used a white phospor burbing skins of local children, women, men, civilins lived in Iraque town.
American dirty boms with radiactive contains used to be sold to use in Arab Pennusuela and to Erupean Yugoslavia area. They left a radiactive soil spreaded by a wind widely to a water respurses, on local fields, houses, buildings.
American miliraty staff won The Court in USA as his daugter had been born without fingers after he used to touch a radiactive bullets bombs to shoot them to civilians locals in Arab Pennusuela and his Commander had not said this to him what this was and how dangeroys was and no any shield equipment was.
Civilians people locals lived on their own land, onw village and towns peacefully
and the level of their technology of mostly farming lands had not any dangerouse for safety UK/USA.
They had their own land , they had not planned to come to UK to catch British land.
They lived far far away from UK, peacefully by their own life, having their economy style, their own language.
This had not stopped British cowards and American cowards to attack vulnarable civilians
as people educated to humilate other Ethnic Group.
Some here in ALDI
It was seen me a woman of another Ethnic style accent and i sid my afe 60s too to Kerry.
So, young for me a woman Kerry (or a man making change of his sex to female) Kerry,
was a coward,
suddenly attacked
a local woman
a civilian
another Ethnic woman
walking one on one in ALDI
as SHE ASKED REFUND of just bought here goods.
The ask of a refund is a rights of customers in UK by British Laws
here nothing illegal to ask this.
This is illegal to refuge to customer to make a refund.
Kerry tried to do illegal things in UK
1. Kerry tried to refuse tomake a refund to a customer
2. Kerry tried to order to a customer to leave the already paid shopping ready for a refund in store to Kerry to ALDI. ??? M???? M???? M??????
3. Kerry continue to shout to customer to leave ALDI refusing to make a refund, attacking a buyer verbally.
4. Just when Kerry started to scan all shopping for a refund (a staff of ALDI stayed closed to a till of Kerry while i stopped away about 3 metres or more to give a space for my own safety and for kerry in some fears of her of somethings), started to scan , Kerry caml down, was a better for a little.
5. Kerry asked me here my old shopping check to compare amount she scanned and which was on a shopping scan before (what i asked to scan for as i wanted to check this to compare as something seems not right for me, so, i returned back asking this).
6. two scans of some shopping by till by Cashier ALDI and by Manager Kerry had a diffrence in 43 pences.
7. i had not touched a shopping as all some what was inside. I checked a till receipt of shopping and i had a feeling something wrong was here. So, i asked the full refund to check my feelings, planing to buy all after if all all right or to leave and to by by small controlled porcion.
8. I mean my activity really open the way of a loss money of ALDI store as these 43 pences loss from 1 shopping may be a loss of much more amount of some work per day or per week or per month or per year. and a financial hole of ALDI Store financially, so.
9. In Tesco old day if was someting as this, customers had awards of their shopping free with extraction amount from Cashier salary benefit or not (from a country where this was).
10. I worked on a book and stacionary sale in Abava store Big shop and we worked 1 week on/1 week off, with the full inventary of each item on end of week. If something was missed, employer took money from wages helping us to look for items and clients. I stopped so a theif whom tried to steal the expensive art item as if now we would paid from salaries.
11. I was a trusted member of sale-buyer team, calculated 1 million dollars USA cash for sale of a vagon of a sugar from Ukraine to Latvian company. They paid me my salary by sugar in bags on optional price. I sold this by small bags to other companies making my profit as a double. I had not worked after while we spending all my earning in Latvia. But i decided not to continue this way as plenty criminals and plenty people, men and women, had been killed in Latvia as owners. I had offers a lot to be owners of some Riga shop official but to pay unofficial %% to one or another Riga Latvia mafia. I refused too for the safety of my family and children. The greedness and love to money as a loss of feelings hard to stop. But when you stop you feel a human loss as a loss of humanity. My 1st husband stopped me asked to stop to work in a bussines to make my money saying me this "I loved you as a nice kind smiled woman and now i am seen just your face as a face of hungry Wolf woman always thinking how to make money more and more, - i am not able to love you such when you such!" I stopped to try to be a rich woman. I had a feeling home many i had loss as something inside making a years of ten in return back. As a so racional way of thinking and valuation of others without no mersi, really, as a worf. So, why plenty asked me to be a rich again, i avoided as this way may harm a female and a woman. I mean i like myself as i am as i am a comfortable with myself and i do trust to myself. and i do not trust to others as to myself as i looked a lot for my 60s life. I mean i may did some place as ALDI store myself, really, as this just to rent or to build a place, to build a cobe or somethings for shoopping , warehouse, dinner place rest, offices, to make orders good for sale with .... But as I am Russian Ethnic i may do still extra hotel rooms, sauna, shower, guests rooms, charity rooms for homesless , so reduced food items of day may be used for charity , for own private hospital, for a supporting own private Russian Orthodox Church and Russian Old Believers Churches. for a rooms of science study with a free food supply for guests to work here. I mean i would be not collected a profit up as to spend on a charity and public needs and locals needs, as offered all mums with children a special support with a free delivery to a door, still free dinners whom needed, a paid by me free to others phychologist support of locals.
12. Aldi, Morrison, ASDA, Tesco Express, MacDonald, Travel Lodge, Subway, ..., they do not provide support of locals from their profits. Iceland support policemen on duties by discounts, making them so to fight with other store to re-arrange customers, probably and collecting home address and names of local policemen. I doubt this right way as a competitive problems sensity of supporting whom in a local power making not nice feeling as charity is supporting low income and low social while police or army staff is now a low social class while in power. and this way o win a vendor for a military supply group. But this while works not looking rights and when i knew this i started to avoid Iceland supporting just whom in power in UK or force using power. ALDI looked some as i noticed some military looking buyers whom bought a lot full trolley, - so, probably, Kerry Manager ALDI decided to order to refuce me to be served by ALDI as I AM NOT A BRITISH MILIRY STAFF and NOT A POLICE STAFF UK as JUST A WOMAN, a local woman living locally on Mason Street of Sutton-in-Ashfield, a wlaking short distance to way goods was in Aldi or TESCO EXTRESS.
13. I had fears of using TESCO EXPRESS - their small store had problems with thief, thieves, and i had cases (i may find some as numbers) when someone stolled my bank card or cash in this Tesco Express near Travel Lodge. Not 1 case, but plenty cases of stollen bank card, cash, from me was here. So, i already afraid to walk to make my shopping here.
14. I afraid Tesco Express as their staff had not weared any masks working here, asking just customers to weared mask and to keep 2 metres distance.
15. Their staff weared some strange uniform as a black apron as a strange as when i worked for 3 years in Tesco i never saw not own weared a black apron of a shoping floor in Tesco New Ollerton or Mansfield store, this look like as a The Butcher Apron of a shopping floor, making things to had a fear as plenty cases of dissaperd no were people was for black market of orphans and as my mouth of word said some richest UK used human body meat meals, making avoid Butchers black apron staff in Tesco for a while to realise whom is he this staff Tesco. He never used a mask , so, i asked him to start to use.
16. Their new staff had not used masks , so scanned other people shopping and not weared a mask, while i listen a discussion outside of two they had someone with the infection, so, may spread all on a shopping of customers.
17. Their staff not used 2 meters a a social distance of a client, some of them, too. This making to break a shopping experience to leave Tesco Express, as their staff not used 2 metres social distance and not weared a mask.
18. More worse, Tesco Express staff used no special trolley delivery or rotation trolley. I looked a tal big woman sat down on a wet dirty marked moody wet floor on the area of left corner where frosen food, meat, butter, and they put packages from shelves to floor (dirty wet floor). She sat down here, making scanning packages to check a date price and some to reduce to return back to a shelves. There was a snow or rain outside. Cusomers came all wet threw dirty shoues as from outside to walk to see all packages for rotation or to be reduced on a shop floor of Tesco Express.
19. Customers whom had not saw this and bought as a new or reduced from shelves, - they may put all to a fridge straight mixed their clean fridge to dirty just bought from Tesco Express goods.
20. Customers whom saw this, - they washed to desinfect all, they took all package to put to a bin, dried, cleaned put on shelves and in a fridge all clean, ozonated, dried, clean, dry.
21. I never saw this way of working in ALDI making my hope they may be more clean store and more good Manager. Just all Managers are not for forever.
22. When Manager is a Good Manager, all clean nice, shelves cleaned dried regular, buskets cleaned dried.
23. when some dirty Manager all looked as rubbish as nothing working right way and as Kerry whom had a fault of missing goods or money in store ALDI??? Kerry would said "Of, couse, our customers faults as they are all thieves!", - while a simple re-check of scanning some shopping twice by ALDI Cashier and Manager make a difference in 43 pences. if this multiply per customer per day per week per month per year as a different scanning style of a fast scan which asked from ALDI Cashiers "does not matter how more important fast to look a professinal!" "or you will be sakted as a bad Cashier working slowly!", so some as working fast may missed to scan something to make a sped of scanning - servivng. This may nothings if plenty clients and a goods as a loss but when there are not plenty customers already and not plenty goods too?
24. When people do their shopping on cars, this is a private where they bought and so private. When people do a home delivery this visual seen and may atrract theives and just as seen and not safe really.
25. ALDI asked us to stop to buy goods in store but just a home delivery, making a visual seen while this shop for poor social people mostly was or having a low income or financial troubles to buy more highest level food quaiity. So, if ALDI started to shout on own customers as Manager Kerry rudely shout was, - here was already not plenty, really. this was to keep to a full closure down of ALDI, really.
26. I noticed the play game between Tesco Express and ALDI near Travel Lodge::: they suppose to be two different store of different owners groups in UK?
27. Some staff of Tesco tried to make something to leave Tesco, and so, to go to buy items in Aldi. Some ALDI staff tried some way, to upset customers to move them to go to buy shopping in ALDI. So, a special competitors games of one side ? Oh, no: ha had 2nd strange point to notice:
28. if Tesco Express staff not weared a mask and not keep 2 metres social distance from you, upseting you, so, as not safe for you here and you leave Tesco Express to go to buy items in ALDI, some days, ALDI would e informed already as their security staff calls to each another from one company to another, as a connections between "two competitors". One day i saw some face in tesco Express blon young female in Tesco Express uniform and a little bit after this some blond female in ALDI uniform as atemporal cashier was served me. So, she upsted me in tesco and served politly nice in ALDI. May be some people had 2 working positions in two competotors companies? While when you try to find a working place in tesco express or Aldi as living locally: you could not, no working place for you as jus for whom 20-36 yo, well fed, looking as ex police officers one, ex-prisoner workers another, ex-Guantamo staff whom shouted on prisoners of Guantamo working for American goald others, spies or military personnel others. No civilians faces. and what to wait for working as a military-spies-police-prisons-Officials as started to work as "civilians in a private trade sectors"?
I mean i have not a choice as we need to buy a food always.
But some as Tesco Express store local are not nice to visit, -
a small place no 2 metres distance if plenty,
a place of location local theives was near a bank machines or stores.
They took my 5 pounds from me, i had in a pocket my 5 pounds, - they picked my 5 pounds from me here in Tesco Express, -- but if 2 metres social distance rules, would be safe to come inside. So, 2 metres social distance work to protect own pockets from theives in stores.
I mean the theif may be any person. This may be a staff of Tesco Express or ALDI staff too as they do not ask DBS checks (I have a clean DBS check)
I had bought a biscuit from ALDI as a cheep for 29 pences or more before
receipt for 8.17 or 9.17 pounds (i am not able see clearly here 8 or 9). 9 as 8.80 vat and 0.31 vat
receipt 5189 782/006/002/034 30 06. 21 11 19 for 30/06/21
used my card
terminal id 7786 9 pounds 17 pences paid by debit card for ALDI
and their 1st top biscuit was with traces as someone ate before and they put this for sale inside package,
i remember so type waffels with chocolate as a child from 24 hours 7 days weeks childcare kindergarden in Tashkent in Uzbekistan after the eathquake, - rats ate chocolate waffels by some way, we openned and plenty were as eating by rats, i was 5 yo girl , no I was 5-6 yo girl here. My Doctor balmed my mother she had not fed me as no any fat was on my body and i feld down on the ground with a loss of senses not wearing a special har protector from a sun. i had a diaryy, a hot temperature, a loss of sences, visions something as a hot temperature was. and my mother as she worked to help to locals after the eathquake in Uzbekistan, worked and over-time, no time for me as to her daugter, she gave me to 24 hours child care 7 days per week , - plenty people died on this eathquake, there were coming a huge international help.
I helped here too, as i knew a lot of tales or fantasies own tales and i was in chache to talk and to talk while each started to sleep. I used a special tone trying to put each to sleep and when each started to sleep, i started to sleep too,
my parents came wanted to pick me from this place, but Tutors refused them in this said plenty children could not start of sleep (some losted all theirs in the eathquke just) and cried and just your Inna may calm down all them and to make them to start to sleep.
So, these old chocolate waffels from 1967 from Uzbekistan as traces of rats ate them too
were similar traces on ALDI buscuit inside a package
I had not walked to show this to Manager of ALDI never knew whom was and as not my social group too
andd not to upset Manager of ALDI too.
I just put this 1 one biscuit out of package in a bin, and i ate what left here.
I mean ALDI store is definetly not for a rich or middle class people, probaly, having their money to uy more better quality items not eating by rats buscuits.
Just me as a low income and under low income, probably, is a right customer of ALDI store
and this one poor one left customer
their Manager Kerry ordered to leave ALDI never return back to make my shopping in ALDI.
Well, so, as i have not a chance to retrun back to buy essensial items food drink from ALDI
so i have not a chance to say all these privately to Kerry, Manager of ALDI,
so, here my open public diary store.
This was a good store but a Manager left, probably, making this store ALDI as a good store ALDI.
ALDI if to take out L and I would be AD = HYENA = HELL
AD = АД, ГИЕНА on Russian
[AD] = The Hiena, The Hyena, The Hell on Russian
if to take out L for Love
and I for India, Inna (my name of customer as Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)
Manager Kerry made from ALDI
which if The Hiena, Hyena, The Hell
translated on Russian.
Manager Kerry of ALDI
in Sutton-in-Ashfield
266 Mansfield Road
a big shop
Manager Kerry of ALDY
was a rude vulgar woman
shouting here
on her customer
buyers of good.
While the check of a scanning
this trolley shopping twice
as the ask of a customer
to check all
a big difference
in 43 pences
43 pences a difference
19.21 - 100 %
0.43 - ? %
43 : 19.21 = 2.2243 %
0,1921 x 0.43 = 0.074603 ~= 0.07
Please not ask me why I am Russian Ethnic from Siberia in Russia by both parents
but i have plenty locals DNA as my genetic cousins 4th-5th and Distance.
This would be me and I am asking you this
why I am Russian Ethnic of UK, from Siberia of Russia by my both parents ancestry
but i had not a lot of Russian surnames while have some too
but mostly local British
especially those whom surnames of locals
whom came to WWI to fight to place as Ukraine-Russia
and whom never returned back to home to British Impair.
I may suprise you
some stayed alive, happy, married on local Russian or Ukrainian or any women
in Russia, had their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren.
They said to me this.
Those would never accepted our wibes and children as the equal to them
as not so kind people as Russian Ethnic people and women.
They said me as this
they choosed to stay in Russia as Russian
as a choice of a love.
L was was a Love. for a choice of a LOVE.
They would never attacked or damaged British Impair or UK as a Motherland.
My father knew me as related to plenty locals in Mansfield-Mansfield Woodhouse-Bolsover-Sutton-in-AShfield - Cambridge side Balshem, Hill (6 members of ancient family living locally 2,300-1,500 years back on time).
English KIng was sounded similar to Baldin Boldin Bouldin
English woman Bouldirica sounded similar
England Eng land
Lanmd of Eng
Land of Eng Ing, Enga, Inga
work - working
Where here such old names of children in England similar
as Eng, Enga, Inga Ing ?
whom was belong this land and island, really?
or where is the grave, graves?
old Kings of England graves in France as their Motherland.
Richard II , King of England grave was on a car park
as never protected English Royal grave cemetery place forgotting.
I mean this is not looking as a Christian ashes to ashes or just historical
to have a full loss of places of Royal Graves.
Russia oppened a fact of The Great Flood in 19 centruty
covered all area of Russia by soil of up to 32-42 metres ,
some building covered on 2-8 metres, some on 32-34 metres from a place they stayed.
This means each died as a Great Flod was in 19 centry
as buidling built in 19 centry official
in a huge area of Russia,
Would be some here in UK as the some as some climate change or not?
Had the island England stayed away or not?
People of Europe digged land deeply
they put photos and videos of what they finded.
these photos prooved The Great Flood was in area
Italy, Mediteranian, France, Russia, Latvia, Baltic area, Leningrad-Peterburgh
They show som items of another civilisation people lived before us.
This means 2 twigs of events as the oficial history hidden all events in the past
and a hidden secret history.
British people and Britons
are cowards with fears
making England to stay out
to know the real truth.
But if to see a map of island England
we see this speciafic C o O lines as from bombs or Nuclear bombs
with oprtion to think the island had ben bombed by some types of Nuclear Bombs on the past.
Some as these leaflets saying about the radiation in a soul, in old sandy bricks
while sand should be not a radiactive material
and may such just after a nuclear bombing
so ask for a fresh air as to open windows for a fresh air
as the radiactive resource inside of undeground of some areas coming up with air shelves.
People show Belteza comet wat coming to a side of China Tibet area and "threw down" frosen soils, sands
making decerts in China , Africa, covered a part of Crimea too. as a huge sand dropped don covered all
and so covered old ruins of old towns, some radiactive places after the bombing too.
Man field
Man on a field
Ashes on ashes
ash on a field
when wooden houses burned in ashes
ashes to ashes
My genetic cousins some
still more with Ash
But if this right as unoficial history
of 19 Century The Great Flood as here evedences of this and photos
so people died whom leaved belong to old time events places.
Whom had left?
When the great flood you may survive having some wooden boat or boat or something
following by a wave till this down
or making a turn to move from another side as when a wave down this beats.
and to wait here for a while till calm down to move to find any place to live as a soil.
This means some people invited in England started to live where they managed
to escape safety out.
and this means the explanation wy some old English roots managed survive in Siberia and Russia and never returned back to home England.
My uncle said me his father said him they triedd to return back to home but all land changed covered by water and they could not find no one and so lived after where whom can and how after.
They could not find.
They survived on a Caucasian Mountaunts area when this was, came to do something.
My father said me to avoid to contact with my English-British geentic couisns as attempts to build a family connections with loss of roots and he said me no word up this just a tome to show he had reasons of some not nice memory of contacts as to upsetting people do not wish and so separated on different links to keep separete not to contact
here was some family legend as someone stolled a writing will with name of my ancestor to take his heritage as to a son, to a biological son of this rich man.
some said my greatmother was a naive kind woman whom open ears of talks of my male ancestors to picked him and not others much more better males, this was from unknown male, i do not know why he knew more about my ancestry rigther me myself.
so, my great or greatest grandmother upsetting someone picked not him as ger husband as she picked a love with a male
not a decendent marriage s appropriate
but a love
which was never valueble for richest or middle class people
as just for these whom on a low income not to think what how to do to be a richer.
So, i am on a low income as choice of love for females was.
I am a single, alone, living alone one since 2006, divorced in 2010 finanly.
But I am a happy, and much free so much happy.
People of career making had not a freedom of choices as plenty borders
to put to stay right way, a really hard work and a job too, for a really strong characters
of females and males.
So, i am more weak vulnarable soft on my emotions feelings making me to be in a love with males or with just what i see as a nature.
Mr Almer Syson named my way and me so as "the cheap" "the cheap woman", helping others for free
as i helped him a free not taking money as i was thinking he had nothing and in age.
Some hated me for my smile, they i am glad and happy and smiling
as they liked just not smiled faces look around them.
I am so happy i was a simple Soviet Union Russian girl with state each some social class group
so your heart may find whom you love for yourself
and whom loves you as a woman loved you not your money or a career post.
Here I see as a poor Prince Harry could not picked his woman Megan Mark or Marks (I do not remember how would be right with my memory) as a huge loud shoutings in Youtube, newspapres, staff of Places,
I am glad Prince Harry did what he wants how he wants
as any real man must to what he wants how he wants where this is improtant for his as his marriage, his love, a choice of his career, his goals.
Prince Charles had a weakness of his character as the young man and he paid for this by his beaten heart sore and plenty times to realize better to follow your own choice of heart and he marry his woman Kamilla as his wife,
a good example for his sons to follow by the way of a heart and a love,
so, Prince Harry had follow by his father's lesson and his character more stronger
as he did whats he wanted.
To have this freedom of choices, people paid a prices of their life, their lives.
This come as a long fight with fears, ideas, idiology, restrictions.
I sure Prince Charles had a lot to feel to lean to open to know.
I am talked about our top elite people while each is important having own feelings and emotions and life and needs of life.
There are a little bit hard for me in UK as I am from USSR as a country without any social barriers some social class and some equal as sisters and brothers and relatives and friends each helps to each to survive.
I pity British people with a huge range of social classes restritions, educations, values, barriers, had not leaned this happiness glandess as to fly free to do what you wants to love whom you love to be loved as you not for your money as your herritage.
We helped each another.
USSR life was as a loss Paradise life as a life ending years.
This never returned back.
AS we had plenty free time and your work was not heavy, we had not tired on our work, having a timeto read, to visit theatres, nyseums, free open air activity and all costs as a free to each compare to prices of UK, so each may had this each day asa free.
I find a hardness to live to stay in UK as Officials as Griiffins Birds of Deaths looking for a weak to mare a push them to die from a hungry deaths or used a fear you will died message about closed benefits for a low income. as a not nice people and not a kind people or atmosphere of murders talking a power in UK.
when you live in UK as a person from another country here as evils snakes as Officials paper with fears, shouts, obligations, shortages your freedom and you as the individual,
and you had a loss of respect and a valuetion after to them as as they had not respect value help you just shouted on you while you are adults
and yu had a loss of a respect to age, to women, men, states, The Queenn, Royal and all as results of attacks you by British Officials JCP on power whom started be deaf if you said them i do not would like these visits to your JCP in another town to listen your blame as as an adult and British Citizen as this is not normal between adults as the manners and attitude.
JCP Officials ruined UK as plenty people passed to survived after their waiting time for 1 payment on benefit as 6 months or 2 months as hard not possible, -each had a fear to start to work after to have the some in the return back on benefit if the company closure or somethings. Fears as twisted your body to do sometings as always wrong, always wrong.
I sure Prince Charles had something similar attacks feelngs as to a wrong for someone for me himself.
We all are individuals, some more stronger some more weak.
Some may work till 300 years easily
Some tired and some women asked a break pension since 50 yo as tired
some young people tired while 20 yo but tired to work too.
some males work while 85.
My father worked while 1938 yo age
My mother tired to work on her 50 and leaved on her pension on her 55 yo saying me he tired to work, could not kept this for longer.
Old ages, women had not worked as males, they sat down in a home, home-keepers.
This means males worked for thousands years as hunters, travelers, workers, making their bodies another
All woman must to work now for what was a pension age for males.
My British husband left on his state pension some age i will be as a woman on 66 yo.
I mean this moved by rapid change of instructions
this not any medical consultations as a female physiology needs for a rest.
People of a low income had less food.
As ALDI ordered me not to go to buy a essensial food items here
I am in a shock, sitting here having money and not buy any food as in a shock, in stress.
Kerry killed me so as amethod of a work of British stores HWOM TOOK A POWER IN UK
and NOT followed British laws.
I know some people survive safety comfortable here
just not me
as plenty whom liked to beat a weak and a vulnarable and Russian Ethnic and poor and on a low income
on a low private pension
I mean i doubt whm named themselves truen born in UK people are whom they said
as if yours are yours you would be kind not need to shout.
I was on a tablets as a stress of experiences of victim of domestic violance
and the stress when i asked British women as Officials to help
their avoided this prefered to stay of side of sadists whom damaged his lover partner and a mother of three children Brenda Scotford,
she had a help after much better rigther me as a local
with lots whom working as for a Council as some relative.
I had not my relative working for a Council
so when i asked some as Tracy Scotford or Brenda Scotfrd or Alison Scotford
the some people helped them as locals
avoided to help me as a local as another Russian Ethnic woman.
I hate this way as Russian and Russians in Russia
always liked to give well paid working places in Russia
for teachers of English languages, English Managers
with facts this never worked back for UK area
as no work - you are another Ethnic, Russian Ethnic.
So, Russians ahd been much kinder to British people as Russian Impair's Russian Nobles or Middle Class Russians or modern Russians - you may read as British from UK is a Professor in Russian Univerity, Russian private school college, a manager.
I worked in ACOT in Riga, Latvia, as Engineer, our Manager was a British man from UK, coming with his family and his wife to here, already after me as i left but i left a reason he came
as i had a working agrovation moment with our Singapourian Chinese Owner whom started to attck secually our Blond Book-keeper while she was a married woman and loved her husband . he attacked one female by a forcing a sex, another, upsetting, they cried on a female rest room in tears, upseting a lot, and i run as a Lion Protector to his Cabinet of Director ACOT,
shouting loudly on his, our owner:
- Look, you, a son of a bitch! What did you open to do here now with our women staff ACOT? Why did you treat our workers ACOT as worse rigther DOGS ??? (Chineese people eat dogs meat so this was a soft low remarks of a low value him here really).
After that i shouted loudly on him:
- I will catch you now and i will put this dirty duspin bin on your head to crown your as a dirty man!
and here was a long cainet office with a table
and i run around a table for him running really fast from me not to be crowned by a dirty dusty duspin bin,
- he had won this competitions as fiitted physically much better me, i could mot manage, and put down, and left, advice him to keep a distance from our women, working here from his sexual assults.
And i left this working place ACOT and my role as Engineer here.
I left still a some 3 years contacract with Danish company for them too, as our Danish customers ordered this for us though me my help said they were happy here as people to talk to socialise
as so while he had choices to pick a place, they gave a grant of 3 years contact work to my company ACOT.
I left as i was a fitted in a temptoral 3 months job role covered to wait another well educated specialist while i was not so well educated and needed to be trained on lot of cources
and as my mother-in-law complained me Sistem Administrator Engineer works to each computer to archive to check while staff ended a work, making lond eveings to waiti to archive all, to switch off, and to work when other worked, and as people worked in Satiurday Sundays , i worked too, was nice, i satisfied by money too, but my mother in law said me not and i leaved and leaved all financial support for my husband as his mother was sure he might managed all one on own. He could not. We divorced. I married on British man came to UK. and my 1st ux husband with his new family and wife and a children came to UK too, he works as Designer of Devices for UK-USA area, living in UK. He is Latvian Russian Ethnic, some as me was from Latvian Russian Ethnic too when coming to UK. I was 12 yo girl as my parents moved to live in Latvia in June 1974. And this costed me a loss of Russian Citizenship as Russian Citizenship gave for children 16 yo living in Russia. I tried to ask Putin twice he refused me while he stayed in Germany outside USSR and ourside Russia granted to be Russian Citizen and he was a official spy of German Schatazi Shatazi secret german service (photo of his photo signs in german Archives on Youtube open to find to see) and i was not any spy as Putin was. So, Putin had refused me twoce to be granted as a Russian Citizen as I am not a german Spy as he was as ex-Geran spy stayed in Germany when USSR collapsed, - outside USSR, so.
Germany if not USSR land to be granted as Russian Citizen for "ex" German spy. But Ussr had plenty spies in power they helped each another too, someone helped to Putin to be a President of Russia.
While i was the ordinanry Soviet Union woman of Russian Ethnic, living in Riga, Latvia.
Latvia had not granted me by Latvian Citizen as I am not latvian lettish ethnic
and as they said my ancestry had lnot lived in Latvian in 1940 or before this.
So, when USSR collapsed i started to be a person without a citizenship.
no country, Russian took all treasures property of USSR to re-share all between whom took a power.
My family was not whom took a power in this new Russia or Latvia
we were being ordinary people as each all.
So, whom took a power, took treasires property each all Soviet Citizens USSR, -children, females, males, women, men, children, pensioners. and they avoided to give the Russian Citizen instead a loss of Soviet Union Citizen.
Some was during 1917 Revolution time in Russian Impair, each had a Citizenship, each had a loss of property, some palaces, some cows or a horse, - whom took a power checked each property, buildings, farmer years house warehouses picked all out to themselves as the state property.
People whom tried to fight for their property had benn killed.
Some my old relatives of my uncle crossed his way related to me via his mother's mother
owed a building property in Pheodosia , they let flats to rent and a piece of land on a Black Sea between Kuznecov and Voroncov properties. Thois may be a true as I had surnames Kuznecov, Voroncov, Voronov, and their Eanglish translation on English as Taylor, Tylor, Crown, and another old Russian suranmes meaning some Kovalev (from Koval) and Konovalov. I realted to Kuznecova (Russian Nobles in Lithounia) woman a wife related to Borg (just all Borg) and related to some Hebreys Jews (not remamber on A Abramson ? or not Jewish as a bra Abra son ? nice looking tall people.
So, where i am just loss.
USSR - loss
started to work in RNIIR - USSR collapsed and I left RNIIRP company
started to work in Courtauldals textile in Ollerton - they closed down moved to work to Latvia
I am great to damage something.
When i sat down on a car, i tried to open a door in UK, - the handler of a door stayed on my arm
When i tried to open a will of a car, - i broken a key too.
When i tried to open a door to utility room where i am living, - i could not and turned with a force and open but feld down on a wall oppisite this door (I was thinking this from a brick wall), - this was a paper waiting carbon door, i make a hole inside, - so, i am living in two caboon box walls pointed from two sides to look as a solid briks walls in UK in Suttin in AShfield Nottinghamshire UK as a building advicing 1894 year which was a local Chip Shop before here on Mason street before and as i looked ruins of bricks in garden here could be a Tavern or a pub before too, may be.
We had hidden indeground floors here under all Mason Street, if to walk to see, you may see some deep holes inside underground.
Some people digged to know more, - i am not.
Severn Trent said me here a huge deep water hole too so the water is waved up-down and if lie down relxing this as on waves up-down.
when water came up, all was wet here, each item in rooms and i used dehumilator to dry each room, kitchen, all, i spend a lot money drying all.
Here were being woodlices in 2013 when i started to rent. I bought a special power from B&Q this helped and steamer helped and a dry of air helped too.
When all started to be a nice, i bought air cleaning system, 5 filters
and i spend a lot of electricuty dor drying air, cleaning air incide.
The air filtration system had 5 levels
filters carbon filters HP filters ionisator, ulraviolet
I used sounds vibration systems to clean chakra, auras too.
I pray to clean all negative from here too.
The home when you happy nobody shouts on you.
So, ALDI with KERRY MANGER ALDI not a HOME as to come to enjoy to make a shopping
as she over-commnd dominant and hated others liked to shout on others loudly
and she like a power to say NO FOOD NO ACCESS TO ALDI so she ready TO KILL EACH
and really dangerous.
She show her behalves on me as on a vulnarable woman of Russian Ethnic 60s yo age.
She had not attacked these others whom she may disliked too as they in groups or tall males.
She picked me to her verball attck on me.
I saw her 1st time and never saw or knew.
ALDI picked strange staff as their Managers to work here BUT
here some more stranges.
Please, visit The Memorial Of LOCALS left to war conflicts never retruned back.
What is a real Memorial to remember someone?
Names and surnames and dob and dod to remember them, to stay to read names surnames,
so to pray for locals.
Will you see names surnames dodb-dod here of someone to remember locals?
NO NAMES here, no one name to us to find to read to remember this on a Monument.
BUT we see a wall rounding a monument with NAMES RECOMMENDED US TO REMEMBER THEM AS JUST THEM FOR READERS AS NAMES OF LOCALS as some people in some power as local whom had not whom we losed in a war conflicts.
Are this sounded as a human normal?
as places left, here could be names surnames dob dod not people in power whom might never walked on any war conflict and safety survived as a local power people and still rich people as some of them?
Okey, here some moody dust on this local Monument and where these in power as living alive self-pointed people to this to come to clean all this?
I had not cleaned as no names here to remeber just numbers how many left never returned back as local males. I had not cleaned had no equipment to as to clean to know what right cleaning liquid to use as here stones not a floor or kitchen surface, any stone had own characters and secrets how to clean right way. I afraided to damage a work, so, i left as was.
But opposite this 3 x Kerry surnames as three Kerry surname opposite Afghanistan, as local power family group taking each all working laces in some one organisation, to fill just by Kerry surname.
M? M? if no "kerry" no work if a local no where here ????
and just after a road, another shouting loudly Manager "Kerry" shouted loudly on me in local ALDI just across a road
while the Monument as memorial was DIRTY MARKED BY DIRTY MARKS DUSTS
where Afghanistan and how many locals died here.
If they died in British Camp kandaghar,
- they lived in what my husband , a civilian staff, Project Manager Mr Robert Frederick Scotford built by orders from Miniter of Defence UK and money, --
I had saw this project still as a piece of paper plan, for all,
campps, living cabins, roads, dinning loudge, morge, hospital, airdrom lines,
I saw as all was building and on stage passed to accept as sold and still for a little more till 2010
- my husband had insults twice here. 1st time they said him here, - fine, go back to your work to work!
He could not moved lips, had the insult.
He pointed him to continue his work any way as so needed.
2nd times was much worse, he started to be a disability, had the operation on his heart too,
he had a loss of ability to write, He had not informed me and asked not to say me as i had a weak heart aritmia snenocardia and was on tablets after the stress on recovery back and this might harmed me back to death as i worried about him a lot.
Later he had not worked, leaved on pension. He started to look much better after, more younger slim.
He visited me in 2014 December last time, we walked around on lake about over 1 hour.
He was a polite, nice, smiling, friendly. I was really happy to see him such attractive nice.
And when the last minutes started he had his old mental break illness back to him, his eyes started as evils terrible eyes, his faces twisted terrible his 2nd evil back, and i remember him such he could not control himself if such may attack and damage or kill.
He saw my eyes as i saw him and he turned twisted left rapidly me not saw his face and forhuim not to damage me if a mental illness attack as this was again, so, he left trying me remember him attractive nice, saving me and him from a worse.
He never returned back to visit me after this, while talked called each month to ask this.
He had not arranged any financial settelemtn after the divorce after 12 years or his pension share mover which belong to me by British Family Laws too.
We sold property
36 Bentinck Close
NG22 9HR
for about 33,000 pounds ? or more?
Our solicitor gave to each 50 % as to co-owners
so, he had some and i had some
he had a saving as not arranged Financial Settlement ond Pension Share move.
I am thankful to British Army and American Army
taking my husband for a work far away from UK
as this saved my life and me here in UK
and i could recovery make later.
Russians and Spviets did some way
as picked people as prisoners and moved to a war zone to find to work
for the exchange of a full mersci freedom back if Heros.
My own closed relatives as i said had passed this way from a small theif as nothing was to eat at all
adults picked him to banda of criminals
after he was adult criminal, a murder, they picked houses of rich people and empties all
to sold for money in their pockets,
but if someone strated to shout as disliked this way, - they just killed to stop.
Soviet Russian milicia, CheKa or FSB or KGB what was as military police rounded them all,
putting to a prison,
He would sat he for a long and long just WWII started
USSR needed soldiers to fight whom would be brave
while plenty Russian soldiers were from Farmers and Christians and they just had not liked
to kill someone.
My own grandfather was a run away from army not wanted to fight in WWII battles with Germans,
instead, they had a social meeting with Germans in Christmas, vodka, shnaps, spirit in tablets,
they cut their venes to be a blood brothers bro saying we are brothers as we Christians all.
The next days plenty left had self-wooned themselves not wnated to fight and all.
But his brother's son was a brave criminal had a ful mersi as WWII
they picked people from a prison to a war.
he was a brave
he was a military spy
and when WWII finished he never returned back to any criminal activities after all was a decendent man with awards. he just liked to drink sometimes and this all.
My grandfather said Russians catched him and his friends and wanted to put back to WWI battle with Germany. But they gave vodka or shapes to guards they slept and they run away.
They used a fabric to cover legs of horses not to be loud as riding fast and run away.
After WWI finished and revolution and they came out to a peaceful life back to be farmers.
So, after this my grandfather was a simple farmer,
he leaved 1st with his father,
but they had been Old Belivers and his father started to use his wife as own wife as this common traditional for Old Believers,
She run away from them as she was , taking just her skirt and top
After this my grandfather signed to Sakhalin work, to started to have his own passport.
But he disliked here as no bread was just a fish all times.
He returned back, bough his own house, so, lived not with his father but on the end of village.
My father was his 7nd laste late child, his mother was 54-56 yo.
When i visited him, as a child, i started to cut his moustages and his beard out as a long white not tidy.
and still making a fire buring courtains shouted on Russian without "r" a fire as Пожал! Пожаль
and each came not knowing what to think as this means "he touched me" or something as coddled me pressing me. Home servants, and family shocked asked and my grandfather said to my parents to go away with me and never return back as he had his wooden old home and worry i may do a fire here as my children games.
They never came back to visit them or with me after, just on each funeral.
But my mother was a happy as my grandmother was a strong religion fanatic Old Belivers and she worried my mother might been not a virgin girl on her wedding day as they must always to show a wedding day 1st night bed shit publicly to all village to prove a fiancee was a virgin. Her mother-in-law my grandmother sat down, calculated when i was born that after the registration of marriage was born.
My mother was a proud strong polite woman but here she was out with no ability to say.
So, she said me all to me often all as her nad memory as she was a shocked upset.
BUt as this, she was a free not to have some again, probably. I saved her and she was a happy.
So hard life plenty things on a tp of each woman during her life always to take to keep to pass to remember.
I love each my relative and thankful them they had been in my life for me to me to remember them.
now just graves mostly.
if or ALDI will be sold another company will used the some stores.
If this would be Netto would be more cheap prices and Scandinavian are not shouted manners style
as Kerry Manager of Aldi shouted loudly on me in shoping floor in ALDI.
Kerry may be really unhappy unsatisfied sexually woman so disliked each customer to shout on them publicly in ALDI shop floor.
Really, each woman of her age group 35-36 need a sex much lot as a female physiology
and so pity we all had not money to stop to work to relax at home
to be fed well.
See, UK is not nice country, dear kerry, if women UK so unhappy here as you, dear Kerry, Manager ALDI and me as a customer.
All women UK with twisted unhappy faces
as males UK are a weakest link impotent in mind to make the life in UK as a happy life for each and children and women and men and pensioners.
USSR state provided a warranty working place full time for each by way easy to find as always a working place for you.
UK state is not able to create a warranty working full time work for each Briton
and UK state while not able so faulty state and not able to create a warranty life support benefit for each Britons UK as the eagual untaxed amount , with taxed income on a top of this.
Each would be much loyal receiving such money from own state.
and we do not needed JCP if so too
so these building may be a private hotels, or Universities.
Some people whom are working in JCP would worked in the University as teachers,
or making a social help circles
with no needs to push obligate
to make them happy faces too.
they may help to community
their role now as murder staff of state to create a hungry death, depressions, deaths, suincide as tears.
So, financially,
dear state UK spend a lot money , paid child benefits to up a newborn child up,
paid a free health care
a free education
child benefit
JCP oficials work to make a deprressed clients in tears thinking just about a suincide, and as a depressed, a cancer an early deaths, suincides.
and when someone did this as not able to keep this forcing rude shouting method
this young man died coomitted a suincide not able to wait as a hungry man when how he managed to have his 1st meal after 2 months or 6 months waiting time from JCP.
I mean, and you fo back to Kirkby in Ashfield they sat down here on a warm place
no clients mostly time here and plenty unworking really people sat down on a good wages from a budget as they took a power in UK to do what they wanted.
And their job to sit down to blame you
and whom are you here, whom are here, really?
You a vunarable person under a stress and depression as no money as others had as you marked as UNWANTED IN UK as a British Cittizen
any age
any sex
and Ethnic Group
and if you in age already
while you know OPLE DIED already
and JCP OFFICUALS jumped jumped on this
"if you not do this - we finished to pay your benefits to you! haha ha as they well paid always and nobody said them to leave their working place out as to others in UK whom had this stress shock"
you are not able to accept them as British Citizens as you are a British Citizen
and whom are they so here in Uk taking the absolute dominant power in UK???
You see them asking themselves - May be they Aliens? May be they another biological race here? so humilated others playing game to put to fears??
Look, UK British Govertment people were being not able to create jobs not able to arrange a warranty life support benefits straight to each Briton to be paid on individual Bank account.
British PM Teresa may blamed MIGRANTS IN POWER IN UK as whom were not ale to install infrared CCTV camera to save UK from illegal trade system of alhogol, sigaret, drugs, people traffic.
British PM Teresa may was not able to arrange Brexit deal as nobody wants to give a deal for a nob not able to talk with human normally without a humilation tone in her voice, which worked niceto eat each college taking her to a top elite power but not worked on any normal humans whom humans to be treated as slaves.
So, the person whom openly publicly show her incapacity to make the union of interest as Brexit deals not ale to use British mind power of financial bankning and trade industry top elite to arrange their advices,
she was not able to accept President USA Donald Trump the clever racional financial advice as top elite multi-billioner whom make own huge valueable cost himself twice to be listened as a Top Elite FREE FOR UK STILL Financial Adviser: not to pay your country paid a lot already, fight for this.
I worked in a open tradde market bussiness in Latvia so i may value this advice of Donald Trump was a right racional clevel best advice:
UK paid for EU budget a lot tens years one of main payer, supporting each country EU.
So, BREXIT is some as a DIVORCE of TWO SIDES as here a British National Treasure value of budgets UK had been paid to EU budget, making EU budget as THE UNION budget,
so, Brexit means EU Budget must to pay to UK back of EU budget.
If you put your money in a bank to make the bank richer using your money,
you may took your money back from a bank.
So, we had a financial
UK to EU budget
total for years
UK money used to other countries making them richer
So, the start is just to ask all money UK spend paying in EU budget for all years.
And after that to go to a deal with EU: nothings to pay, for both sides.
Brexit - EU reaction on UK similar Latvia reaction to Russia after Moscow and Russia used own budget money to up Latvia sinnce 1944.
Each whom took a money from Moscow Russia blamed them as own enemy.
UK had some, really: soon UK stopped to pay in EU budget, - EU named UK as the enemy stopping as agrovations which ALREADY WORKED between two countries.
and leaders EU - UK ordeerd all working things TO STOP.
The divorce between female and a male had not stoped them to be friends
especially having own children and memory and a common financial interests.
EU and UK had a common shared projects, mixed Ethnic Groups.
Plenty British pensioners choosed to live to stay not in UK with JCP Officials
but away from UK where more comfortable for them as to humans.
I am a level of humanity and a kindness in UK is a low level as wild aggressive rude animal snales level.
Some my ex-husband as British pensioner prefer to live in Malta rigther here in UK with his pension to spend here a warm nice friendly rigther to stay in Uk under commands making a noisy mess and with women in power as Officials whom humilated others.
Russian males never had such popular idear as British males had as to cut own penis to be a female
as to be a male just inpossible in UK too
some as to be female.
You go to ask the help to see another adult in power using a power to low you as an adult
you go back to a home as an emotional damaged
and if you a male, - you beat your own wife as she low social yours toys
and or you started to prefer a sex just with males as had enough from each all shouting on you these dominant British rude females in power.
or you just cut off a penis as humilated as male by female and not wish to be a male ny more.
You travel as a tourist to other countries to find a normal human live, happy faces,
females not are rude dominant agrressive shouting vulgar,
you have a rest, you feel nobody damaged you here,
if you return back to a home, - you will marry on a foriegn woman from abroad.
Plenty males with money prefer just foriegn women from abroad as local typical British females had a lost what to be a woman, a female, and this as all, they unnatural double faced ddolls, plenty evil faces dolls, not kind people, liking a sex and to dominate and sadists enjoying to damage humilate others.
Some British males never returned back to UK. as they do not dream to have this dominant JCP power of whom never worked as they worked and needs to be a polite double faced.
I mean a burocratic officials ruins UK.
See plenty British women in UK are single mother or a single never had a child.
this means British males ready just to use for a short or long sex session someone to say Good bye!
Plenty females whom are not nice looked as not having a sex at all while they 34-35-36 active sexual female age, so, they started to attack others.
You go to ALDI store to make your shoping
here are a DUSRTY BLABK DUSTY baskets
You clean all to see the cleaner disinfected paper are black.
So, Manager Kerry of Aldi had not find her working hours space to clean these dirty dusty black baskets.
But you see Manager ALDI KERRY whom used a lot of her well paid working time just to enjoy herself by shouting loudly on a customer as she walked as PROTESTER probaly a lot shouting loudly not able to stop herself while a working paid time as manager.
ALDI used a speed as timed to work fast structure.
I would asked to check this to ALDI OWNERS as
Manager Kerry used
1. for a cleaning dirsty dirty black baskets for clients to put a food goods to buy?
2. how many time Manager Aldi Kerry used shouting on a customer in ALDI asking the refund to check a shoping cheque as worried this wasa wrong (and here was a wrong and scanned on 43 pences less by Cashier ALDI, so me as a customer helped to find this mistake to nreturn all back to ALDI to sale.
3. May Manager ALDI Kerry had some mental dissability out of work as not able to work as just to shout loudly?
4. Was Kerry, Manager ALDI, a some protester, shouting loudly the some words as a Protester? (so, granted to be Manager in ALDI for this her work??)
5. How often Manager ALDI KERRY ATTACKED vervally shouting loudly others on a shop floor on a warehouse?
6. May be Kerry had a hearing problems (I started to have this since my 55 yo and my father had this, we always talked loudly as a hearing problem, geneticly), so may be Kerry shouted loudly as she had a hearing problems? a high pressure pronlems? (when i had a high pressure, my hearing ability dropped down, i am talking loudly and my chidren always laghed on me nd my father, pointing to us to talk loudly) - - so, may be Kerry had a loss of hearing too or a high pressure problem?
7. The women on climax some had this too or on a time prior a female perior as female bodies up a high pressure prior a perio "to open" a blood to open to come, making things geneticly plenty people shouting as a physiology of female body works. This belong to each female as a natural things while whom started to know this making "a switch off" on this just needs someone would said this explained and this belong to each female, just some knows some not some able to swtich of some not as a play of high pressure in a body. Better to lie down and make a deep breeze session with stop of air breezing to control a breeze up-stop-down and this making a high pressure down easy a pressure of body back to a normal. Young females still not able to do this, some.
8. Manager Kerry might shout loudly i would looked to her not to people around as customers of ALDI and others as staff of ALDI.
9. Geneticly connected people as genetic cousins may react strange differently, so we will check this.
8. I do not check the Moon faze but whom on tablets pills this not always as a Moon fase as the individual.
9. I have genetic cousins "Kerr" "Kern" I had not checked if I had my genetic cousins "Kerry" or not.
10. I will check this now buy just on FF FTDNA list.
for example, British Finnish or American Finnish root female,
my 4th cousin - Remote cousin
in her ancestry
Valberg Kero (os Kuha) 1718
Kero -Ker - Kerr - Kerry closed
in old age if a child was illegal son out a marriage, the father may give his name
but with changes on 1 word to add to change
13. I have my genetic couisns Kerr, Kern, Kero (1718)
Kern from Riga's Council, General Kern, his wife Kern admire Aleksander Pushkin poem
"I do remember this pleasure shotest moment time
For me to see
Your beauty , coming in,
as the Miracle moment, you
as Angel Of The Pure Beauty."
Later Pushkin refused a place to her as to a widow of Russian Council in Latvia
and Russian General in a work on a Russian Ministry of Affairs Translation Burou
as his pay back as a male for a women making him so famouse Russian Poetfor this poem dedicated to her
to Kern
Plenty modern investigators named this as a male vision on females not making Aleksand Pushkin as to sound as a right man. So, this is always whem women gave much more rigther they owed in a return back from a man. A really sad story, as a nice poem was making him a famouse and as final end to upset a woman by the all. While widow of Pushkin was much happy woman and was married with all her 6 children from Pushkin. I mean i doubt Pushkin was a good in known women as he had not trusted to his own wife, really while he picked her to marry him.
Widows of Riga's Council (Comendant) and General asked a finanial support from Aleksander Pushkin and so sad to leab he upset her by refusing on a warm financial place in Translation Buroe in Ministry of Defence.
14. When i started to translated Russian words to English words i had a feeling this may be the original on English language withplay of words. as ass as the sexual session experience "shot time" report by writing by a female and translated by a female on Russian, but signed by Aleksander Pushkin name to cover this, as my fantasy draw the test interview where Pushkin wrote some text on English asking her to translate all onn Russian to see a style of translation and a women could not translate some texts closely right as was shamed as he pointed this not be able to work for Minister of Affair where all texts shoud ben translated as they meaning sounded straight while not each for female ears. and they tried to find a translator whom would not had fears to say things as they sounded, written, prounanced. which value a woman not able to do some type of translaton work and so the refuse from a working place position was. Or, againts, she tried to prove she would able to do this and Pushkin down all this making his attemt of translation covered words as they needs and this ability as to translate right or soft not right styles.
15. I had nothing bad to Kerry, Manager ALDI
16. So sorry to find a possible genetic cousins if Kerry Kerry as i had genetic cousins Kerr kern Kero Kernel Carrol in such strange position for Lady as shouting loudly in a shopping floor in Aldi
This was she started on me
I shouted to her to stop to shout on me (if she a deaf).
Each enjoyed as a witness
some not as making a head down had fears Manager Kerry started to shout on them in age too.
To the security staff of ALDI
I signed for vaccination
and to prepare for this, i came in to ALDI thinking to do a shopping.
This was ??? I will check to add May 2021.
I worked around and saw plenty people in age as tall slim white hairs Lady and Gentelmen
not my genetic group look as i am 162 cm height just.
I was thinking to vidit my grandchildren and looked to buy a present as bed sheet
but when i touched this package i had a feeling as the injection pain from something, was sore.
I looked closely my arms were being a silk white thin groves
and was a dark blue mark in a place as an inhection
as from a trombose.
I was shocked a lot, stressed, left ALDI straight not worried about left shopping
i saw my right hand 5th small finger had a drak blue bruse - now nothing here all dissapared.
I canceled a vaccination on next morning so, as i had this as a as on my skins
and stayed at home.
I do not know what this was.
I tried to say all to a security staff but your door open on one direction as the exit so i could not walk in by short way and avoided to work by a long way too. I just waked at home.
I had not saw anything with ability to harm me.
I had not saw any person
I had not saw any visual equipment
as just a surface of a package of bedding for children or.
i do not remember a colour as a grey or when as was shocked in pain.
I was thinking someone knew i planed a vaccination and played this tried to damage me or to kill me with complain for the vaccine was faulty
but i decided to save my body from a stress shock so relexed at home, not walking.
Or someone used ALDI to make some illegal forced injections.
I saw just people in age to think as pensioners when this was with me in ALDI.
if you have still something as this as unseen how whom damaged bodies.
I saw this on our street walking closed to a car and unseen cut my skin till a blood came as a thinnest (laser ?) raisor.
So, 2nd case in Sutton-in-Ashfield.
I know why people started to shout sometimes as some special eqipment may do this way
and better to leave the place straight and this help usually.
I mean, dear Kerry, i liked you and I valued you as a staff of ALDI and a person and a woman.
I had not find a base of your hated me by such way as shouts and orders not to come to ALDI to make a shoping.
You had not looked a normal for me as you was not you but damahed by orders or somethings
as i sure that you are a good kind woman,
things were going not right for you that day
or colleges on a work traumatised you,
as this 43 pences of scaniing of your college under your command
making things under you.
But as you shouted on a customer in a shopping floor loudly publicly
i may imagine your way of communication with colleges under your supervision some as with me,
so, people may try to move you away
as not comfortable
or the working conflict.
I helpedd you to point directly 43 pences as a diffrence just for 1 shoping scan
I sure you was not right shouting on me as i helped to you to indetificate some possible problems
which making a loss money of ALDI on a time of your command team work here as Manager ALDI.
To say to customers buyer orders to leave ALDI never return back to make a shopping here
is another loss of money of ALDI.
so, 43 pences loss as a not appropriate scanning work of a Cashier was
another loss of 21 pounds was i planed recalculate to be sure a till calculation are right and to return back to make my shopping in ALDI.
If you work here yes, i may do this one time to return to back again.
My private TESCO pension just 162-164 pounds per year with top of benefits.
But my rent 399 while a housing beenfit low on 43 pounds
JCP Officials in Kirkby in Ashfield wrote this official on my benefit paper
but they extracted still ;12.68/month from me as my pension, 100% whole while small and taxed.
So, i am below on 53 pounds from a low official income each month
this make me to value each pence i spend
and not easy to spend money
as these 20 pounds i had borrow from my youngest daugther, British Nurse UK
She never refused me on my ask
but she need money to paid for a credit loan morgage, student credit loan back, a car credit back,
so i am a shama as her mother to borrow money she needed for herself.
I came to ALDI thinking to but things for my birthday 60s yo really
and i was not able to calculate prices in my head.
I was shocked to see 20 pounds
as a really expensive shopping for me
as here no meat
so i needed to re-calculate all to arrange a shopping.
ALDI had not a reduced items sections as Tesco Express, Morrison, ASDA
and i saw you scanned a lot as not sold for someone.
I will be miss ALDI as my main store was for years as nearest for me to work.
But i respect your decistion, dear Kerry, to closed ALDI for me as you disliked me as your customer.
Your work as Manager ALDI gave 43 pences back to ALDI just as i decided to ask the refund as a full refund and a check of price of my shoping again.
If i would not return back you never leaned as Manager ALDI the way ALDI had a financial loss as your team.
So, you had 43 pences back to ALDI just as i stayed stayed stayed asked asked pushed to make a re-scan.
So, you knew here this problem not as your mind but as my mind comand to you to do this
while you shouted on me on my 60s jubelle time, thank a lot, ALDI MAKING AD THE HELL HIENA HYENA tourtures humans customers and still German store in UK but! BUT operated by British staff.
German Sale Assistants and Cashiers would smiled politely as all they German Lady are nice smiling friendly trying to make a profit.
British staff shouted on clients ordered never come again so Manager Aldi Kerry activity
1. 43 pences of loss as a financial loss of her team member Cashier
2. a loss of a customer which locals.
I would not named this clever
as just someone work to low a profit of ALDI down
to bancrote and to buy this place and a store.
I noticed some staff Tesco Express and ALDI are in a contacts while competitors
and played to upsad customers to make a walk of a customer to another store as plenty them.
making to think some cempetitors ordered some special people to go inside competitors stores to ruin them.
I worked in sale for 30 years from a market place sales to manager.
and really any customer see these dirty black dusty dirty baskets straight as coming inside trying to clean himself-herself as staff ALDI and Manager ALDi are busy scolding clients of ALDI pubicly and no time left to clean baskets for customers.
Some people in UK started to lean German, Greman Faschists songs, german songs, to look Adolf Hitler documentary films as a feeling UK under Hitler Germany ideas attack power.
This was already in Germany, dear Kerry
Germany just to Germans!
German shops just to Germans!
German shop are not serving non-German clients!
Now as Manager Kerry on duty in ALDI:
British store ALDI just for whom was born in UK!
British store ALDI not for British Citizen UK of Russian Ethnic!
British store ALDI is not for female in age 55060 etc!
British store ALDI just for customers 2036 whom are young !
British store ALDI NOT FOR LOCALS living near ALDI!
So, Manager Kerry eat her own tail
of loss customer as a local customer for yers.
and she loss 43 pences
as 1st scan was for 19.12 and 2nd return back for 19.64
for some shopping
43 pences loss for 1st scan was
i had not took any item from ALDI
ALDI had not a loss of own items
ALDI may had a loss of items
if a rapid not properly scan of Cashier on till
missed item to scan.
I asked a self-till installation
to make the own comfortable speed of scanning
so no needs in Cashiers near tiil.
Tesco Express, Morrison, ASDA , TESCO had self-scanners tills.
This may left people to clean baskets for customers as a shame to see such in a store
with sale of a food.
6-7-2021 to add
вот это расстояние между двумя чеками по времени время уговора Менеджера Керри начать делать её прямую работу-сесть за кассу и отсканировать всё назад вернуть деньги покупателю
потому что я купила и сразу назад
шопинг товары те же самые. сканирование кассиршей 1 19-21 фунта. Кассиршей 2 Керри 19-64 . 43 пенса разницы
я посчитала вручную и у меня другая сумма полчилось.
но я списывала с чека и могла пропустить чтото
что кассирша номер 1 не отсканировала дав мне без скана? зелёный огурец за 43 пенса
я брала клала в упаковку что она отсканировав давала мне
т.е. огурец 43 пенса ушёл без скана
и, если бы я не вернула. тот же шопинг полностью назад, то эта разница в 43 пенса была бы незаметна
а я полностью всё вернула и только потом заметна разница
я списываю суммы с чека
Scan by Kerry (Cashier 2 work re-scan)
Till calculated amount 19.64 poundds
Чек скан Керри (в роли кассир 2)
Касса суммировала товары
сумма 19.64
Scan by Cashier 1
Amount for all was 19.21
Missed scanned item:
Green Cucumber 0.43 (43 pences for a cucumber),
Cashier 1 Aldi missed to scan cucumber for 43 pences
giving to me to pack.
Good, i returned back asking to refund
to re-scan to check (i calculated myself with a mistake about 17.42,
missed to add some items 0.36 0.65 and recognised a printed price 0.80 as 0.60
means when i saw 19.21 total price for a shopping
i was thinking here was a mistake of program of their ALDI till as much to many
as i calculated this as 17.42 (a mistaked job).
So, i wonder to do re-calculation of all to check again a work of a till programm
(not to check Aldi Cashiets whom i trusted).
But, suprised me, i find a mistake of a scanning work of ALDI Cashiers
whom always had the mark of the highest top level quality people in a calculations and scanning,
i remember old ALDI, when their Cashiers had not scanned any items
as just memoriced each all prices codes and plenty may calculate amount of total straight too.
They had a huge wages compare to others as worked so fast as just touched items so, all shopping near till
was a a running exisice, never any waiting time, so quice fast and end of service.
But when you in age 60s, you not feel as a comfotable the fast running experience near a till
as you are much slow down in a speed not on your 20s as a runner physically.
And this confuse you to try to be a quick runner as you was on you 20s
as young Cashiers tried to work fast as their owners values asked them this way of a work,
so, you try to support people whom are working to have their awards for their work,
but as a client and a customer, you may feel this way as a tourture and a humilation
and customers abilities and Cashiers as someone put goals forwards clients
for a faster scanning.
And when you had this, you had your shopping and paid but you are upset, feeling this as a wrong for you and for staff of ALDI as owners tried to make them as fast working robots on goals to be fast.
ALDI store had a nice range of everything and i spend a lot money time some mine
we bought lots of items from ALDI and i am upsad in this end
tobe ordered to keep out of ALDI with a shouting on me by Manager Kerry much younger me
for my use my customer rights for a refund as i feel something was a wrong as a total price,
and yes, this was a wrong , as their Cashier missed to scan a cucumber for 43 pences
and she gave me to put the item what i did, but in case of re-check of my shooping by their ALDI security i would be in not nice situation of blamed me as a theif taking their 43 pences item cucumber
while i said i had 20 pounds to spend on this day and this was a my daugther British Nurse money
which i borrow for 0% credit line till 12th July 2021 return back (before this i laway borrow money for 1-2 week from Mr Almer Syson, lived 23 Manson Street, some as i live, on Mason Street, my kind neighbour,
he credit me 0% for 1-2 weeks , but he died in 2020, i was on his funeral on 15th June 2020 in Sutton Memorial Cemetry, here his grave. I disliked to borrow money from my childrens as they females, and need to pay morgaes, student loan credit, car credit, so a lot. Why i wish them to be much richer happy me to have a comfortable life. I was upsad as i walked from Sutton Memorial for locals i stayed prayed and here was 3 (three) Keery name as locals in a local power whom arranged this memorial without any name surname DOB DOB to stay to read to memorise to pray as just numbers.
So, numbers of died missed locals to remember and no names as whom are not missed lived now in a power. The Kerry surname opposite Afghanistan with loss of local lifes, mostly they stayed on British Camp Kandaghar, which had been a huge building project biult by Project Manager my 2nd ex-husband, Mr Robert Frederick Scotford, birth 10th May 1952 in Stourbridge, UK on orders from Minestry of Defence of UK as USA-UK military joined operation. We divorced in April 2010 after 10 years of marriage, Rob was in Afganistan as a Civilian staff, working supporting all. I so restect his hard work, i had not applied for a Financial Setlement or a his pension share to me as by British Family Laws said obligated for UK marriages-divorces, i just divorced and all, saving his money, he had still 50% of sale our propperty on our two names later too. I had been attacked in UK, wounded in my head, had the operation, 6 stiches, and still much much much more on a top tears. When my husband prepared me he lieaved UK he instructed me he could be kindnapped or killed or harmed, but really his wife in UK had this all , no one British newspapar put this and British Police Officer in Ollerton had refused always to take anything if someone harmed me (a civilian staff working abroad in Afghan), making me a vulnarable without a protection and closed my moutgh to write or to say all to my husband to upset him in details as i was upsetting. This means when British Govertment used to send people abroad for their goals, their left family members in UK always left as unprotected vulnarable on own with closed moughts to say them to theirs to upset them , working in a hard working conditions.
2021. My British ex-husband is a British Pensioner for years, enjoyed his life, a time passed.
I asked him as I am 60s if he would willed to deal by British Family Laws whick obligated him to do things for me as to his ex-wife married 12 years by British Laws marriage and divorce ?
He replied me he would agree to pay me 100 pounds each month from his pension but as JCP Officials in Kirkby in Ashfield took my private Tesco pension 162.24 in full as 164 pounds per year
taking ;12.68 mounthly while this taxed, - JCO will just extracted his help me this 100 pounds too,
to make some level (which is on 53 pounds below a low income monthly as Housing Benefit not cover a rent and plus they extracted my pension 100% on a top too).
So, he decided to keep all his money as his pension 100% for himself as as i am living in UK, JCP will extracted all income from me as always.
So, i am a single, divorced, low income, benefits of a los surviving income minus 53 pounds of this as my income.
So, yes. I did my shopping and i saw all 20 pounds gone and here no fruits or meat or fish , looking as needed to recalculated to take beers and something off.
Really, i just had not excaipt my small shopping would cost so high expensive price total to me.
I was in a shock and a dibleif as i saw 0.29 mostle making a feeling 20 pounds might be much to expensive for me.
Prior, i bought here items shopping for Mr Almer Syson when he asked me this,
and separatly for me myself too. My children bought here their shopping too.
My oldest daugther liked this ALDI.
But ALDI was much clean ALDI before, not as this started with their baskets are dirty, dusty, black dust on them, some day much dusty some less. So, a feeling of a cleanest ALDI is down, not some level work of a cleaner as was here before, while i may be wrong here.
12 miles restrictions in a distance in UK put some customers out ability to do their shopping here too.
I started noticed a biscuit while cheep nice price had damaged similar rats ate from a biscuits so not good quality for Middle Class as just as whom i am on benefits. as you would not gave this to our children as biscuts eating by rats or mouces as may be infected too, so, risky. while people as i am had not plenty choices of surving as we are not able to buy good on the high prices and we picked what left for us by British society.
So, i always bought here as a walking distance from Mason Street , Sutton-in-Ashfield, to local ALDI as just nearest to walk too, - i do not have a car and not a driver. I use to walk taking my shopping in hands or i use a trolley.
The option as a home delivery is not for me as to a single person whom may need just milk and bread to add sometimes, while a home delivery may costs 5 pounds.
I never saw this way of customer care before in UK
as a shouting on a customer whom just spend money buying goods on ;19.21 and returned back asking re-check the total making as a refund. So, i had money to spend in ALDI as just spended.
Kerry treated me as type of theif, while re-check of the their work to scan a shopping (some items) put a difference in 43 pences as their 1st Cashier avoided to work property to scan item "cucumber" for 43 pences, making a loss of 43 pences for ALDI owners.
If price 1 would be equal to price too, i would think to ask again as a checked price,
but i worried THEIR TILL program had a mistake in a calculation,
so, i needed to re-calculate all at home in calculator
as my mind price was 17.42 pounds 2 pounds less from 19.21 and 19.64 pounds.
Now, at home, i see i missed items some and recogniced a printed price wrong.
If here would be a slef-scanner till, it would be able to make a comfortable me speed of scanning with the check of amount all right, making to sort things to buy or to avoid to buy as the expensive for me prices.
I would be never missed to forgot to scan something with my 3 years of till experinces in TESCO in New Ollerton and 1 years some in a Book-stacionary shop in Riga Latvia in Abava in Zolitude shop.
When we worked 1 week on/1 week of/with checked prices items on the end of week, the sgift team paid (so me) our own money from salaries for any missed stolled items, so we looked a lot having small salaries for not to do any mistakes working. When i worked in Tesco, they calculated each mistake of a work, so, to miss to scan the item or to take more from a client was a bad work as not accepted. Each memnber of our Tesco team in New Ollerton 2002-2005 was a nice good trustful college and employees.
But after such work may be a little hard to be a simple customer not noticing things, mistakes, faults, missings, health and safety issies, this i would be agree for this. But people in Uk decerved to have a good rights standards of everuthing, had they? as this is looking as not for a while as humans treated much worse low cows, horses, cows, dogs, pigs, and as now - similar to chines hens in cages: kept inside not go out side. I tried already not buy chicken eggs from caged birds as humans treated similar as this British standards -to sit just inside as a lockdown and after some dissapred suddenly and no one,
making to think humans are someone's food.
Youtube vidoe had a video
as someone took a meat for a steak
here was cows meat with a visual showing cutting lines of different range prices
and some packages from some shop had similar to this but looking healthy sport looking running males figures with lines similar to pachages with pigs and cows meat
making to feel to thing someone used to prepare humans bodies as similar butchers prepared cows, pigs, chickens,lambs for a sale.
Making a point to think why we all kept separatly no social contacts each separetly as chickens hens in cages
and why so plenty people missed empty houses no one
Russia had a lot of fully empty villages, towns, all left as things inside houses and nobody.
The check of cemetery - all graves places are empty no died people bodies,
someone digged all , taking all.
I do not know about UK, ...
but if to walk around i had some feelings as plenty empty properties nobody inside
with all things left.
People traveled filmed showing as no humans on streets of villages, towns in plenty countries.
I saw a video on Russian from a village as some unknowns on their cars vans used a loud transfer of voices
asked each inhabitant to walk to a local club (for something which a diffrent - a vaccination, a new document permit, etc) and whom was naive left own property and walked never returned back
so survivers sat down inside hiding themself. and when this started filmed to show.
I saw a film on the old German town after inside Russia closed to border Kaliningrad-Poland area.
The man filmed fully empty villages, small towns. Where are all? All dissapaired suddenly,
leaving all as was. and nobody.
I had not seached UK
but i saw Youtube videoa from London travellesrs with on-line translation
and nobody. all empties where plenty people were being before.
The empty trains, transtaions, streets.
all as dissapied with no traces as where are them people whom lived here and walked here?
AS officials keep a silince what was ...
Italy. Russian woman filmed a town used a Ipad with WiFi Bluetooth Scanner to show each whom had been vaccinated had a micro-chip installed number inside, so, she show as whom walked near seen on her radar, and their location too, - making easy to see each locattion, moving, to track meetings or to catch or to kill, and this may see each having this app.
I had chcked locally in UK , i saw here all some as she said.
vaccine (which) and individual ID of this
so, i may sit down on my flat to use this scan to see how many vaccinated people around me
whom are nearest to me from far whom just walked.
I saw this once, twice, third times, and i switched off , extracted a battery, stopped to check to look.
This woman said to us on Youtube ... I had not knew this before but i remember as i saw a lot young people here in UK ages 15-16-37 with their iPad walked around looked just inside as played a game
I sat on a park bench and them walked around me looked inside their iPad and me and laughed and left.
I mean humans used as Pokemons.
Some said these was a special licences to kill as orders whom as having a chips.
I mean the vaccination looked as "calculation each making chips inside human bodies".
And after this as the end of a freedom to walk to go inside stores, shops.
Not good news for Police Officers having this as a collecter of this ID of their chip inside a boies making a database with a location, moving, tracing,
making good bye plenty professions
used people under a cover to investigate things.
She show as this ease as seen on a special radar with a metres and location from you to see on a radar
and so any killer or a BUTCHER may know a location of needed item as a human .
Some used just for a fun to trace someone to laugh, which is not illegal while anoited and a break of a personnel distance.
Some new vaccinated hobbies to try to "connect closely" making chips ID to be connected similar connected devices (printer-PC-...)
The man show he came to a room, - his American TV open "connected new hardware wi-fe bluetuth devices" page to showm whom new with ID
started as
AZ (numbers) ( for AstraZeneka vaccinated)
VM (numbers) (Moderna Vaccinated)
So, if you open your iPade or Note7 or ... device with app
coonected Wi-Fi devecice, Bluetuth devices
or with much stronger worked Radar
here all whom are nearest you whom are vaccinated
and you know if they vaccinated AZ (AstraZeneka) or VM (Moderna Vaccine)
any electronic device had their individual MAC address which could not been changed
and installed in a fabrica.
so, human bodies with chips-vaccinated chip looked after some as just some electronic devices robots, TV, radia, PC, etc.
But as you may connect each device to PC
someine may do this some way
to control
to know
to send orders
and here no a missed top-low as some
they said this system with 5G special signals to a human bodies
may make you to feld sunndely "frozen" or to a die" or to shout loudly or have a heart attack or insult.
and as a slavery
as they make do spasm of musles which painful.
They as people in power may say to us, laughing on you
- Do not worry ,- you will be safe! as safe pigs, hens, chickens, cows, bulls, lambs! in a Farm yard!
I am not able to say this truth or not what someone filmed, said as i am a simple ordinary person, just a woman.
I just ask you to stop to think if you started to shout suddenly for another person, that this was your own activity not the show to others to show as they may control and command you to others.
I advice you just to stop and to leave this place for your own safety and others and to lie down on a floor ground level to cover as a "surviving blanket" making sparks and a little bit shield of a radio transmitters to lie down not voving relaxing all body as hthis low all electrical bilogical electricity and a surviving if they will use to make a spasm of musles on you.
I used a kitchen strong aluminium folga double curtains on a door
and when someone attacked me, - they saved my life
while the curtains started to look after with plenty smallest dots holes from one side
and all twisted twisted twisted , one side was a terrible twisted look.
I survived just i sat down far far away after these double kitcken aluminium folga curtains.
I put as i saw sparks of somethings making me worse, a pain in area of my heart was.
I put a glade straight sparking aluminium double curtains on a door
and i saw they had been twisted badly, jammed, with smallest dots
this was inunbelievle to see as nothing before
for all my 59 years life.
They worked to protect me, my health started to be better
as some electrinical radiations etc had been filtrated out.
Some people digged a hole as for a grave and they lie down here not covering themself
and this way worked too sometimes to save lives
as the whole sould ground stopped some ways radiatons.
Soldiers survived in WWII, WWI, digging such to lie down inside, for a rest between battles.
and this helps to low electostatic electromagnetic fileds of body to a fon not to be a spark.
Rats survaved in hidden underhound holes. Humans in caves.
Some digged an undeground homes.
The home is open for 5 side by roof and walls to all electical magnetic radio etc waves.
so each easy traced seen on 3D map.
the undegroud houses make shield by walls, floors, and a little bit as a roof too.
The modern military thecnilogy may see all deeply underground.
But i talk about methods of control human bodies by waves here.
Special signals worked as a wish to stand up to walk someon on some direction.
So, a point to make a shield for these signals on a time of a collectors came
to be unseen for them and not to responce for this.
Odissey asked to tide him to others to see visual if the signals to go to somewhere is working or they far away from a signal and safe and as a method to find to where what direction to move out all too
and for long to stay keeping to hide themselves or protect themselves
But as i feel and think this would not work as all things may start suddenly and no time tomake any calls, arrangement, preparations, anything may be.
Some adviced to relax to take things as they may come. This is a good choice and a point. I like this way for me myself.
Sorry, as I am a poet and a writer of science-fiction, a fantaser, i may always do this as moving on some side far away from any theme, this with me always as a common weakness of mine.
If i would be English American or British Ethnic Group woman, i would walked to my Solicitor in UK to say this:
- Look, I am a British Citizen UK, Russian Ethnic, 59yo 60s on 8th July 1961 , and i feel as someone tried to kill me here in UK or to push me to a suincide as depressed, -- JCP Officials paid me a lown income on 53 pounds below a low surviving income in UK , extracted my pension 100% while HB is not covered a rent on 42-43 pounds, so i have 53 pounds below of a low surviving minimum in UK each time.
- Still , Manager Kerry as Manager Aldi on 299 Mansfield Road, Sutton-in-AShfield, NG17 4HW, UK, phone (+44) (0) 800 042 0800 started shouted loudly on me in a shopping floor in Aldi, refusing to do a refund as British Trade Laws customers rights said, tried to order me to leave whole already paid by me shopping in ALDI and to leave ALDI (as Kerry could not stop herself to shout on me to start her work duty to scan items for refund), later Kerry ordered me never will come again to do my shopping in ALDI as she closed down ALDI for me my access to walk inside, later Kerry started to do a scaning items for refund with a supervision of some new coming member of staff of ALDI, she asked me to show my old receipt to compare the total and here was a diffrence 43 pences as a missed items in a scan of 1st Cashier. But as here was ALDI staff mistake and what i tried to show to Kerry 1st straight, - Manager Kerry had not find words as Manager, she said me never return back to ALDI, i closed this to you and your access.
- I asked why this all? I am looking locally, making my shopping here over 7 years some mine al?
- Kerry, Manager ALDI, replied me for the use my custome r rights asking the refund changing mind to buy something and return goods.
- Kerry had not tried to ask me a reason of this at all as she started to shout on me straight since her 1st appearence.
- I mean this look likes Kerry had this as a program of someone asked this way, - she tried to shout on me and she tried to shout on me, she walked near a till with a shopping to scan, not started to work for a refund, she run much away far, Kerry shouted on me tried to order me to fo inside ALDI for own ALDI staff and warehouse place while I am not a staff of ALDI to go to their inner working spaces, - she wanted me to show here something, which probably upsetting she as a Manager of ALDI too prior she came to me. But I am not work in ALDI to start to solve or know ALDI problems or working moments, - i am just the ordinary 60s. yo customer. I was shocked.
- I was shocked as ALDI Manager Kerry closed down my customers rights to make a shopping for my essensial food drinks milk bread in ALDI - no food supply as a nearest base store cheap price for me, I am in a shock, how i may survive in UK now? British store ALDI closed rigts to make a shopping for essensial food ?
- I mean i look this Kerry tried to kill me, as no food supply.
- I mean JCP Officials acted similar way. They ordered me to travel from Mason street to JCP in Kirkby in Ashfield twice per months for reports meetings while was a lockdown nobody on streets and i am not a driver. Their JCP Adviser Nikita said me this. I asked may be a call would be enough? Nikita said me not as she had such instructions orders her bosses in JCP they ordered this to her.
- I asked Nikita as a JCP Adviser Official, had she realised i am on 53 pounds already below a low surviving income in UK, ordering me to travel to another town Kirkby in Ashfield twice per month spening 14 pounds (JCP no refund me this or intreview travel expenses), so, what would left for me to buy my food supply? to celebrate my 60 s with all extractions? Nikita replied me she could not replaced meetings in JCP as orders to her on calls to me, ordered to travel. I sat down here was NOBODY in a huge building JCP in Kirkby in Ashfield as 1 before me and 1 before me as clients and each table was filled by sitting JCP Advisres. When i walked from Nikita, standing up, their sill new another really young man walked with a pink desinfector to desinfect a chair i sat down. Plenty not working in economy UK people sat down inside no clients while plenty unemployed as me on streets here on benefits here and i saw they picked me while i asked not as a loss of my money to buy a food.
- My weight was 42 kg with drops and i am not able to go to pass all agins agains agains as i passed all befoe, as my age group up but the unhuman common rude attidude to people on a low income is some in UK from people in power using to command but not to employ topay good salaries.
- My Addviser Nikita said me before she paid me all travel expenses for travel to interview (to JCP?) but when i had traveled came to see here,, My Adviser Nikita avoided to refund me my travel expenses to travel to the interview while she promised me this or for travel to another town Kirkby in Ashfiekd too, making me to look this as a lie to me as her false promise me was. If i knew this i would walked to interview not using a bus.
- i mean this is as a tourture people in age, whom are not 20s 30s , and this is not our personnel fault UK Govertment up pension age for mothers in age to 66 yo, to 78 pland to 85, so, really, mothers in age will be not able to find a working nice place some as i am not able, - i had a call for a heavy male work to move heavy items in a warehouse, so, plenty British mothers whom had a support while "our young females producers babies for UK", - all them have a loss of a career level, and will be in a similar to my situation as I am now, no a nice working places, orders JCP Officials to travel to be blamed as a bad British person (as no needs any more you not able to produce babies, - similar to attitudes farmers to old cows , and you will see a cruelty rude not ability to have any help, when you started to ask, they someone make calls to cancel access to your local nearest store to buy a food as essensical food, - UNWANTED IN UK! as a push to a suincide, to a death and as a show a real way of things in UK for mass of British Citizens UK to feel as THEY ARE UNWANTED here in UK as a way to feel this state country as NOT THEIRS COUNTRY STATE all all as JUST PEOPLE IN POWER IN UK have rights to be happy, to smile to live a happy in a comfort NOBODY ELSE "SPECIALLY THESE ON BENEFITS". This is not a fault of people on benefits that budget money had not been spended right way to cover pensions for mothers in age since 55 yo or since 50 yo as not able to be a pregnant already but deserved to have a comfortable life, a rest, a time for yourself, as a mother's work was 24 hours to look for a child.
- But if you pick not to be a priducer babies for UK rich people in power? You will work, educated, had better career (JCP Official or British MP Teresa May with this rate of pension which may be a private more early others).
- Becouse soon JCP Officials listen yours i am tired, i wish a pension, - they attacked as to kill you way as low your low income by orders to travel to see them their well paid faces whom paid a huge money from a budget. and some may do a call toorder to start to humilate you
- Bank Deposite in Lloyds Bank in Sutton "ate" inside my 38 pounds (Chistmas money present for me was from my daughter for my Christmas meal) I tried to put to a bank topau via a bank to check to see how many i spent. as my children might asked me as thye were sensitive where i might spent money if they gave for a heating, - i put a reciept to prove this was spent for a geating, of for a food, - a receipt this was spend for a food for them to know this. But Lloyds Bank machine ate this, inside, no recipt no money back. I came to another day to ask to check, staff of Lloyds Bank, a woman said me , no money had been finded , and she added me: this was your gilt as to put coins inside bank envelope is not permitted, so, you had nothing now. But, to know i had put sme coins inside the bank envelope , she had "3rd eye her vision in her night dream", or what? So, i was in a disbeilive as British bank took 38 pounds inside their deposite box and not sorted to put my money they took here on my bank account, making a financial loss of 38 pounds, and this some British Bank whom paid me over 1 thousands pounds PPE PPI return by London Court decition to side to clients of British banks. So, they did this 2nd times as a point NEVER trust your money if they a good money to any British Banks UK as some Bank whom stolled over 1 thousand pounds from as London Court return me my money back but JUST VIA A COURT Desition of JUDGE not via the Lloyds Bank themselves naming they acted wrong stollen money of their clients whom trusted them.
So, i am glad had just my low income benefits and all which i always spend till 0 zero not making savings as I do not trust whom stolled my money from me as PPI or PPE and my 38 pounds on top and i saw named them theif and they had a licence in UK just as more biggest size murders and theives in power in UK, writing their rates of their wages, their benefits, their pensions, and protection theives as Lloyds Bank and other British Banks with their behalves to write their own instructions, orders, rules with goals to take money from clients.
If here a crises in UK as not money enough left to pay a pension for females since their 50-55 yo ,
i see people in power will borrow to take all money from all British Banks or they may took each rich people properties to a budget with a new installation of a new additional tax on heritage from the parents and hrandparents to their childrem and grandchildren as 90 or 95 procents additional tax with a push or to sold for a nothing to a state
as some similar example of c cruelty to show a power to each.
as each time you disliked something saying this, - you had not rights as just orders from some unknown adults saying them are a local power, a state power but we do not know whom are them as making a life in UK as a tortures , to be always blamed since you as a child or an adult any age.
You feel this way is not suit you or a modern life style attitude
as each tried to be in a power to blame you to shout on you since your childbirth
as your parents, teachers, saying you was a wrong, a weak, bad, not knowing, not reading fast as others, not writing without mistakes but making mistakes in your writing,
after our friends knowns neighbours blamed shouting on you
after officials as started and till the end of life saying you they blame you to be you
while you see, - whom are them? on a huge money from a budget not working in a real ritish economy in a warehouse, shops, stores, factores, mines, boats, planes, trains.
But if they started to work - you see their inability to talk with people as they may just to order to shout to humilate
and you realise this: well, i am not working but a budget money on my life support just a low surviving summe obligated to be provided to you by the state by laws,
while them took a power in UK to sign their rules about their level of all their wages salaries much much high level extraction from a budget on each and on all,
so, people, picked a lot from british budget , blamed whom had not picked so as just by British laws life supporting minimum ?
We saw British buses traveled empty each days during 2019-2020-2021 as mostly empty
no passangers
but companies survived
But when British people asked to low bus tickets, train tickets or to provide a free travel bus tickets for people whom low income , - they said to us NO, NOT PERMITTED THIS
while as buses are empties and ride , - here just to sign the instruction to provide a free bus travel access
if a person said no money,
- i bought return ticket and a theif picked my purse, a ticket inside, a bank card, a cash,
I asked a British Driver as some bus he may remember me buying return ticket this day to use a bus
he refused me as his instruction while i was with a stick, -- no kindness no humanity
and so i had a loss of return ticket and as a bank cad too, i walked back to my home.
Here UK as The hell with devils each laghed on you nobody helps if to us the help
and you so stop to associate whom you see as humans as equal to you.
Plenty Britons left UK to abroad as you may be born here or to live here but this feelings as always blamed and always unwnated and always hated by others whom shouted on you as to show you unwanted in UK
and you with this over yers, tens years, more, more, more, with a loss this your country, -not, not mine
as here nothing for me with such attitude to humans and mothers in age.
I just called to my father 1938 yo asaying as i am living here in UK as this feeling as they killed me here
but he disliked me for a long time and when i called to my parents when i was on streets UK with my two children, asking my parents welcome hospitality for us three, no place to stay, a homeless in UK with no rights for anyhings as just if to rent for money,
my parents refused me to adults to decided my life problem on own.
My ex husband 1st husband a father of my 2 children, he refused in any help to us too, - you are a strong to find a some suitable solution for us all on own.
I had nobody in UK.
I am living over 23 years in UK with some result.
I have nobody in UK, i am unwanted inUK
just no way to live UK as no money no other countries citizenship property bank accounts savings.
But I am more happy righther these dull faces or in fears to follow by unhuman wrong instructions.
I have myself as i am and here i am always wanted needed and i like myself.
If others are not this their choices as a free people
I do not know how this possible to surviving for people in a low income in UK, for mothers in age on a low income here in Uk on a time waiting their pension age 66 as looked as never started for plenty.
I saw a grave of 50 yo died local woman here in Sutton Memorial cemetry left from Mr Almer Syson, ex-miner grave, a beautiful face, the beautiful kind woman, did on her 50 yo age, - she never will have her pension singe her 66 yo or 78 yo for all British woman, so, her chilren wrote she was a wonderful kind mothers and grandmothers, - so our local our soil land mother in age 50 yo died, left her children and her grandchildren and she never will receive her pension as all her pension fond will be stollen while individual not to her heritage to be passed to her own children, grandchildren to their little help but just to a budget UK for wagea JCP Officials in Kirkby in AShfield and local Councils as money making richest in power more rich.
There are a lot people whom died in UK whom never recieved their pensions and they never will recieve, - they died, died, as a pension age for females and males are much to high level in UK to accept this level total to each individual.
I sure some individual are able to work till 300 years, see Russian man Lenin in Mausoley in Moscow while he died, Russians make money from a died people look show for money or free as a tourists attractions and especially British and Amrican and german tourist attractions and Sataniests attractions to see a show with died man body , lie down openly for each to see this as whom died in 1924 and still not burried propaly in "Christain" country Russia with "Christain" President Vladimir Putin , explaing each he would agree to finish this show attraction with this died body of Lenin but he had his fears others as Russian Citizen of Russia may not accepted this normal human way for each Christian or Ateist or some Foriegn Tourists from USA, UK, Germany may start to blame him for this or still someone else in his night dreams or his Christian Priest of Russian Orthodox Church may blamed this way while Christian traditional way for each in Russia. Or some worries someone may stole this or sold this for money abroad for British Museum to keep as died bodies of Old Egyptian Kings in British Museums.
His mother had cried and his wife cried asked to give a rest for a died body of a died man in Russia not to use as a public show attraction as a doll as each had some feelings, a wrong or not, emotions while lived, and all died people decerved a respect as each had another The Court and another Judge after more higherst rank of each of us.
People in Russia said here was some preparation to make some public show attraction place method for died Putin body too to work to attract plenty foriegn and local tourists similar as the Egypt Pyramids attractions place. I do not know if this the truth or not what other people said as not each may say the truth and as after all these words stopped suddenly, so, probably, not the truth.
So, while Lenin made Russian Revolution 1917 with robbery each Citizen of Russian Impair property similar to Robin Hood in the Sherwood Forest in England method as to robb richest to give all to a low income to survive nicely, but we see that Lenin as Vladimir Iljich Ulianov Lenin had not a chances to relax on his pension age too.
I mean this way may be belong to each as we all just humans beings.
So, when the beautuful kind nice attractive local woman died on her 50 yo age,
she had not lived a long enough to start to enjoy her pension age to make a comfortable life,
and so terrible things each penni of her pension age will not passed to her own so beloved children and grandchildren for their support but just to a budget UK.
I think and feel this way not rigt way
as any pension fond is the individual fond money
and not money as a property of UK state or budget.
This means UK state robb died people pension fonda to budget
while plenty Britons have their closed beloved family members
and wanted to pass theirs to them to support them to survive.
And after this all as UK Officials and UK British Govertment UK
rob stoled all pension individual fond to the state budget while all pension fonds are the personal named individual financial accounts,
you as way while JCP Official tried to kill people on a low income in age, - to pick each penny to a budget
not to pay a pension, making apension age up up up so people warranty will died sooner they start to enjoy their life of living in UK.
This staff ALDI are 2os-37s young people and they full energy hopes to work
but they all will be sooner or late some as we are people in age in UK
with a problems that a pension state age far far fa away
no working places
nobody wants you
JCP Officilas played to order to o something for them which will down rapidly your low income
so no food supply, no heating at a cold winter time or electricity to read
and no money to pay TV Licence which now 159 pounds per year as a right to see British TV stations for Britons in UK with up age for a reduced prices as for a blind Britons and not for pensioners or people in age.
And nobody able to stop this cruelty while each may be a little bit clever enough as each young has a chance to grow up to live to old age groups too to have what we all have now in UK or what I have here in UK.
Plenty people of other Ethnic and religions left UK as "here is a frozen ice hearts" jus shouts, blames, orders, absulute dictatorship of power of AMIMAL IN POWER with no mersci kindness.
Look, British stores took a new rules to closed stores to some to come to buy a food supply here in UK,
no food supply in UK.
But we saw people in power in UK, all rich and so not clever to think about others as a low income population UK?
Our power in UK took a lot money from Britih budget and what we have here in a return back as their work for each of us?
The closed stores NO FOOD
the moving buses with NO HELP if no money to pay?
Rich companies prefer to spend their money to use the empy buses run as empty
AShfield Council as peole said this took Council Tax money from a budget to give to some other areas
while here holes on a road and walking passes, no installed walking pedestrians cross pass for safety of locals. and so not work.
The local Pleasure Ground Park with mody dusty walking pathway
the asfalted road to come to here with a hole with a water always no way to walk in-out
if to go round the lake, the mooody wet watered durty mess
while local B&Q offered a special wooden parts to make sufaces and have plenty ground speciliats whom never show us their skills on a local park escape Pleasure Playground Park,
while B&Q are a local Mansfield Road in Sutton-in-Ashfield employee and a busness
making money located locally and not supported locals or local nearest Pleasure Park Attraction
to provide some work examples free with a discaunted prices
to show their quality of their work to each
as hoow for now we see they had not think about humans people, locals, at all,
having money on locals and on local land.
Samanta Deakin is a great as a local but where she was for years not worried other people safety as i asked Samata Deakin to instal the safe walking pedestrian cross for years as just white parrallel lines making a visual for drivers as to start and the safety of each local pedetrian.
You can not find a help of a suppot of politicians as they needs locals jut on a vote time to vote to them to be in a local power or high.
I had wrote local MP Lee-Anderson for Sutton and Ashfield area
asking him how i may to survive here in Sutton as a low income 60s with this
as ALDI Manager Kerry started suddenly to shout on me in ALDI ordered me not to go to ALDI to make my shopping and she closed down the ability to buy essensial food supply, a milk and a bread here, for me too,
as this rude to a local woman, so how i may survive here in UK with so as this?
He replied me as he could not do here nothings talking all just as the informational,
- but he knocked on my door on a vote time and i openned my front door for him, when he wanted a support of locals and me too to vote for them all.
Here sounds looked like as shooting outside Mansfield Road i do not know waht this, lot of shooting sounds like.
20:49 (8:49 pm), 06-07-2021
LOTS SOUNDS AS A SHOOTING on Mansfield road Sutton in Ashfield not stopping not drive to here may be not safe
of a firework as a birthday but not late enough for this.
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
"ALDI in Sutton in Ashfield bad customer experience"
"АЛДИ супермаркет в Англии, 3 сентября 2021 опыт"
#ALDI #UK #Mansfield #Sutton-in-Ashfield #Sutton #shopping #store #finder #experience #shop #British #Briton #АЛДИ #Великобритания #фашизм #Fascists
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