
It’s a land of broken things
Where she reigns
Crumpled letters, twisted strings
Old charades
Swaying nettles, creeping weeds
Under all the tears she weeps
On her throne

It’s a place with no address
Misty grey
In her faded wedding dress
Stitches fray
In the night, when silent crows
Come in swarms
She unravels in the throes
Of her wars

In her heart she’s locked the still
Muted sun
All her lullabies that will
Stay unsung
All the childish spells she makes
To erase
The forsaken endless maze
Where she reigns

Illustration by Maja Lindberg

what a miserable bride. how come she reigns in a maze?

here I could not quite catch the meaning of the preposition:
Swaying nettles, creeping weeds
Under all the tears she weeps
On her throne

are the four lines connected? disconnected? why under?

Ольга Демиденко Заярская   23.07.2021 14:56     Заявить о нарушении
The nettles and weeds thrive under the tears she weeps (=overgrown).

Not a bride anymore. I had a character like Miss Havisham from Great Expectations in mind. I could only speculate why she was like that. Poetic license, that kind of thing )

Людмила Прасад   23.07.2021 15:17   Заявить о нарушении
That's the trick with lack of punctuation, misleading:)

Ольга Демиденко Заярская   23.07.2021 17:36   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.