Russian America

You have a house, Plymouth and kredit,
You live between New-York and Sacramento
If crazy careerist and an individ
Told me all time a listen: "un momento".

Why do you need the oil of Iraq?
You cruelly drove the Indians away?
Why did you hate a simple Russian flag?
You bought Alaska it is she new way.

The land of California was ours
And condors flying over my Fort Ross.
For history, this several more hours
But you have to remember that of course.

You gave up on car Plymouth yesterday,
Remember? Docked at Plymouth a Mayflower
You celebrating English Thanksgiving Day
And where is the Russian day? My power?

Верные строки пишете, Анатолий. Всего наилучшего, Иван.

Иван Терёхин   29.06.2021 21:41     Заявить о нарушении
Иван, cпасибо за отзыв.
С уважeниeм, Анатолий

Анатолий Пименов   30.06.2021 13:57   Заявить о нарушении