I Am So Lucky

I am so lucky
That I met you one day.
My life was lonely
Till you danced me away.
You are my sunshine
And you are my flame.

I am so lucky
That you are my man.
I am so grateful
For all that we have.
You are my tutor
And you are my friend.
Best friend.

I don't know anything 'bout the future
But it would be so nice if you spend it with me.
You give me a hope that it's gonna be better,
No matter what we're going through.

I am so lucky
And I sing it out loud.
You came to save me
And bring me the light.
You are my brother
And you are my knight.

I don't know anything 'bout the future
But it would be so nice if you spend it with me.
You give me a hope that it's gonna be better,
No matter what we're going through.

I am so lucky
That I can be in love.
After all years of searching
I could be your wife
If you want me to be
I will always be
By your side.

У вас очень правильно срифмованный текст. Вы жили (живете) в англоязычной стране? У нас такой рифмовки я не встречал. А фразу it's gonna be better могут написать только в США. Плюс строение куплетов хахаха очень профессионально сделано.

Александр Зимин 5   27.06.2021 23:17     Заявить о нарушении
Благодарю Вас за такую высокую оценку моего текста! В англоязычных странах не жила, но всю жизнь учу английский. Одно время работала с американцами в качестве переводчика.

Диана Оганезова   11.02.2022 18:24   Заявить о нарушении