Песня британских ВВС

The were Ten German bombers in the air.
The were Ten German bombers in the air.
The were Ten German bombers.
Ten German bombers.
Ten German bombers in the air.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

The were Nine German tigers in the field.
The were Nine German tigers in the field.
The were Nine German tigers
Nine German tigers
Nine German tigers in the field.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

The were Eight German mortars in the fort.
The were Eight German mortars in the fort.
The were Eight German mortars
Eight German mortars
Eight German mortars in the fort.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

The were Seven German cruisers in the bay.
The were Seven German cruisers in the bay.
The were Seven German cruisers
Seven German cruisers
Seven German cruisers in the bay.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

The were Six German tankers at the sea.
The were Six German tankers at the sea.
The were Six German tankers
Six German tankers
Six German tankers at the sea.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

The were Five German military camps.
The were Five German military camps.
The were Five German military
Five German military
Five German military camps.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

The were Four German submarines in sea.
The were Four German submarines in sea.
The were Four German submarines.
Four German submarines.
Four German submarine in sea.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

The were Three German armies in the field.
The were Three German armies in the field.
The were Three German armies
Three German armies
Three German armies in the field.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

There were Two fascist leaders in Berlin.
There were Two fascist leaders in Berlin.
There were Two fascist leaders.
Two fascist leaders.
Two fascist leaders in Berlin.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

The were One German bombers in the air.
The were One German bombers in the air.
The were One German bombers.
One German bombers.
One German bombers in the air.

And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England shot one down.
And the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot one down.

The were No German bombers in the air.
The were No German bombers in the air.
The were No German bombers.
No German bombers.
No German bombers in the air.

Cos the R.A.F. from England shot them down.
Cos the R.A.F. from England shot them down.
Cos the R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England
R.A.F. from England shot them down.

     Рю С.Ю. - 27 июня 2021г.

      Фото сделал скриншотом.

     Эту известную песню времён Второй мировой войны я сделал более разнообразной. Там поётся только о немецких бомбардировщиках. А я добавил всё, что можно: и подводные лодки, и крейсера, и танки, и танкеры, и армии. R.A.F. - Королевский воздушный флот.
