Sincere love

Being  born without deposits in safe accounts ,
Without gold on  fingers, and without  brand-new   car ,
Being  born of love,which kept an eye on  ups and downs ,
You could not take the first steps,waiting for a start .

Depended on  your parents who  remembered  sleepless nights ,
Had  waited for  success taught you how  to be  survived ,
And saved your day ,  being   next to you  in order you were brave  .
Furs, cars, gold . silver, . bank account  you  gave  to  trust in way ,

And afterwards  with  failure  outs ,
You  understood  that   frankly   were observed ,
Had been attached by  motive  .
You can't feel   happy twice ,

But  God  gives  you  a chance  to deeply  realise  ,
 not being collapsed  or  broken  .
You'll carefully enter the  door, which leads you to sunrise,
Restore your happy  days   until the rest of live.
