Peace, Tenderness, Love

Peace and serenity are here in the evening sea,
strewn with the moon,
subdued by the stars.
This is harmony.
Could you hear its vibrations?
This is the rhythm that permeates the gravel, the grass, your blood and mine.
Could you hear rustling of acacia pods?
Knock-knock-knock chestnuts against the cobblestone,
erased by generations of feet.
Tenderness, caress with warmth, washes our tired bodies.
You're afraid of the question:
"Would you love me as long, as a life? "
You are silent.
That Buddha silence raises a sea of ;;unspoken questions.

There will be tenderness, tickling your throat and eyes.
Pearls of tears will roll.
Our souls will become light, shining with a golden radiance.
Some call it love, some agape, and we call it love.

11.42 04.06 2021
© Copyright: Valentin Luchenko, 2021
