Seven sprigs of iris flowers

I bought seven
 branches of iris
from  grandmother.
Seven sprigs
of iris flowers.
I didn't
 even dream
about it,
and here I
have a bouquet
from a fairy
 tale in a vase.
Amazing, I have a jacket
with a pattern
 of such irises.
It is white above,
purple below,
 and has
yellow stripes
on the flowers.
Amazing iris flowers,
exactly the same as
on mine
A Givenchy jacket.
And I never dreamed
that I would
ever be able
 to do it.
I'll have
 a bouquet on my
desk Gorgeous
luxury irises.
The old lady
who sold the iris
 flowers said
that until
I cut the old flower,
 the new flower
 will not
come out
 of the bud.
This is a real miracle
of nature.
That's what I do.
 And for
 the past week,
 I've had
new iris flowers
 every morning.
how amazing nature is.
 iris flowers
are incredibly beautiful.
and I understand.
 that until
 I cut off
 something old
in my life,
 nothing new
 will appear.
 we must
 be more courageous.
But, alas,
 it is
 not so simple,
 not as simple as
 cutting a flower
 on a branch of an iris.
