The Strange odds in chances
26-05-2021, UK
The Strange odds in chances
Bill Dean
The building of Bill Dean, a builder
Bill Dean
On Russian:
Балдин On Russian hadwriting d (д) and z (з) wrote closely
- d as o and right side down long oval o down
- z as mirriow C (right half from O) and some right side down long oval O down
to make z to d just to add a left side to make the oval O
to make d to z to use a knife to make to disspair a right side from oval in d
russian letter И in writing as English letter u
to make a from u: just to connect top ends in U u to make the oval O
or to make u from a to use a knife to destroy the top to make a space and u
1). = the fool, the stoopid, a strange, "a blond"
2). = the name of ancient king/tsar in Russa in The Ancient Kingdom (prior Romanov's) was Balda
whom started to be a King of Russia by a wedding the a true-born Royalty Princess, the daugther of Russian Ancient Kingdom (much prior Russian Impair and Romanov's time)
+++ this sounded closely to English words and surnames:
Bold, Boulding, Bouldin
Bouldino = Boldino is the geographic name, The Estate of Aleksandr Pushkin, Russian Poet family
from about 14 century,
prior had been the property of Tatar family (Bildin ??? Billdean ? Bill Dean ??? Boulding ? Bouldin ?)
???? some property of some one as English family ????
"Bildin" in the old Tax Book 11-12 century for a small village closed to Kotkoozero near Ladoga , Karelia
This look likes as The Tax man put English name of owner "Bill Dean" as "Bildin" surname, making as a Russian surname! 11-12 century !!!
Another Russian Surname 12 century from Kotkoozero 's village in Russia from old tax book%
Gridin , which sounded as an English word GREEDY , greedy --- gridi - Gridi - Gridin,
in writing as Гридин ,
Russian "и" some in handwriting as English/German/Latin "u" "U",
But Latin/German "u" "U" traslated to Russian as "у" "У"
Greedy --- Gridi --- Gridin -- Гридин -- Грудин --- Bubbies (Буббиес) (Груди)
So, 2 ancient surnames as 11-12 centures Tax Book with names
whom lived in a village closed to Kotoozero == The Cat Lake , The Cat's lake
sounded as English:
"Bill Dean"
Dean is a surname, well known me as
- my genetic couisns Dean some, themselves / or in ancestry of some
- Dean as "Din", sounded as Din-Don Bell, Bells sounds
- my mtDNA and DNA connected to Scottish family "Bell" from Shetland Islands.
The Shetland island was a place of genetic mix of during a time:
- picts, pikts
- old Scottish and Norwegian tribes and people
- i had genetic cousins as Scottish and Norgeviean, some managed to open their geneology quite deep in time
- fishmen
- vikings
- sailers
making connections
Scotland ------ Kotkoozero and Ladoga and Peterburgh ------- Moscow = Moscow Cow
--- Saratov (Saratow, Sara Town, Sarah Town) --- Siberia ----------- Old Sarum (closed to Stounghendge, England island) + ??? French Southton Souston + English Suton (South Town=Sutton)
Plus, the legends of The Great Flood and The Ice Time as dividers of links.
The ancient "Peat Houses" "Moss Houses" "Grass Houses"
in Icelend, some not many in France, some more in island England (stiil left as a traditional old houses),
making to see "Moss" in "Moss Cow" (Moscow) way of possible vision of style of houses (in old Mocow place).
"The Cow" style of houses = house "with legs stands" = "the cow"
still now, in Vietnam, in pleces as houses building "on legs stands" above the water in a water of a lake, a river, a sea, around thr world.
The Vietnamese "The Cow" house style had "horns" as for cows, as a safe religion talisman
and as a windbreaker (some idea if breaker waves in sea)
These really old ancient style. The Zevs God had been presented oin the Art with 2 Horns.
Indians had The Saint Gods vision
The lighting system as the attempts to take the electricity from the air to a metall long "horn" conneced to the undergroung soil. So, the lightings touched "horns of cow" making a presentable look and sounds in a rains, -- probably, still as a self-defending system to keep wild animals away from the property and the home.
In the modern towns, this lightings "horns" connected outside homes and inside homes with electrical cables collectors of electricity from the air as lightings or extras.
Probably, some time ago was some similar system collecting electricity, so used "horns" as "the Cown Horns" , -Cow Horns = Cowhorns --- Cornwalls, sounding closely.
I tried to seach the theme of "English, Scottish, Irish roots on the huge area of Russian Impair though the time, - the historical, a personnel, genetic facts".
The 1st i just simple looked genetic tests results as name surnames of my genetic couisins,
over and over and over, memorising how plenty i could, and again .
After i looked my genetic cousin's geneology and the ancestrial surnames "to memorise and collect surnames" , here the famility tress
After the local history, names of places, towns, villages, names of each streets (plenty baned by whom lived here, making a link surname + the street with such name (for England for UK area).
After, i asked people name-surnames as my neibours , living in some street where I am living now,
their surnames, their ancestors surnames,
i asked names surnames whom lived propr me on the some building, too.
I spend my money to make some genetic tests for others, with thank for their help me to make their genetic tests DNA as the genetic base of a real modern age time people.
I founded a strange odds.
1. Prior me , a man Gill, lived some flat I live
:: Gill was a surname of my genetics cousins, some
and Gill was a surnames as the ancestrial surname for some others.
This started a strange as a medium experience, there are plenty Mediums in UK,
so i had similar:
I listened a male voice, said me he was "Gill"
this "Gill" sounded on Russian as "Жилл" "Жил" "жил"
-a verb "someone whom had been alive/whom lived"
I asked
- What is your name? surname?
He said me "Gill ... Gill " (if to write on Russian as a name and a surname"
but if on Russian "жил ... жил.."
this sounded on Russian " (i) lived (in the past)" "lived ... lived" = Gill ... Gill
I asked, so, if he died already?
he said me, ... not remember what probably "yes"
So, i had tried to understand this all things
1. I am a Medium , am I ?
2. I am a mental ill person "listner voices in my head" = having a shiseprenia"? mental ill? Am i ?
3. Someone plays with me, using some modern technology to listen "voices" to play with me? do they?
4. i have messages from "my biologogal roots genetic linked family's member"? Have I?
5. still something
6. I am died myself, having what after.
7. ?
I started to check what i could check - my DNA tests, my genetic cousins and their ancestry, their ancestrial surnames,
I find this:
1. Gill - i have my genetic couisns Gill, Gillbert, Gilbert, Gilman (themself of ancestry)
2. One of my ancestor had his geneology, the ancestor man Gill Gill
3. I saw, here were being details Gill Gill (born - died)
4. I prayed
5. I find, Mr Gill lived some flat i lives now from 1st October 2013, he lived much prior me on the some my home address
This put me to recognise me as was not a mental ill "listening voices"
1. I had not knew this prior i started my study
We had not talked any more
these sounds had been some annivirsity to his some date,
and i spent my time re-ask over and over all the some:
- Whta is your name? surname?
- Gill Gill / жил .. жил ..
- No , what is your name?
- Gill / жил
- Okey, okey, but what, so, your surname?
- Gill / жил
жил = "whom lived" "whom had lived"
Not to counfusing Russians, Gill translated as "Гил"" (g as in game) not as "жил",
making Russian versa: Гил, Гилл, Гилберт, Гильман
instead sounding correctly Жил, Жилл, Жилберт, Жилмен, Жилман.
The famouse woman, Polish comic detictives writers
wrote a seria of a book,
some as a famouse her book is:
"Что Сказал Покойник?" =
"What Have The Whom Died Said Now, Please?"
"Whom Died" = Gill Жилл Жил
Another word for "Whom lived" = "Whom died" = "труп"
труп = "a died body"
= this pronnaced some as English word "troop"
And here the amazing strange story about the historical man,
Latvian Lettish-German man, his surname some: Troup, Troop, Trup (Труп),
The servant of Russian Roylaty Romanov family
whom was a loyal, a trustful, served till last minute and
he had been killed, murdered with Russian Royal family Nikolay II
as their servant
Alois Trup (Trup, Trups, Troop, Troup),
Latvian Lettish man.
His surname "Troop" sounded "whom lived" "whom died" "whom lived" = Gill
*** I do not know if Trup, Trups, Troop, Troops, Troup, Troups and Gill
are related some surname with a different presentation
or two different separate surnames.
Be honest, i touched and read this theme slowly per years as a sensitive sore sad theme to lean to study to know, this needs to be a strong.
But i feel some possibilities
as if i have my genetic couisns Gill, Gilbert, Gilman
and i have some from Latvia-Lithounia-Russia
and i have Nina Romanov, Andrey Romanov, Ale Romanov, still Romanovsky, Romashevsky, still Hamilton, Nelson (the graddaughter of Admiral Nelson and Lady Hamilton, a daughter of English priest, a pater, moved from England to Russian Impair to work as to look for children in a some family here)
(if i am connected to this Lady, this may mean Lady Hamilton might been illegal daugter of Sir Hamilton, he married to give his family name to her and her children as the official way to pass the family name).
(but i may be a wrong too, I do not know)
(please notice plenty Romanov had no connections to Russian Royalty Romanov,
my female ancestor was from Romania, Romanian woman, and "Romanov" might come as "from Romania off = Romanoff = Romanov)
Some Romanov as a man from Rom, off = Romanov
Some from a romance - Romanov
I do not related to Nikoloy II Romanov family as a compair with remains DNA.
So, i am not "Russian Royalty Romanov"
while my great grandmother was Romanian from Romania woman.
co-names are not always biological geneticly closed relatives or relatives,
some are simple co-names.
But if to compare more closely, it would be possible to find a gentic cross link in some generations back always, - for each of us.
After this case,
as i learned i live where Gill lived in the past
and some Gill, including Gill Gill, some Gilbert and Gilman
are my genetic couisns or ancestors of them,
i wide my curiosity.
And i find a shocking details.
I have my genetic cousins with names
- two local towns
Ash, Ashley, Ashford
- the name of street i am ling for 7 years by a surname whom lived giving the name of street
as a name of my genetic couisns and or their ancestrial syrnames
- the nearest streets name by name whom live here, -the some: in a list of my genetic couisins or their ancestry names
= this mean a huge emotions and the interest to local history and people whom lived and live here
including the curiosity to compare DNA if related or not?
I started to search surnames of my neibours
near me
- each surname was as my genetic couisins surnames some as my MTDNA genetic cousins list
as 4th-5th-Remote Genetic Cousins
I paid my money to do a genetic test for a man much much far from me on our street
as my neiubour:
- 1st answer was : no, no any genetic connections between toy too *till cousins 5th generations
- i put DNA kits on Gedmatch to compare: no, there are was not my name in his lits or his name in my list: so, no any genetic links till 7th generations
- i put to 1-to-1 , - i finded genetic crosses! the result was different which size of net to pick 7cM 10cM or 5cM 3cM or 1Cm (later they closed down the searches 1cM, as was a sale web side to other owners)
But i find: we had genetic crossing,
i saw in which of 23 chromosome pattern was the cross "some pattern"
a size of this, the big long block size as the some
so, we had, just more deeply rigther 7 generations back as 1-to-1
"No a relative or a distance relative as so far away"
I was not satisfy as to find the resourse of crossing to make this alive living:
to start to know names and surnames.
So, i used the study of geneology, the family tree
to learn name of each ancestor
After, i used a took 1-to-many with play of size of net 1-3-5-6-7-10
to receive results^ the list of common for two genetic cousins
as a linked
with a distance to each and the compare distance number:
i received a list of shared genetic cousins for us two!
making more "alive" all, as names came here!
Later i used the geneology , the family tree,
to see the cross me to names in my neigbor family tree
he had a huge family tree, back in time
i find, some as Longbottom
i had genetic cousins with "Long" and i had a genetic couisns "Littlebottom"
Bottom on Russian, "Popa" "Попа"
Pope, and Popov and Popova and Patterson (Поп (Pop) = Priest / Patter / Pope ''son)
Russian "Pop" = Priest/Pope/Patter
Russian "Popa" = "Bottom"
Pope, Popov, Popova, Patterson, Littlebottom are names in a list of my genetic cousins and their ancestry
making as sence cross to a name Longbottom in the family tree geneology list of man, whom had been in a compare with my DNA.
Littlebottom (Bottom = Popa (Попа) on Russian or Zad (Зад), Zade) (Back = позади, спина)
Popov = "a son of a priest = "pop"
A. Pope
was a famouse in a century back, his words knowns as a citate
For example this
"The nature never known worse or best as all just a consequences"
(A. Pope) (19 century)
x1|------------------------------------x8 ----------------|x9
x1 - name of street Unwin road = in my genetic cousin list
x9 - name of street Mason = in my genetic cousin list
x2b, x2, x4, x302 - in my genetic couissin lists 4th-5th-Distance/Remote
Name of two closed towns
- in my genetic cousin list
More far: Pleasley
Abbot street (by name Abbot) - some my genetic cousins Abbot
More far: Bolsover
some owener of Bolsover was Chevel
- two genetic couisins, female and male with ancestry Chevel, Lechevel? Cheval
- still some as Shovel, Kirk, Shavel
Prior this i lived in
Bentink Close
i have genetic couisns
Closed main street was Kirk
I have genetic cousins
1. кирк - 1.kirha (the church , kirha, kirk) церковь кирха
2. кирк =лопата (лопата, рыть лопатой)
3.--- > кирпич (kirpich) a brick, brick (кирпич, кирпичный, класть кирпич)
лопата =
1. Kirk кирк.
2. Shavel Shovel шовел
I lived in Boughton closed to Olleton in Nottinghamshire UK 1st
"Bou" "Bout" "But" "Boot" "Boots"
I have genetic cousins
Bout town = Boutown = Bouton ---- Boughton
here a lot of "Aristocratic" sone genetic cousins and not
with "Ol..." as ancestrial names
making "Olley"
Olley town -- Olleytown - Olleton
de Vale
Valley Vale sounds closed to Ouley Oeley Olley
Olleton is not a vale
* but sounded closed to
Valley Town , Alley Town , Olley Town,
Alle, Olle
"" Olle, Olley Lukoyee wasa Magitian name from Sweden tale:
pardon me: Dannish tale by Andersen:
The Magitian Olley Lukoyee
used came
each slept
to open a special umbrella
above a child
to see a night dream:
- a bad, a horror
- a positive, good, nice, kind
My next-from the next- neibour was a woman, i knew names as
her maiden names, her names by two her ex-husbands
she disliked me "to be a foriegn migrant"
and her youngest daugther hate me to me "migrant from Latvia",
"a foriegner"
I was upset a lot.
Later i did the study for surnames
- each in my genetic couisins lists themself or ancestry
Later i find (prior all this this):
The Bruce, Scottish clan Bruce came to Russia in 15-16 century time,
his sone The Bruce, as Bruce, was 1st Coucil of Russian town Peterbourgh
and Russian Noble by Peter The Great grants to Scottish Ethnic man. 16 century
His brother, another Bruce (from The Bruce, Scottish clan Bruce) was welcomed in Russia to be Russian General of Artillery in Poltava Battle with Sweden (Russia won).
The Artist Brusov may be the desender of Bruce, changing surname to Russian look Bruse + ov = Brusov
His drawings in Russian Museums, a part of Russian History, Russian Culture, Russian Art.
* England needed the victory of Russia on Swededn as Sweden was a strong country looking to take England inside a pasrt of Sweden, so Scottish man on a side of Russia helped to England, British Impair to say stronge some.
* Plenty Russians later after a time were being upset as Sweden Royalty was on a place to run Russia, Russian Impair - Sweden King was the ancestor of some Russian Royalty making him in order to rule Russia.
So, plenty Brtish come helping to make Russia stronger and s separate from Sweden to save own country to be separeted independent from Sweden, another was and where UK now would be Sweden KIngdom, some for Russia.
So, the way as was as 3 separated indipendant country was on the personnel help to russia from a side British people (Scottish, English, Irish), - they came to up the economy of Russia and to help be stronger.
As now, 21 century, plenty Russians sure that they have a hidden from public rules if British Monarchy with the owner or country to British The Queen, just hidden from public open knowledges.
I do not know if here some the truth or not, as people fantasies are people fantasies, some, may be their own dreams or night dreams, some, may be, joke.
But Russian had a popular English cultura book, filmd, all translated to Russian languages,
they liked Holmes and Watson, Stevenson's , Walter Scot, ... books and films,
they liked to play film to present to pretend to be Englishmen, Englishwomen, while talking on Russian,
they liked to play "whom is high in a prounnacation English senses" as a range of to be some "Nobles" just for a fine sounding English speeches.
In a child sience fiction film "The Guest from The Future", the girl from the future came, Alica, to USSR,
and a small scene she visited Moscow school class 11-12-13 yo age pupils, demostrated a pure highest quality sounding English language speeches sounded as a native language of a top elite English college student. - Her English Teacher in Moscow was in tears of admire shock, looking as a British hidden spy in Moscow, missing a lot her native English languages native land.
So sorry, this was not translated to English, as a film, to show to British audience, while the son from this film had been translated on English "My Beautiful Far Away Future! Please be kind to me!"
I have my genetic cousins "English" and "French"
May be, they had been teachers of English, teachers of French languages.
My own mother wanted to be a Teacher of English in Russia in USSR.
She had not passed 1 mark more to pass the barrier to be a student of University in USSR.
Later her Examener had finded her to say sorry:
- Sorry, you sounded so well on English, i had came in mood to go more and more deeply in ask over and over a programm for a secondary school to students of Magister Degree in English (what she would leaned just on 4nd-5th years of her Degree education).
My mother never was able to forgot this as she failed 1 mark to pass the barrier for a reason they low her marks "for to know English much too highest level!"
But when my daugther thought to lean Russian in Briitsh University, - she had some advice:
- Look, you know Russian is so well, - it will be a a dull for you here to sit to leanwhat you know well already!
And my daugther picked a science, some i picked the Mathematics as a teeneger, receiving a Degree as a Bachelor and as a life of a woman, a married woman, a mother, a wife, i never used this later, forgotting all i leaned for 5 yeasr as 10 hours daily lessons sessons for 5 years.
Later i wanted to find a work, i could not.
I had not a memory what i leaned, passing exams as i forgot this all.
People, whom leaned practical skills saved them, easy to find a work to work
as a haidresser, a driver, a plumber, a woodmaker, a briker, a cook, a conditor, a sewer.
I pity know i had not leaned skills to be a hairdresser, a stylist, a culinaria cooking skills to make cakes, tortes, buscuites, pies, - to open my own haidresser salon or a cafee.
This sounding fine to lean to lean to lean to know nothing to make money income
and to sit down on benefits low income "as much too foolish to lean all life never start to make money to work".
I mean, the University Degree sometimes as a "disability rank to be out of practical life to start to work to make money".
I am 60 yo, spending to lean to know as just this interesing to me.
I may forgot to eat at time, to pass a time, not forgetting, as concentarted to search to know something new for me.
But, really, this all is a type of some mental disability to be always as a vulnarable naive child whom never grew up for some reason.
Why whom picked practical skills, started to earn their own money early, they grew up as adults more quickly, leaning to live and survive in a real words of adults.
And they all as adults in more age rigther me in my 60
as they are more practical to see a real.
People as i am as a chidlren forever,whom never grow up to the adults, - romantic naive, out of reality, dreaming.
So, my choice ruined later my chances.
I realized that but was late as we like ourself as we are, having a habits, hobbies, interests.
My British husband shouted on me some times,
if i concentrated in seaching, writing, i was out a reality in what i was doing.
He felt this as to a child while he was an adult, -and he was on 9 years older and still practical living surviving skills on own since his 14 yo age.
He tried to some, this worked good for him to up his career, - but this in a society where all mostly just for males to make their careers.
So, the result
1. I born in Russia in Khabarovsk in 1961
2. I came to UK as 36 yo woman, married in 1998
3. I am living in UK since my 36 yo till now (closed to my 60 in 2021) for 23 years+
4. My Ethnic Group is Russian Ethnic Group
5. I am not able to explain these strange odds:
each time i live somewhere (two places)
habing a genetic connection
1. to name of two nearest places (villages/towns)
2. Street names ( by names whom lived here before in past)
3. neiubours
= all linked to list ancestrial names and names of my genetic couisins.
These looked strange and much too strange on a highest level of strangesty.
i lived in UK on 2 home addresses for 23 years
each time having some
names of streets, surnames of locals some or neibours
are in the list of my genetic cousins.
I picked my flat to rent "by a range", picked from the Internet "to let to rent" sides.
I looked flats, but i disliked to pick them till this, - i came in and i felt this right for me.
Now i see
whom lived before Mr Gil ----- another Gill Gill whom died a lot ago in a geneology of my genetic cousin
and still Gill, Gilbert, Gilman.
So, a probability, i picked a flat my genetic cousin lived prior this not knowing this at all.
Name of Street = my genetic cousins list own or ancestors
Closed to this another street =some
Closed to this another street = some
name of town = some
names of neibours = some
the before this:
the some.
I knew this just i lived in UK.
as a child i lived not far from the place with surname of my father
as lake Balzina and a village Balzino in Chita Province.
I lived in Ukraine 1961-1966
I played with Natasha Beda - surnames Beda, Bede, is my genetic cousin list.
English Monk Bede wrote 1st English History of England in England.
So, Nataha Beda as my friend could be still my genetic cousins or some relative,
My another friend was Morozova,
my mother said me after our relatives were being Morozov family, Morozov, Morozova.
Some my genetic cousins Moros Morozov Frost (=Moroz ), Snowden (Snow , means a winter and so cold, a moroz, frost).
My school in Riga
My class
my friend Mazalova
= my genetic cousins V.Mazalov, and another Mazalov and Chehoslavakian Mazovec ...
still names my some school friends some class
(L.Zak in USA, they left USSR)
* I tried to be a friend, offered my friendship, i had a request, - i was not Hebrey, Jewish as she was.
I was upsaid to find later this to smile: she missed her best chance as a teenager girl.
Markin family were being out neibours
Lena Markina was my friend.
Markin surname in a list of my genetic cousins.
Hilman was my friend
Gilman is my genetic cousin
which may be Hilman , probably
Hill is may genetic cousins, sounding a part of Hilman Hillman Hill man
I am tired to add names of each my co-class-school-sharers-friends
but i have more genetic crosses:
*********** my ancestor was the owner of a mill, a miller
Miller (=Melnik, Millerovo in Ukraine, Miller = Мельник)
= Cononov, Conon,
= Canon, Canonov
= Conon Dale
= Canon Dalh
= New Canon, New Conon - Conon New = Conon Nova, Conon Nov = Cononov
much more
When we all sat down in some class room, children from different families,
different surnames, all in one class room, -
nobody knew we all geneticly connected as genetic cousins
i knew this all just in deep age to 60 yo
when some passed away
I picked where i lived, with whom i played, surnames
all mixed memory
with genetic cousins ancestrial surnames.
if we knew this all
whom geneticly related to each
as genetic cousins
some would have more friends
some have more friendly kind support theselves
some more friendship
some more freedom to talk
we had some inner barriers to stat to be friends,
missing a time which took all us to stay to be together
while we living alive all together.
The time divided each all us on a distance, in a different countries.
i do not know about each a lot,
each tried to survive alone one on own,
me too, - in England for 23 years .
Later i knew two my school friends or more lived in UK.
About one i knew she with her left sold their business in UK, returned back to Latvia
never met each another in UK
USA, UK, Germany, Poland, France, Israel, ..... Canada, ... picked whom i knew as ours whom shared their school time leaning with me. Thanks for them. Good luck.
Some about my mother-in-law my hottest afan - she died already my study show me genetic and geneological links bteween us two, - if i would knew this to say in a right time, all might been different.
I picked to make my University Degree under supersising of Mikhail Goldman
as a hard person was for me to communicate
he was a punctual till a coma.
Goldman my genetic couisns
Goldstein (female) quite far away as 7th .. + genetic cousins, she is a Mathematician or Linquiest
much more names.
this mean a strange genetic sorting each of us.
We sure we picked all our own decisions during our lives
were to live
whom to love
whom make friends
where to live
whom have as friends, colleges, neibours
- this may be someone else pick, not ours as we thought:
some traces of a more high level of intelligent civilization
which knows all about us much more rigther our memory of family from relatives and parents.
Some said me^
you are all died and never were being born, living this sorted died planned word
just waiting someone whom is alive living would picked you, bought you
to be out to be alive and to live.
i feel a pain and all real for me here as my reality and me and all around me.
I would not said me died while 60s:
My body had a physiology needs to eat, to sleep, to rest,
i have feelings, a range of feelings.
So, as to end:
These my study show the presence of another civilization on levels highest our civilization
with a knowledge facts
- our family trees , our geneology
- hidden from us, but not hidden from them their knowledge
each time we think that we picked all or all was in chance
as whom were being near you
as your neibours, school friends
where you lived as a home address
street name
town name
this was in change for us as to children, teenagers, adults.
but this was as a connected links us and our DNA and names of genetic cousins.
As a sorting work to sort all to put us in some specific place starting we born.
I am not such clever intelligent to say on this time something more here
as this my knowledge came to me for my work with interest to a history,
places and people, families, my own family, to genetic studies, linked to history, life stories,
so, i add more and more , opening as a process in time,
spending my money
for genetic tests to work with results.
I do not know yet a lot.
Really all this sound some as said here nothing as not especially sometimes.
But when we do not think so or not think this, this better as no question
or this feelings how strange all these odds .
I put my wryting as i doubt readers will run to read this staying in ques
but i am 60 this 2021 year, making me to leave this just in case while i may write this
may be someone to pick to study their own street, some way to see results.
This mean as this as association
of a range of a sorted genetic DNA personalities
and someone put each in some specific own order
for some reasons.
and for which reasons?
to give us a shance to see each another to talk?
or to harvest us,
mixed us,
to make something in own needs?
WE had not saw this as children
I had not knew i lived not far from Balzina lake and village Balzino,
i would asked my father to drive us to here to see
or walked on own, myself or on a bike.
I knew this just in UK, having maps.
Some about Latvia
. Here is a small river Balzina in Latvia.
My father had a car, a nrother, - we might travel to this place to see this place,
we liked a nature of Latvia, rivers, forests
here was a place with our surname,
- we never travelled to this place
to visit to meet to be to see.
I pity this, as a missing.
sounded as
Balzovo, closed to my father's name
Balzin , to my mother's
Ball - zov
Bal - zov
"зов" = "zov" = something which asking you to come to it,
as a sound (you name and ask you verbally)
or as inner wish and inner decision to go to some place
or as "values"
The Zov of Ancestors == The Family Valies , The Family Values
Bol sover
Bol zover
Bol zovot
Bol zovjot
Бол зовёт
Бол зовёт
Бо Бел Бел Бел Динг Донг Бол зовёт
Большой Совет
Бол Совет
Большой Совет
Grand Adviser
Grand Advise
The Big Grand Advice
Grand Advicer
Grand Advice
Большой Совет
Бол Совет
Bol Sava?
Bol Sava!
Boltat, = bla-bla-bla = to talk much to many, = to talk a lot, = to talk
I am talk i lot = i am Boltwoshka, Boltushka, Boltooshka Boltooshca, Bol-2-shka, Bol-2-shca, Bol-2-ska, Bol-2-sca, Bol-2-sky , Bol-two-sky
sky [skai] [скай ] небо
two [tu] [ту] два 2
ball [ bol [бол ] мяч, шар
Бол- ту - crfq
Бол тур небо
Бол два небо
Бол до неба
Мяч до неба
ball [ bol [бол ] мяч, шар Бол
two [tu] [ту] два 2 ту
to [tu] [ту] к , до
sky [skai] [скай ] небо скай
Мяч До Неба!
Мяч - два - небо!
Бол Ту Скай!
Бол Ту Скай!
Boll to Sky!
Give the way!
Boll two Sky!
Give The Way!
Ball to Sky!
Give the way!
Ball two Sky!
Give The Way!
Ball to Sky!
Ball two Sky!
Bol tu Skai !
Bol tus kai
Ball Tuz Kai!
Мяч! Козырь! (Туз) Кай!
Английский и русский пересекаются смешно и странно
на слове
"Болсово" (город в Англии)
** фамилия владельца Больсова в 18 веке гравюра есть
звучит как Бальсово Бальзово Больсово Больсово и Бальзина
и Мяч Бол , а пишется и читается по немецки Балл Бал.
Bal - 2 -shka
Latvian Lettish "s with "\/" above is "sh" but re-arranged to "S"
SH ==>S
Ш ==> С
* Моя фамилия на русском "Приешкина" (Prieshkina) была по мужу (1981-1998)
Но английский с латышского, тас "S" (звук с) с галочкой вверху читается "ш"
а на английский с латышского пишется "как есть" но все галочки чёрточки и прочие убираются,
получается в Англии я стала вначале
Приескина (Prieskina) (from Latvian Lettish Passport to English as rules, "sh started to be "s")
Потому "Болтушка" будет аналогично "Болтуска"
"Бол" = мяч = Ball
1. 2 (ту) two = два (2), двое
2. (ту) to = к , до
3. усечённое от "тур" tur (tour) (туристический тур, маршрут)
4. "тур" tur = "здесь" "here is this" "here is" "here"
5. скай sky = небо
6. c = with
7. Кай Kay Kai (имя мужской Кай) (Кай и Герда в "Снежная Королева" сказка)
8. похожие "воздушный змей" "скай" skay
небо = скай sky
воздушный змей = скай, кай skay , kay
Кай имя Kay Kai
Key = Кэй = Ключ
"тушка" = живая или если мёртвая то "труп" "покойник" "покойница", ещё Самолёт Ту (Туполев)
"тушка" = big body / died body / troop/ The Plane TU from the Tupolev Company (Soviet / Russian Company) (said, British company bought Tupolev Company, a true or a false, i am out)
"ty" 2/two/to .... / tour -> t.u./ TU plane of Tupolev Company/ tur=here = здесь (from Latvian/с латышского)
Слово Болтушка в итоге, на русском "кто много говорит, болтает" (доброе значение или нет от эмоций, чаще необидное на русском к девушке от парня) (обидное от женщины к парню)
Я нашла стыковки
1. названия мест, где я жила (город, улица, страна)
2. соседних улиц и городов впритых
3. фамилии с кем с пересекалась по жизни с детства
- маленькой играя во дворе
- детском садике
- начальной школе
- средней школе
- университете где училась
- часть с кем пересеклась по месту работы , их фамилии
- часть соседей
- часть соседи "по подъезду"
(Маркины, Хильман, Третьяковы, Фёдоровы,...)
- с кем училась в начальной школе
(Морозова, Зак, ..., )
- с кем училась в средней школе
(Кононов, Хохлачёв, Мельник, Мельников, Мазалова, Бружик, ...)
- часть преподавателей , включая
- преподаватели Латвийского Университета фамилии, у кого я училась студенткой
(Гольдман, Царькова, ...)
- я учила математику и фамилии оттуда генетических кузенов:
Гильбер (пространства Гильберта)
(не могу вспомнить-с Новосибирска известный математик, тоже его фамилия)
- часть фамилий физиков
(Эйнштейн) (Альберт Эйнштейн)
- часть фамилий химиков
Бор (Нильс Бор, лауреат Нобелевской Премии)
- фамилия женщины - Лауреатка Нобелевской Премии
- фамилия британки, Роза ..., она умерла и не успела получить Нобелевскую Премию,
за открытие структуры ДНК как 2 цепочки ДНК (облучилась снимая ренгеновские снимки)
- Ковалёвы, Ковалевские
(Софья Ковалеская - известный матетик, женщина)
- фамилии композиторов, пианистов
Бах, Вагнер, ... (больше чем две)
- фамилии певцов и певиц (оперных)
Вишневская, испанская известная певица, и певец, забыла не помню счас
- фамилии шахматистов
забыла не помню счас
- фамилии литературные и пожтические
Цветаева в переводе на английский: Блоссом
- фамилии "шпионские"
* Зеле (Мата Хари урождённая Зелле в Голландии)
*** Моя прабабушка урождённая Зеленцова. пра-прабабушка Зеленцова
* Бонд (17 век Англия) --- созвучно : Бондарь (кто делает бочки деревянные = бондарь)
* Исаев (фамилия Штирлица в России, сразу после революции 1917 период)
* Бользен (фамилия Штирлица в Кафе где Слоники в Германии)
* Шелленберг (если правда написана у генетической кузины) (шеф немецкой разведки, аристократ, пересекающейся генетически потому браки были туда сюда и с другими странами)
* Хоаре, Хоре (фамилия шефа английский разведки в 1916 в Российской Империи (с кем то переспал и ребёнка оставил?)
* Часть фамилий (по Википедии) немецкая разведка с Германии (эти же фамилии по звукам записаны по английски и как и английские, порой людей у власти как Тереза Мей Май
(я прочла и пришла тогда в ужас: Май иначе Мей Мэй в немецкой разведке Гитлера - а Тереза Мей (Май) Британский Политик от Консерваторов и таки Рыцарь, Британская Дворянка
= чтобы понимать что семейные связи дворян интернационально классовые , члены одной семьи и родня занимают посты одного уровня касты по разным странам мира.
Но: где по сути пешки и надо понимать: пешки в игре.
* нашла сочетание звуков и похоже на Штигниц Штрилигц Штиргниц не помню но от языка как прочести и к Штирлиц - но я не помню, скорее не мои генетические кузены, кузины, в просто в документах исторических. Т.е. нашла (прозвище или фамилия). Относится нет ко мне как генетические кузены и как не знаю.
* наверное, и больше, но я человек малообразованный и знать и ещё и запомнить и помнить.
* Аллен (американская разведка времён войны. Аллен - Шаллен-Шеллен - Шелленберг)
т.е. есть вероятность, шефы американской разведки Аллен и немецкой разведки Шелленберг могли быть генетические кузены с одного рода, давшего ветви (хорошо карьеру делать если два брата у вразведке в вверху в разных странах. один другому поможет карьеру сделать, позвонит сказать кого язять чтоб сразу к Звезде и повышение по службе)
Т.е. "Штирлиц" мог быть "Шелленберг"
* Шеллинберг: Шеллиберг =
Шелли английское имя (фамилия)
Перси Шелли = английский поэт, аристократ. "Шелли" английская фамилия, Лорды-Пэры.
Шелленберг имеет тогда =Шелли + Берг , Шелли англичанин, Берг норвежское имя, скандинавское
* но когда ты шеф немецкой разведки и аристократ, кто посмеет? такие и такое открыть и сказать своему шефу?
* причём, лояльность карьерного человека это и зарплата и пост, в самом деле далеко не всегда имеет отношение к этносу и родственным связям где задачи исследования.
Аллен - Шаллен-Шеллен - Шелленберг - Шелли + Берг
американская разведка - немецая разведка - англичане и скандинавы
= если это родственниик кто знали что родственники? =
Каждый из них был блестящим профи, иначе бы в шефы и боссы не выбрались.
Шеллин звучит Селим - Шелим -
Селим как глагол "селим, селит, поселить, поселим"
- грубо говоря: подходишь к Шеллибергу как "Селим Берг" и говоришь "Я к вам ту на поселение: мне куда? и он как Координатор: селит, они селят" *** ,,, ??? так зввучит? ПРиглашение? Кого куда? 1939-1945 ???
"Селим как Се'лим - имя мужское Селим. Азиатское, татарское.
Тогда Шелленберг был татарин? азиат? нет, врроде: немец аристократ.
В том то и дело.
Люди перемещались, жить и выжить.
Люди имели взрослые отношения, включая и секс.
Оставались дети.
Оттого, иметь фамилии можно.
Был-сплыл а дитя осталось?
Разведчики умели выбирать женщин. Добрых женщин.
Поел, переспал, поел и уехал.
А дама потом пузатая беременная и ребёнка родилаб
Кому постель постелила.
Оттого: у разведчиков и шпионов были нелегальные дети порой тут и там.
Если у женщины русского этноса ребёнок какого кого когда был: добрыя была.
Точнее: как подпись и подпись с печатью.
"Тут был я. Вася Пупкин" и приписка "От алиментов отказываюсь"
Но ещё вариант: шутки. Псевдоним поставили. А свою фамилию не стали ставить.
В любом случае: дети всегда рождались и никто не знал -от мужа иль кого?
А когда ещё без мужа?
Дитя рос и радовалс: жив. Мог и не родится?
А у Христиан есть понятие души человека: дитя не отвечает за отца.
Это и есть понятие второго шанса.
Часть иностранные фамилии: просто сбегали: особо много с Ирландии.
Вендетта и убъют , вспылив, и в бега: в США или в Россию на Кавказ.
Терпеливые Боже даёт потомкам новым шанс по новой и опять. Верит в нас. Верует в нас.
И, именно потому, мы все и живы, видимо, ещё. Что в нас верят и в нас веруют.
Как смогли удержаться и оставить всех жить кто такие творили страны и прочее: но смогли. Было, наверное, это трудно и очень трудно: но смогли.
Я смотрела 17 Мгновений весны и американцы люди разведки США, показаны очень красивыми как человеки, кто сильно переживали, как Христиане и ценители исскуства: пытаясь что-то сохранить от уничтожения.
Аллен показан очень хорошим человеком.
Если Шелленберг его родня? Кровь одна? Такой же?
Или не совсем так?
Лучше не знать.
Там - дела их совести, их мужской совести.
Так и так, их дела и их...
Исаев -- Запишим "И" и как латинское U , с = S латинское, А=А:
Исаев - USA-ev - Уса-ев = Усаев === * С США, С Усами
"запишем "ев" печатся в латинской клавиатуре, получим:
ev = (ев - ev) напишем "ev" на клавиатуре компа в русском регистре:
ум = = intelligent, intelligent
1. intelligence (ум, разум, интеллект)
2. ум. = умер = died = умер
Ev Eve = Ева
СШАумер США умер
СШАум США ум
intelligence = это разведка
США разведка
USA intelligence service
США интеллект, разум, ум, разведка
США разведка
USA intelligence
USA ум
USA ev
США ев
USA ev
Иса ев
ИСАЕВ === американский разведчик США, Исаев в СССР, дале: Штирлиц в Германии у Шеллинберга
Тогда Штирлиц, советский разведчик: американская разведка с США в СССР, но советская в Германии, немецкая в Германии
Вот даже открыто напиши "Исаев" а поймёт не каждый и не каждый и станет чтото искать.
Американская разведка в США 17 Мгновений Весны: АЛЛЕН
Совесткий развудчик и русский в СССР: ИСАЕВ = USA ev= USA ум, разум, интеллект, разведка = USA Intelligent = Разведка США ( в СССР) = Исаев (в СССР) как русский
затем сотрудник немецкой разведки в Германии у Шелленберга:
ШЕЛЛЕНБЕРГ = ШЕЛЛЕН Берг , Шеллен=Шаллин = ш Аллен 3 Аллен === "3" (отдел?????) (? МИ-3?)
Н-дась. Я пока такого как тут у меня ни у кого не читала (открыто публично).
Но: разведка разведка и для своих целях любой маскарад могут придумать.
Я эту чувствительную тему "зактрою сейчас" и не планирую трогать далее:
потому что я не специалист историк,
и я не профессионал в разведке совсем,
я могу чтото не то и не так сделать.
Потому отложу.
А тут? на виду всё и никаких секретов?
Это не секрет что был Аллен, был Шелленберг в годы войны.
Один в США, другой в Германии.
Исторические лица в исторических событиях.
Исаев выдуманный персонаж как бы по книге и фильму 17 мгновений весны.
Т.е. писатель "накрутил сюжет" намекая, и Исаев - американский разведчик США?
Если английский знал?
А мы и спрашивать не будет.
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
"The Strange odds in chances "
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