horses were dancing on the concrete

horses were dancing on the concrete
rains went on til very evening
in a small apartment we were reading
in the twilight put the books away
then we were cooking dinner
in a dark, strange gleam of sundown
in the haze we prayed, didn't go to bed
waking up at night for a chat

trains were standing empty at the turnpike
gas hed's gleams were staying silent
quiet sounds tore away into abyss
doors were open into future years

horses were stomping on the concrete
horses were dancing on the concrete
horses were dreaming over concrete
horses were flying over concrete

then in tears we would fall asleep
falling into golden wells
maybe we eventually rejoined
passing by millions of years
morning was catching us in future
as it was too late to come back
leaving our souls in the sky
we were waking up with dead eyes

horses were stomping on the concrete
horses were dancing on the concrete
horses were dreaming over concrete
horses were flying over concrete

and to them seemed strange and underground
whole white world where it rained again
in the pale mist the bell would sound
and right across a garden blossomed on

Дети Picasso Лошади

Лошади стучали по асфальту
Шли дожди и падали до вечера
В маленькой квартирке мы читали,
В сумерках откладывали книги,
А потом готовили обедать
В темном, странном отблеске заката
В полутьме молились,
Спать не ложились,
Просыпались ночью

Поезда пустели у заставы
Газовые отблески молчали
Тихо в бездну звуки обрывались
Будущие годы открывались

Лошади стучали по асфальту
Лошади плясали по асфальту

А потом, в слезах мы засыпали
Падали в колодцы золотые,
Может быть, соединялись
Проходили миллионы лет
Утро заставало нас в грядущем
Возвращаться было слишком поздно
Оставляя в небе наши души
Просыпались с мертвыми глазами

Лошади стучали по асфальту
Лошади плясали по асфальту

И им казался странным и подземным
Белый мир, где снова дождик шел
Колокол звонил в тумане бледном
И, совсем напротив, садик цвел

Лошади стучали по асфальту
Лошади плясали по асфальту
