Ив Мерриам. Jew


У новорождённого нет никакой своей истории. 
Розовый и пухлый, гулькающий точно так же, как и другой,
весь его горизонт - мамина грудь и папины пощелкивающие пальцы,
из колыбельки, он видел только дружелюбное небо.
В ползунках мир его расширился до папиных часов,
огромных как золотая луна в сказках;
на детских кубиках ни одного пробалтывающегося слова,
и даже с высокого детского стула окружение ободряющее:
стены детской в розовом, или радостно голубом,
Жак и Юля* этим июлем, всё что можно было в детской прочесть.

Однако, когда ты был все ещё мальчишкой - украли клад.
И тебя обвинили.

В школе дети спотыкались на твоём имени;
ты никогда не был Принцем в играх. Твой нос всегда
делал тебя Румпельштильцхеном или злым Карликом.
Шапочка твоего отца была замухристой. (Но и веснушки тоже
замухристы, и рыжие, и «твой папа пьёт чересчур много!»)

Неважно. Деньги никогда не  нашли, но будем звать его Айка-

Айк, современный член клуба Потерянного Колена Израиля:
потерян, ты - да, но не твои предки.
Тот блестящий клад: никогда не найденный,
все эти миллионы лет: и не ты виноват, конечно же.

О, я уверена,
они могли обвинить змея из Рая,
или даже грязного козла общипывающего траву вокруг мусорки;
дождь мог попасть под руку, землятресение, необъяснимый пожар,
несварение желудка, сны, розы или запор.
Но они выбрали Жида. Твой Раби, конечно же,
читал с тобой что Евреи раса помазанная Богом?
Ну и как ты пожелаешь принять свою расу: смешанной или чистой?
Мы сожалеем сообщить вам что запись закончена.
Собаки и Евреи не допускаются.

Однажды, когда клад отыщут вы сможете отменить кайк,
и нигер, воп, хайку, чик, и оки.
Но сегодня шансы на это очень малы;
клад либо слишком глубоко под землёй,
не добурить, либо слишком высоко для поднебеснейших самолетов.
Может быть, вполне реально, он никогда не был утерян,
но миф не умирает, Судья Кратер, карта капитана Кидда,
непорочное зачатие, жизнь на луне.

By Eve Merriam
Published In September 1941 Issue of “Poetry” magazine.

Babies has no special history.
Born, you were rosy and round, gurgled like my other,
horizon was mother’s breast and father’s chucking finger;
peeped from your bunting, saw only the friendly sky.
Crawling, the world enlarged to father’s watch
fat as a golden moon in the fairly tale;
Innocent blocks spelled no tattling word,
and even raise to high-chair the scene was cheery:
nursery walls in pink or charming blue,
Jack and Jill the only handwriting there.

When you were young, however, the swag was stollen.
You were blamed.

At school the children stumbled over your name;
you were never the Prince in games. Always your nose
made your Rumpelstiltzkin or the Dwarf.
Your father’s cap was queer. (But freckles are queer,
too, and red hair, and your father drinks too much!)

 No matter.  The money was never found, let’s call him Ike the

Ike, modern club member of the Lost Tribe of Israel:
lost, yes you, but not your ancestry.
It was glittering swag: never found,
all these million years: and you’re no blames of course.

Oh I grant
they could have blame the snake of Eden,
or even dirty goat grazing on the garbage;
rain might have been victim, earthquake, suspect fire,
indigestion, dreams, roses or constipation.
But they choose the Jew. Surely your rabbi
read you the Hebrews are God’s anointed race?
Now how would your like to take yours: mixed or strait?
We sorry to inform you are enrolment is complete.
No Dogs or Jews allowed.

One day when the swag will be found you can cancel kike,
 and nigger, wop, hunky, chink, and okie.
But just now the chances look very slim;
the swag either underground too dip
to drill, or too high for the heavenliest planes.
Maybe, quite sensibly, it was never even lost,
but the myth continues, a colossal Judge Crater,
Kidd’s map, the virgin birth, life on the moon.

Детские стишки в переводе для этого текста:
Жак и Юля
этим Июлем,
Взобрались  на холм
Принести воды в дом,
Жак с холма упал
И корону поломал,
А Юля следом
Катилась со смехом.
Jack and Gill
Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Gill came tumbling after.

WOP - The Merriam-Webster dictionary states “wop” is first known use was in the United States in 1908, and that it originates from the Southern Italian dialectal term guappo, roughly meaning "dandy", "dude", "stud", "ruffian", or "swaggerer", derived from the Spanish term guapo, meaning "good-looking", "dandy", from Latin vappa for "sour wine", also "worthless fellow".

Hunky is an ethnic slur used in the United States to refer to a laborer from Central Europe. It originated in the coal regions of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, where Poles and other immigrants from Central Europe (Hungarians (Magyar), Czechs, Slovaks, Rusyns, Serbs, Croats) came from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to perform hard manual labor in the mines. They were called "hunkies" by the American public, which lumped them together into a category of Slavic immigrants, irrespective of their individual ethnic background. The use of the term as an ethnic slur has fallen into disuse,[1] but the term hunky and the public image associated with it has historic relevance in the perception of Slavic immigrants in the United States. There is some usage of the term in other forms; for example, it is used to describe any mill worker in regions of Pennsylvania, as part of the term Mill Hunky.[2]

Chink[1] is an English-language ethnic slur usually referring to a person of Chinese descent.[2] The word is also sometimes indiscriminately used against people of East Asian appearance in general. The use of the term describing East Asian eyes is considered highly offensive and racist, and its inclusion in modern works of literature or media has sparked controversies,[3][4] and some sources defending Asian Americans have accredited chink as akin to the the N-word.[5]

"Okie", in the most general sense, refers to a resident, native, or cultural descendant of Oklahoma, equating to Oklahoman. It is derived from the name of the state, similar to Arkie for a native of Arkansas. However, the term is most often used more specifically in a pejorative sense.
Beginning in the 1920s in California, the term came to refer to very poor migrants from Oklahoma and nearby states coming to California looking for employment. The Dust Bowl and the "Okie" migration of the 1930s brought in over a million newly displaced people, many headed to the farm labor jobs advertised in the Central Valley of California.

Joseph Force Crater (January 5, 1889 – disappeared August 6, 1930, declared legally dead June 6, 1939) was a New York State Supreme Court Justice who went missing amid political scandal.

Captain Kidd did bury a small cache of treasure on Gardiners Island off the eastern coast of Long Island, New York, in a spot known as Cherry Tree Field. Governor Bellomont reported
