Dama Hermosa

 Black heels, red cloud
With Spanish fleur
Guitars and claps are getting louder
As she is entering the floor
 She's Earth, she's Fire
 Two eldest foes
 She is eruption, she's volcano
 A child of both

    Dama Hermosa
Muy peligrosa
Would you please dance with me?
Hueles a rosas
Spring ariosa
Please let me feel your rhythm
    Dama hermosa
May I get closer?
I'm so in love with you
Amor espinosa
Oh, mia cosa
Vino sabroso
Can you please be my Muse?

 She swirls on her toes
She smiles and you're lost
Up in the fields of Heaven
And when she is close
It feels like time slows
And that is the most
You remember
 Smooth lines, she's fluent
She is the Queen
Her grace, her movements
Are nothing I have ever seen
She's soul, she's matter
The gist of Life

