our world

with Oba.

environmental pollution dirt and dust;
the pursuit of profit and fame in lust.
something is changing around us,
and I am here to help this world awake.

The climate is so corrupt,
And out weather has lost it's beauty.
Our days are so long
and the nights so lost.

we often hate for alien views;
but breed quarrels and wars.
well, that doesn't really mean anything
since our happiness isn't indoors.

Dreams have been cut short,
And our ground is full of bloods.
Suicide is now a game
People are rushing without a chase.

I love you sky, oh I love you breathlessly.
I love you sun for the warmth and for the light.
I love you friends for being with me
and for giving me a reason to fight.

The people of this world can be awful!
and the truth can be bitter.
The government can be dangerous
Leaving us to die.

then again I still believe in people and peace.
the children's faces are like ripe peaches,
the earth is warmed by the light of their souls
so hope is not lost or dead yet.

Our moon is filled with blood,
And the air with hunger and cries.
Thick smoke everywhere
It's like we're going to die.

So we put the odds together
Hoping our land will someday be cleaned
Of the pains we cause our fellow men
And the scars laid on colors

yeah our world has it's problems
most actually are worthless.
so I believe in myself and in my fellow
and against all odds we will be blessed.
