Please, senorina

Excuse me, miss, my words can not express
How you misled me right away, in moment.
Your sun has helped you when my lonely rest
Was taken artificially, was stolen.

Myself forgotten, lost with vertigo
When ardently your Tuscan winds were blowing,
When there has been a will for you to go
Before my very eyes, your smile was flowing.

Please, senorina, mention you yourself
This silly small ragazzo you were seeing
At warmth of midnight's milk, in little cell
Of your palazzo, in your pretty being.

Please, leave a place in your sweet giorno thoughts,
Embed me in your dreams of dolce notte
To make connection of our ways and routs.
I'm so admired - don't let me be forgotten.


Если предмет воздыханий ЛГ - итальянка, то тогда signorina.
Понравилось. Заинтриговало.
С пожеланием творческих успехов

Ольга Егоренко   23.06.2021 13:32     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за подсказку, Ольга
Мне очень приятно!

Маргарита Ермишина   23.06.2021 14:31   Заявить о нарушении