Thoughts in the rain

The walls of the
old stone house
were darkened
by the rain .
The old stones
of the old house
 were dark gray
 from the rain .
 The sky is gray.
 Buildings are
gray in color .
The roads
turned gray.
Even the mood is
somewhat gray.
I remember when
 I had a yellow
 raincoat and
 you had
yellow rubber boots.
And we had
so much fun walking
 in the rain.
 And people
 who happened to see
 us would smile
 and say to us :
"Oh, how sunny you are".
I look out
 the window
 and remember the good
times of my life.
 Now we are too
 serious and grown-
up to wear
a yellow raincoat
and yellow
rubber boots,
 but in gray rainy
 weather it
is so uplifting.
