Жди меня. Перевод на английский

Перевод "Жди меня..." К.Симонова

Wait for me  - I’ll come again,
Just be longing for!
Wait through  boring yellow rain
Falling  ever more,

Wait through raging snow-storms
Or when heat’s utmost,
Wait while  others are forgotten,
In oblivion lost.

Wait despite no letters’ come
From remote place,
Wait when waiting makes all sick
Of the waiting case.

Wait for me  and  I’ll be back,
Don’t you please sustain
Those who know it for sure:
«Waiting is in vain».

Let my son and mother think
That I don’t exist,
Let my friends, of waiting tired,
Sit by mantelpiece,

Mourning over bitter wine
To my perished soul,
But you shall not drink with them -
Wait in spite of all.

Wait for me  and  I’ll return
From whichever hell.
‘Damn it! He’s a lucky guy’,
One can ever tell…

They can’t reckon, poor them,
How from  the fire
You have managed t’ rescue me,
Waiting with desire.

Only you and me aware
Of survival’s stealth:
Your ability to wait
As nobody’s else!..

Alexey, your translation deserves the highest praise - it's really perfect! I feel madly jealous of your talent!:)

Татьяна Беляева 10   27.04.2021 11:12     Заявить о нарушении
Long time no see, no hear-of!! Epey uzun zamandır varlığınızı hissettirmiyorsunuz! Umarım, iyisinizdir!!

Vallahi kayıplara karışmışsınız!!

Sonsuz teşekkürler! You are as usual very kind and polite in assessing my feeble creative efforts.

Have a good vacation, dear colleague!

Алексей Шиванов   27.04.2021 13:49   Заявить о нарушении
Алексей, с ДНЁМ ПОБЕДЫ!


Татьяна Беляева 10   09.05.2021 08:43   Заявить о нарушении
Взаимно!! С Днём Великой Победы, которая всегда с нами!!

Алексей Шиванов   09.05.2021 09:55   Заявить о нарушении