Tired of Running

It returns to the winter.
There's sleeping grass.
Dry reeds tremble and cover the water with ripples.
The crooked horse barely wanders under a row of aspens and willows.
It's so naked and unfriendly in the meadows
that I want snow to fall.
Tired of running on the Mobius strip,
I drink vermouth, I taste lemon, black grapes
and strawberry ice.
There's harvest of potatoes, apples and plums in my basement.
There's a carafe of olive,
tomatoes, basil
and kilotons of happiness,
generated by the hearts of the entire world
here on my kitchen table.
Those who have eyes would see.
As if everything is in everything and nothing.
Zero presence isn't identical with emptiness.
This is a toddler's game on the shore of a lonely ocean.

- Splash of water, the sound of bells, laryngeal singing.
  I hear it or it's just my mind game?
- Do you want to dissect reality?
  Attach labels with signatures
  and put everything in the bottom drawer of your desk?
- What did I say to hear some weirdness in response?
- My words are an echo of your thoughts.
  You have to live with them.
- Don't be angry.
- For a long time now, nothing in this world has angered or surprised me.
  Listen to what you hear.
  Live in peace, my dear Ivasyk Telesyk.

Drink young wine.
Smoke magic herbs,
collected on the day of the summer solstice.
Listen to Mozart's music played on sitar and tambourine.
Love with love in the heart, in the body and beyond.
In every pose of tantric dance, in every asana make it love.
Live like you live for the first time.
Live as if you live the last moment of your life.
To drink or not to drink this drink
isn't for you to decide.
Because in fact you had decided it hundreds years ago.
You've just forgotten.
Wake up!
Live with peace and love!

09.08 26/04 2021
© Copyright: Valentin Luchenko, 2017
