А может быть это было яйцо?
В Саду Эдемском каждый был бы рад
Змей подворовывал яйца из гнезда,
Он знал, что делать этого нельзя,
И так умело прятал все следы, что всё шло гладко.
Однажды Ева как-то раз под деревом была
Сидела очень тихо, не спала.
И у неё возникла вдруг догадка.
Боясь огласки Змей решил схитрить,
Немножечко над Евой подшутить,
Запудрить ей мозги и всё в порядке.
Но Ева всё не так немного поняла,
Сама поела и Адаму часть яйца дала.
Все это видели, и это было гадко.
С тех пор не могут люди жить в раю,
А сами добывать должны на жизнь свою,
И ненавидят Змея: " Вот мол гад, а ведь такой был гладкий."
А Змей от страха убежал без ног,
Ах если б всё назад вернуть он только мог.
И больше этой женщине не скажет он ни слова.
Он прячется и мёрзнет по ночам,
И только прошипит: " Да чтоб всем вам.
Ах, если б снова..."
May be It Was an Egg?
I would give a plenty,
Even a tooth
To know what had happened,
Only the truth.
Living in the Garden
Was the best,
But Serpent got a taste
For eggs from the Nest.
May be it fell out
At the first time,
When Serpent took a lick,
It was divine.
So he started stealing eggs
Time by time,
And nobody knew that,
It was fine.
Once Eve was meditating
Under the Tree,
She was very quiet,
Her Spirit was free.
She heard a little crack,
And a gulp, and a crunch,
It looked like Serpent
Was having his lunch.
Afraid that will be known
that he is a freak,
Serpent decided
To play a trick.
He used all his skills
And he told Eve :
He is not a troublemaker,
Not a thief.
It wasn't forbidden,
Not at all,
And he is the wisest
Of them all.
But this little secret
She should keep,
And happy with himself
He went to sleep.
Eve was confused :
May be he is right.
What if she takes
Only one bite?
It tasted strange
And she asked Adam :
What do you think?
Here try some.
Many saw it.
It was disgrace:
You can't live here,
This is not your place.
Living in the Garden
Was so sweet,
Now hard labor
To make ends meet.
They got kicked out,
No questions asked.
Serpent schemes
Were unmasked.
And was no chance
To plea or beg,
Serpent in fright
Ran off his legs.
So people distrust snakes
From beginning of time :
How such a deceiver
Was created by Divine?
Serpent was so fake,
So obtuse,
But his appearance
Felt so smooth.
Since then he is hiding,
Hissing on and on :
All evil from a woman
Correct me if I'm wrong.
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