The Principal of Love

Two aliens, a man and a woman, walk along the endless sandy beach
It might be somewhere in South Africa.
On the edge of our swollen Ecumenical.
There is no one neither close to them nor nearby.
Neither Africans nor Afrikaners.
A paradise for introverts and their sympathizers (ambiverts).
Their fingers are intertwined with alpha, beta and theta rhythms
together with the heart neurons.
Om Mani Padme Hum!

- Tell me about quantum physics, darling.
- Oh! Don't make me laugh.
- I'm serious.
- What on earth so beautiful woman is interested in such a chimera
  as quantum physics?
- Don't be a sexist! Come on. Talk.
- OK. You know, quantum physics begins where the so-called common sense ends.
- I know. It doesn't scare me. Love me. Pour yourself into me again and again.
- Oh dear, you're marvelous. You've grasped the essence of quantum mechanics
  in a nick of time.
- Come on! Don't hesitate. Pour your power into me. Let it burned me.
  Resurrect me. My blood boils.

In a magical strange world, Maya and Mara play a fractal game without rules.
It seems so. Mathematician Dr. Wonderland hid the algorithm so wisely,
that no one will understand it.
In this battle no one will be able to overcome enemies,
everyone will be beaten, deceived,
the bank will be broken,
the bribe will be taken.
Everything is useless.
We have only one choice:
play the game or not.
I say "No".

11.17 25/04 2021
© Valentin Luchenko, 2021
