Beta Version

This is a magic in the test mode.
The Beta Version.
The flow of power from my finger tips to yours,
from my pupils into your retina,
and then into our mutual neural networks.
Catch mental fishes: small and enormous.
Get on my knees, my dear wild cat.
Release your purr, generate alpha waves:
gamma, delta and even theta.
Make my thoughts flow slow down.
Make the electromagnetic field current up
in my microcosm.

The mass media now report about cataclysms,
bombing of children's hospitals,
death of the last dictator of the twentieth century
and the inevitable fall of the Evil Empire in the East.
Until recently, it would have affected me,
it would upset my senses, darken my mind,
but I'm as calm as a lion after a delicious dinner,
I look at all this through a crack in half-closed eyelids
and arrive to conclusion:
it takes me a couple of years to see
the noise subsides,
the ripples of the waves are absorbed by the reeds
and the lake is mirror-clean again
The text of my party and my Tao is written on the thirds
So I'd better have rest. No worry. Everything will be fine.

Let's listen to Bach and the Rolling Stones
performed by a chamber orchestra
in this provincial philharmonic.
A Beta Version of our Magic World is being tested today.

14.41. 23/04 2021
© Valentin Luchenko, 2021
