Тайна вселенной а. смолл - ru-en

A huge ancient sun,
Incomprehensibly shining in the sky.
Caressing the innocent blue planet
With an endless ray.
Our coevals do not understand
This pure cosmic love.
The blessed tenderness of celestial bodies
Saddens the breathing creatures.

Even fighting countries and continents
With their light -
Writers, artists, sculptors,
Other half-poets,
Putting stains on a white virgin piece
Of paper,
Have not approached the truth,
Concealed from everyone by space.

Only merchant-saints in temples
Are futher from the truth than these.
They sell long candles
To a herd of suffering rams.
Wearing gold chains,
Not knowing any need,
They preach life in deprivation,
Satiety in hunger, faith in suffering.

And  having the minds hardened in torment,
Each hour they gnaw granite,
Always peering into magnifying glasses
Of their unfortunate microscopes,
With the haunting gaze of a telescope,
Tearing apart the heavenly flesh,
They comprehend all the secrets of the universe,
But they don't understand one.

On the theory of evolution of species:
(If all this is not deception)
All people living now
Are the fruit of the love of two monkeys.
The sun shines on the ground simply
Because it loves it!
There is no need for other explanations,
Love explains everything!

(c) Андрей Смолл

(с) translated into English by Maryna Tchianova
