письмо другу

Old thing, your verses are excellent!1
But why you doubt, that I thou friend?
Why do you use a doubtful “if”,
A friendship needs a more belief.

I often dreams about those times,
When we were young and health and wise,
Sure, anyone has only youth,
But often we our youth disuse.

I now rather stupid old,
All of my talents have been sold,
And what I can receive instead -
A mournful eyes and gray-haired head.

I can buy food, but can’t it eat,
Because my liver doesn’t unfit,
I have a lot of seldom wines,
But only look at bottles design.

And even girls, who now so cheap
So long my trousers don’t unzip.
My life a file off dullness date,
I boss, but really peasant slave.

But you are right - don’t mention it,
We both alive, keep smiling kid!

