Civilization Vicious Circle

Asking yourself "What is the meaning of life?",
we try to solve a task that no answer.
The question needs to be clarified.
What life, whose life?
The life on Earth has obvious meanings:
they are the continuation of every creature,
the continuation of the genus,
expansion, filling everything and all on this planet.
But when we ask ourselves "what is the meaning of my life?"
we get into a dead end again.
We are not able to just live like everything alive on Earth.
For we are strangers here.
Only poverty and trouble turns back to us with the enormous power of instincts
and we might merge with nature
and for some time imitate the "children of the earth".
Then purely human, civilizational illnesses disappear
and we return to hell survival, become healthy and strong, cohesive and tempered.
But we are strangers on this planet.
Even if we have been made from the gunpowder and earth's clay,
it does not change anything.
Because the star dust sitting in our hearts does not allow us to fall asleep
when after the heavy dinner we are looking at the greatness of the Milky Way.
"I want home!" would say a voice of an immortal man in the body of a mortal god.
And this voice will be heard again.
And they will fly to Earth to begin a new round of civilization once again.

08.59. 09/04 2021

© Copyright: Valentin Luchenko
